Intel® DevCloud
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1708 Discussions

Too many authentication failures



For years I have had a devcloud account and have had few problems.  In the last week or so things have started to go wrong.

Initially logging into started to fail.  Logging in requires user name and password followed by onetime pin.  Logging in appeared to work ok but then the attached screen appears : Internal Server Error (from

Now my login to devcloud itself is failing  "Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures"

Both these accesses have worked for years and this has only started happening in the last week and it appears that no-one in Intel support is able to address this problem.  It appears that the login problem with has now spread to the access to the actual devcloud machines. 



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3 Replies

Just to clarify this problem.  I have three colleagues who are trying to access and had similar problem.  Two have managed to log in to and have created the dev cloud account and have now logged into devcloud machines.  One was using Chrome and managed to get in.  Another got this message (from a different machine but trying to access the same web site) when looking at the web diagnostics..

The claims exchange 'RestApi-Google-reCaptcha-LoginAccount' specified in step '8' returned HTTP error response with Code 'InternalServerError' and Reason 'Internal Server Error'.

In all cases when you log in and get the Internal Server error.. never fear.. you have actually logged in to the intel server provided you have entered a valid email address and valid password and completed the one time pin response.  If you ignore the error and visit any other intel page (for example you will find that you have been logged in correctly.

The web login problem still exists for two of us.  We have both cleared cache and tried different web browsers (Microsoft edge, chrome, firefox). 

On the ssh access to devcloud machines I have two machines with identical ssh setup, both used to work.  Now one machine reports "Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures" the other machine logs into dev cloud successfully.

I suspect that someone in Intel support should look at both of these issues.  When you start the web login process there is a link that you can use to contact Intel support, however the response from them is that they do not offer support for devcloud access, the only route is via the forum.  As I have seen from this community (see Error at login devcloud ) if you have a problem the intel response is still cant help!


The web issue does seem to be related to reCatcha ..

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Hi peteasa,


Thank you for reaching out to us.


Technical support for Intel® oneAPI DevCloud is not available at this time. This forum is only supported by peers in the Community. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Visit Intel® Toolkits with Priority Support for additional information or create an account on Intel® Developer Cloud.






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Hi Erza,

I only respond to information that Intel provide me!  Notice on the sign in page Intel provides a link "Problems signing in?".  Follow that link and create a support request and Intel support suggest that this forum is the way to get support problems solved:

Case #: 06273618: our tech experts provide this product's support only in the public forum

I can see that the one sign in for all Intel products does give Intel a support problem since what is actually happening is that the initial login attempt works fine.. its just the follow on passthrough login attempt to the dev cloud server that seems to fail.... and still fails today.

This issue remains open in my opinion!




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