Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Community assistance about the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, OpenCV, and all aspects of computer vision-related on Intel® platforms.

How make our own model to run on Intel NCS


Hello,we are working on a project for face detection, actually our goal is to run our trained model in raspberry pi using Intel NCS, in which we are facing some problems, we tried to convert our trained model in to Open Vino format (.xml and .bin) thought we got some trouble in starting we manged to convert them successfully, but even though we achieved it we are unable to run our model, I am kindly requesting you to help us regarding this issues. We are waiting for your replay

                                                                                   Thanking you

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1 Reply

Dear Srinivas, Adithya,

I don't understand what you mean by "Not able to run our model" but I'm assuming you're unable to run inference on the model for which you've successfully created IR. My advice would be to start with the OpenVino samples, the C++ ones or the Python ones. You will have to choose the correct sample - we do have some face detection and object detection samples. Please incrementally adapt (change) those samples to meet your need.

Thanks for using OpenVino !


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