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Configuring Volume Binder > Filesystem Path



I'm having some trouble with the container configuration screen in the Container Playground.  The field I'm having trouble with is Volume Binder > Filesystem Path.  I'm not sure what to put in here.  I have entered a new path assuming a new docker volume will be created, but I don't know how to access this volume, e.g., via ssh after my container exits.   After my run, the Container's filesystem output in the Dashboard is empty.

I'm just trying to retrieve the files written during the container run, ultimately back to my local machine.  I have this kind of scheme working locally with a created docker volume (steve123_data) and my container volume (data).  I use a  run line like: 

      docker run  -v steve123_data:/data  <container>

I then access the docker volume contents with:

     ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/steve123_data/_data/

I was hoping to use a similar scheme where I can get at the docker volume over ssh after my container exits.

As you may be able to tell, I'm new to Docker and the Container Playground; likely there is a better way to do this.  My container seems to run fine on DevCloud though, and I feel pretty I'm close to "closing the loop" :).  Any help would be appreciated.


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6 Replies

Hi Steve_D 

The only container configuration which is hard coded is the output mount folder  ( /mount_folder) in CFA DevCloud the rest of the configuration are not needed and are optional on DevCloud but can be user defined for a user container in the user space but may not work on DevCloud.

Hope this helps !

0 Kudos


Thanks for the response.  I'm not sure how to use the information given though. 

I would like to be able to see files that were written to my Docker container's WORKDIR during the container's run, and copy them back to my laptop.  For example if my container runs a script that writes a file to my "/data" WORKDIR, how can I configure my run in the Container Playground, to be able to see the written file after the container exits? 

I've been able to do this on my local machine, as described above, by creating a Docker volume in the Docker run command line.  Since I don't have a run command, per se, in the Container Playground launch, I'm assuming I have to do something in the Container Playground configuration screen ( e.g. enter some Volume Binder info), to connect my workdir with the persistent Docker layer associated with my container instance.

I've looked for an example of using the Container Playground in such a way.  I'd like to be able to us the Container Playground without using OpenVINO or the JupyterLab environment, i.e., just using the Container Playground web interface.

I may just be me missing something I should already know, but I am stuck, and appreciate your help.


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Hi Steve_D

On Intel® DevCloud CFA, the user will have limited access to the configuration file at run time, the only change a user can do via the user interface is output_folder which is hard coded to /mount_folder for Intel® DevCloud CFA.

On your local machine, you can access the container by commenting on the RUN command at the end of the docker file and then running the script inside the container.

Hope this information help

Thank you

0 Kudos



Thanks for the reply.   I'm not sure how to map what you describe to the Container Playground UI (I'm assuming DevCloud CFA == Container Playground). 

Sorry, I don't yet understand: only "output_folder" can be changed via the user interface, but  it is hard-coded to "/mount_folder".  Which configuration field in the Container Playground UI does this refer to? "Output Mount Point"?  I am currently setting that field to a workdir declared in my docker file.  The script that my container runs currently puts its output files there.  Maybe I need to use a "/mount_folder" prefix to this path? (example screen shot attached)

Can you please elaborate on the last line above regarding the docker file.  The last line of my docker file currently runs a script via a docker file CMD command. This script writes files to my "Output Mount Point" path, as mentioned above.  

To describe my issue another way, I see the Container Playgound Dashboard page has an "Output" column for file system output.  Mine is always empty ("No Records Found") after a "Completed" run status.  I'm looking for guidance on how to use this feature, given the Container Playground's UI and batch mode of operation.  I can't find a Container Playground sample that shows how to do this.

Thanks for your help!






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Hi Steve_D 

Apology for the delay. We are still investigating the issue you are facing and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you

0 Kudos

Hi Steve_D 

Volume Binder is a mechanism through which you can mount a particular file/folder onto a container where FileSystem Path corresponds to “mountPath” and input mount path corresponds to “subPath” of the mountPath

The output of the “Output Mount Point” can be accessed by using “shell” access to the container where all the files dumped would reside

Hope this information help

Thank you

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