Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
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6529 Discussions

[Error 5] Toolkit Error: Stage Details Not Supported




This time I'm trying to implement yolov3 on NCS. There are 3 significant layers in yolov3 to upsample feature maps.


In tensorflow, it seems that there's no existing upsample layer.(I'm not so sure..) so I use tf.image.ResizeNearestNeighbor instead. When I do mvNCCheck, it gives an Error 5 Toolkit Error: Stage Details Not Supported:ResizeNearestNeighbor. It seems NCAPI still doesn't support it, isn't it?


And also, there are error 5 showing that the api doesn't support truediv/splitV and so on. I simplified the model to do those div/split work in cpu, but upsampling is the key part in this network. Can anyone give me some solutions to do the upsampling on movidius?


Waiting for the NCS to support more and more ops.. orz


Thank you so much!

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