Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Community assistance about the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, OpenCV, and all aspects of computer vision-related on Intel® platforms.

Model Optimizer issue with a custom ONNX model




I am having issue while running Model Optimizer on a custom ONNX model file exported from Matlab. This model takes a matrix as input (where the column sizes of the consecutive matrices can be different, and each item of the matrix is a number), and outputs a vector of 4 item where each item is in the range of [0,1]. I want inferences on NCS 2. I tried basically 2 type of commands:

python3 --input_model /home/xyz/example.onnx --data_type=FP16 --output_dir /home/xyz

python3 --input_model /home/xyz/example.onnx --data_type=FP16 --output_dir /home/xyz --input_shape [1,1,3],[1,400,3],[1,400,100],[1,800],[1,1,100],[1,1,100],[100,4],[4] --input _1__Input,_2__Lstm_W,_2__Lstm_R,_2__Lstm_B,_2__Lstm_initial_h,_2__Lstm_initial_c,_6__Fully_Connect_MatMul_W,_6__Fully_Connect_Add_B

which input shapes are based on pythorch description:

"graph Network (\n  %_1__Input[FLOAT, 1x1x3]\n) optional inputs with matching initializers

(\n  %_2__Lstm_W[FLOAT, 1x400x3]\n
%_2__Lstm_R[FLOAT, 1x400x100]\n
%_2__Lstm_B[FLOAT, 1x800]\n
%_2__Lstm_initial_h[FLOAT, 1x1x100]\n
%_2__Lstm_initial_c[FLOAT, 1x1x100]\n
%_6__Fully_Connect_MatMul_W[FLOAT, 100x4]\n
%_6__Fully_Connect_Add_B[FLOAT, 4]\n)

{\n  %, %_2__Lstm = LSTM[activations = ['Sigmoid', 'Tanh', 'Tanh'], direction = 'forward', hidden_size = 100]

(%_1__Input, %_2__Lstm_W, %_2__Lstm_R, %_2__Lstm_B, %, %_2__Lstm_initial_h, %_2__Lstm_initial_c)\n

%_6__Fully_Connect_MatMul      = MatMul(%_2__Lstm, %_6__Fully_Connect_MatMul_W)\n 
%_6__Fully_Connect_Add         = Add(%_6__Fully_Connect_MatMul, %_6__Fully_Connect_Add_B)\n
%_6__Fully_Connect_Add_Flatten = Flatten[axis = 2](%_6__Fully_Connect_Add)\n

return %_6__Fully_Connect_Add_Flatten\n}"

The ONNX model is attached to this post in .rar format.

Model Optimizer version:     2019.3.0-408-gac8584cb7

Below are the standard error output of the command "python3 --input_model /home/xyz/example.onnx --data_type=FP16 --output_dir /home/xyz --log_level=DEBUG":

[ 2020-01-28 17:11:37,868 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:134 ]  Namespace(batch=None, blobs_as_inputs=False, caffe_parser_path='mo/front/caffe/proto', counts=None, data_type='FP16', disable_fusing=None, disable_gfusing=None, disable_nhwc_to_nchw=False, disable_omitting_optional=False, disable_resnet_optimization=False, enable_concat_optimization=False, enable_flattening_nested_params=False, enable_ssd_gluoncv=False, extensions='/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions', finegrain_fusing=None, framework='onnx', freeze_placeholder_with_value=None, generate_deprecated_IR_V2=None, generate_experimental_IR_V10=False, input=None, input_checkpoint=None, input_meta_graph=None, input_model='/home/xyz/example.onnx', input_model_is_text=False, input_proto=None, input_shape=None, input_symbol=None, k='extensions/front/caffe/CustomLayersMapping.xml', keep_quantize_ops_in_IR=False, keep_shape_ops=False, legacy_mxnet_model=False, log_level='DEBUG', mean_file=None, mean_file_offsets=None, mean_values=(), model_name=None, move_to_preprocess=False, nd_prefix_name=None, output=None, output_dir='/home/ppolgar/comp_onnx', pretrained_model_name=None, remove_memory=False, remove_output_softmax=False, reverse_input_channels=False, save_params_from_nd=False, saved_model_dir=None, saved_model_tags=None, scale=None, scale_values=(), silent=False, steps=False, tensorboard_logdir=None, tensorflow_custom_layer_libraries=None, tensorflow_custom_operations_config_update=None, tensorflow_object_detection_api_pipeline_config=None, tensorflow_operation_patterns=None, tensorflow_subgraph_patterns=None, tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config=None, version=False)
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:37,868 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:135 ]  Model Optimizer started
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:37,869 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:149 ]  Output model name would be example{.xml, .bin}
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:37,973 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:231 ]  Placeholder shapes : None
[ INFO ]  Importing extensions from: /opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Const
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ScaleShift
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.gather.Gather'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Gather
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Reshape
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.elementwise.Elementwise'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.transpose.Transpose'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Transpose
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Clamp
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.activation_ops.Activation'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.activation_ops.LeakyReLU'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LeakyReLU
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Concat
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Convolution
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Crop
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SoftMax
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Activation
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.broadcast.Broadcast'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Broadcast
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.constant_of_shape.ConstantOfShape'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ConstantOfShape
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.deconvolution.Deconvolution'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Deconvolution
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.deformable_convolution.DeformableConvolution'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: DeformableConvolution
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Eltwise
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_n.EltwiseN'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: EltwiseN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_ninputs_in_1.EltwiseNin1'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: EltwiseNin1
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExpandDims
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.fill.Fill'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Fill
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.flatten.Flatten'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Flatten
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.flatten_onnx.FlattenONNX'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: FlattenONNX
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.group_norm.GroupNorm'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GroupNorm
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: FullyConnected
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.lrn.LRN'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LRN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.lstmnonlinearity.LstmNonLinearity'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LstmNonLinearity
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Memory
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.memoryoffset.MemoryOffset'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: MemoryOffset
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.pad.Pad'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Pad
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Permute
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Pooling
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Power
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.result.Result'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Result
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ROIPooling
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.shape.Shape'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ShapeOf
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.slice.Slice'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Slice
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.split.Split'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Split
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Squeeze
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.strided_slice.StridedSlice'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: StridedSlice
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Tile
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.unsqueeze.Unsqueeze'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Unsqueeze
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: UnknownOp
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MulFakeQuantizeFuse.MulFakeQuantizeFuse'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.AddFakeQuantizeFuse.AddFakeQuantizeFuse'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.Eltwise1DInputReshape'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.EltwiseInputReshape'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputNormalization.EltwiseInputNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.CheckForCycle.CheckForCycle'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteNotExecutable.DeleteNotExecutable'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteControlFlowEdges.DeleteControlFlowEdges'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.MarkNodesToFuseUpToFakeQuantize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.FakeQuantizeFuse'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.CreateConstNodes.CreateConstNodesReplacement'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.FuseReshapesSequence.FuseReshapesSequence'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.RemoveRedundantReshapes.RemoveRedundantReshapes'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.InsertLayoutPropagationTransposes.InsertLayoutPropagationTranspose'>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  Importing extensions from: /opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.gather.Gather'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.elementwise.Elementwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.transpose.Transpose'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.activation_ops.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.activation_ops.LeakyReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.broadcast.Broadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.constant_of_shape.ConstantOfShape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.deconvolution.Deconvolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.deformable_convolution.DeformableConvolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_n.EltwiseN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_ninputs_in_1.EltwiseNin1'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.fill.Fill'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.flatten.Flatten'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.flatten_onnx.FlattenONNX'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.group_norm.GroupNorm'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lrn.LRN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lstmnonlinearity.LstmNonLinearity'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memoryoffset.MemoryOffset'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pad.Pad'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.result.Result'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.shape.Shape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.slice.Slice'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.split.Split'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.strided_slice.StridedSlice'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.unsqueeze.Unsqueeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.BatchMatMul.BatchMatMul'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: BatchMatMul
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.BlockLSTM.BlockLSTM'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: BlockLSTM
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Cast.Cast'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Cast
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: DetectionOutput
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Enter.Enter'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Enter
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Exit.Exit'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Exit
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.RNN.RNN'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: RNN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.GRU.GRU'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GRU
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.GRUCell.GRUCell'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GRUCell
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.GatherNd.GatherNd'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GatherNd
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.GatherTree.GatherTree'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GatherTree
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.LSTM.LSTM'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LSTM
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Log.LogOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Log
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.NextIteration.NextIteration'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: NextIteration
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.RNNCell.RNNCell'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: RNNCell
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.ReduceOps.ReduceOp'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.Reverse.Reverse'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Reverse
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SquaredDifference
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArray.TensorArray'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayV3
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayGather.TensorArrayGather'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayGatherV3
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayRead.TensorArrayReader'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayReadV3
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayScatter.TensorArrayScatter'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayScatterV3
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArraySize.TensorArraySize'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArraySizeV3
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayWrite.TensorArrayWriter'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorArrayWriteV3
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorInput'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIteratorInput
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorOutput'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIteratorOutput
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorCondition'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIteratorCondition
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorBackEdge'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIteratorBackEdge
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Accum
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.assert_op.Assert'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Assert
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.axpy.AxpyOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Axpy
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.binarization.Binarization'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Binarization
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: BN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.box_nms.BoxNms'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: _contrib_box_nms
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.constant_fill.ConstantFill'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ConstantFill
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.copy.CopyOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: copy
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Correlation
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: CTCGreedyDecoder
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: DataAugmentation
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.depth_to_space.DepthToSpaceOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: DepthToSpace
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.detectionoutput_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.exp.ExpOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Exp
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.fakequantize.FakeQuantize'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: FakeQuantize
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GRN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.identity.IdentityOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Identity
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: InstanceNormalization
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Interp
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.interpolate.Interpolate'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Interpolate
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.lstm_cell.LSTMCell'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LSTMCell
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.lstm_sequence.LSTMSequence'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LSTMSequence
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.merge.Merge'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Merge
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: MVN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.non_max_suppression.NonMaxSuppression'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: NonMaxSuppression
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Normalize
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.one_hot.OneHot'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: OneHot
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.pack.PackOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Pack
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.parameter.Parameter'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Parameter
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.pnorm.PNormOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: pnorm
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PowerFile
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PredictionHeatmap
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PReLU
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBox
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBoxClustered
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.priorgridgenerator_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Proposal
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.proposal_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PSROIPooling
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.range.Range'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Range
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.rank.Rank'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Rank
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: RegionYolo
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ReorgYolo
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Resample
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.reverse_sequence.ReverseSequence'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ReverseSequence
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.roifeatureextractor_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Select
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.shufflechannel.ShuffleChannelOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ShuffleChannel
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SimplerNMS
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.size.Size'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Size
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.space_to_depth.SpaceToDepth'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SpaceToDepth
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_fill_empty_rows.SparseFillEmptyRows'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SparseFillEmptyRows
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SpatialTransformer
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.splice.Splice'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Splice
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.splitv.SplitV'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SplitV
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.stop_gradient.StopGradientOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: StopGradient
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.swapaxis.SwapAxis'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SwapAxis
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.switch.Switch'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Switch
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.tensor_iterator.TensorIterator'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TensorIterator
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.topk.TopK'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TopK
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.topkrois_onnx.ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.unique.Unique'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Unique
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.upsample.UpsampleOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Upsample
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.inputs.InputsAnalysis'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.json_print.AnalysisJSONPrint'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.nodes.IntermediatesNodesAnalysis'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_od_api.TensorFlowObjectDetectionAPIAnalysis'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV1V2Analysis'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV3Analysis'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.InterpolateNormalizer.InterpolateNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Interpolate
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.LRNReplacer.LRNReplacer'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LRN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Pack
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.PowerToEltwises.PowerToEltwises'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Power
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Div
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.eltwise_n.EltwiseNReplacement'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: EltwiseN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.image_scaler.ImageScaler'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ImageScaler
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: InstanceNormalization
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.reciprocal.ReciprocalReplacer'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Reciprocal
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Sub
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.squared_difference.SquaredDifference'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SquaredDifference
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.FillToBroadcast.FillToBroadcast'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.binary_quantize_normalization.BinaryFakeQuantizeNormalization'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.create_tensor_nodes.CreateTensorNodes'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.disable_weights_quantize_value_propagation.DisableQuantizeValuePropagation'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.override_batch.OverrideBatch'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.ArgMaxSqueeze.ArgMaxSqueeze'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.no_op_eraser.NoOpEraser'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.affine_ext.AffineFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Affine
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.argmax_ext.ArgMaxFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.cast_ext.CastFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Cast
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.clip_ext.ClipFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Clip
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_fill_ext.ConstantFillFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ConstantFill
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_ext.ConstantOfShapeExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ConstantOfShape
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.conv_ext.ConvFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Conv
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.conv_ext.ConvTransposeFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ConvTranspose
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.crop_ext.CropFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Crop
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.deformable_conv_ext.DeformableConvExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: DeformableConv2D
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.detection_output.DetectionOutputFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: DetectionOutput
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.detectionoutput_ext.ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutputFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.dropout_ext.DropoutFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Dropout
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.AddFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Add
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MulFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Mul
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SumFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Sum
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.PowFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Pow
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.NegFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Neg
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SqrtExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Sqrt
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.ScaleFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Scale
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MaxExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Max
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.EqualExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Equal
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.LessExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Less
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.GreaterExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Greater
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.AndExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: And
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.OrExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Or
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elu_ext.EluFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Elu
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.exp_ext.ExpExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Exp
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.expand_ext.ExpandExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Expand
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.flatten_ext.FlattenFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Flatten
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.floor_ext.FloorExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Floor
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gather_ext.GatherFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Gather
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.group_norm_ext.GroupNormExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronGroupNorm
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gru_ext.GRUFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GRU
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.image_scaler_ext.ImageScalerFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ImageScaler
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.instance_normalization_ext.InstanceNormalizationExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: InstanceNormalization
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.leaky_relu_ext.LeakyReLUFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LeakyRelu
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lrn_ext.LRNFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LRN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lstm_ext.LSTMFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: LSTM
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.matmul_ext.MatMulFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: MatMul
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.normalize_ext.NormalizeFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Normalize
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.not_ext.NotExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Not
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pad_ext.PadFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Pad
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.parameter_ext.PlaceholderFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Parameter
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.AveragePoolFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: AveragePool
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.MaxPoolFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: MaxPool
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.GlobalAveragePoolFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GlobalAveragePool
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.GlobalMaxPoolFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GlobalMaxPool
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorbox_clustered_ext.PriorBoxClusteredFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBoxClustered
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorbox_ext.PriorBoxFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBox
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorgridgenerator_ext.ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGeneratorFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.proposal_ext.ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImageFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_ext.FakeQuantizeFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: FakeQuantize
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_mean_ext.ReduceMeanFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceMean
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_min_ext.ReduceMinFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceMin
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_sum_ext.ReduceSumFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ReduceSum
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.relu_ext.ReLUFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Relu
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.rnn_ext.RNNFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: RNN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.roifeatureextractor_ext.ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractorFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.shape_ext.ShapeFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Shape
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.sigmoid_ext.SigmoidFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Sigmoid
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.slice_ext.SliceFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Slice
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softmax_ext.SoftmaxFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Softmax
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.split_ext.SplitFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Split
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.squeeze_ext.SqueezeFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Squeeze
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.tanh_ext.TanhFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Tanh
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.top_k_ext.TopKExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: TopK
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.topkrois_ext.ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIsFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.transpose_ext.TransposeFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Transpose
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.unsqueeze_ext.UnsqueezeFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Unsqueeze
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.upsample_ext.UpsampleFrontExtractor'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Upsample
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.InterpolateNormalizer.InterpolateNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.LRNReplacer.LRNReplacer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.PowerToEltwises.PowerToEltwises'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.eltwise_n.EltwiseNReplacement'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.image_scaler.ImageScaler'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.reciprocal.ReciprocalReplacer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.squared_difference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.FillToBroadcast.FillToBroadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.binary_quantize_normalization.BinaryFakeQuantizeNormalization'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.create_tensor_nodes.CreateTensorNodes'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.disable_weights_quantize_value_propagation.DisableQuantizeValuePropagation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.override_batch.OverrideBatch'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_to_broadcast.ConstantOfShapeToBroadcast'>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.ArgMaxSqueeze.ArgMaxSqueeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.no_op_eraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.MulFakeQuantizeFuse.MulFakeQuantizeFuse'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.AddFakeQuantizeFuse.AddFakeQuantizeFuse'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.Eltwise1DInputReshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.EltwiseInputReshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputNormalization.EltwiseInputNormalize'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.CheckForCycle.CheckForCycle'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteNotExecutable.DeleteNotExecutable'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteControlFlowEdges.DeleteControlFlowEdges'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.MarkNodesToFuseUpToFakeQuantize'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.FakeQuantizeFuse'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.AddIsCyclicAttribute.AddIsCyclicAttribute'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.AddMeanScaleValues.AddMeanScaleValues'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.AnchorToPriorBox.AnchorToPriorBoxes'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ArgMaxToTopK.ArgMaxToTopK'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseChecker.EltwiseChecker'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.BiasAddBroadcasting.BiasAddInputBroadcasting'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveIdentity'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveDropout'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveNodesWithZeroPhase'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.Cast.CastToFloatMark'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ChangePlaceholderTypes.ChangePlaceholderTypes'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConcatOptimization.ConcatOptimization'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConstSwitchResolver.ConstSwitchEraser'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConvToBinaryConv.ConvToBinaryConv'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SliceConverter.ConvertSlice'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Slice
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertMultiInputConv.ConvertMultiInputConv'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.CustomSubgraphCall.CustomSubgraphCall'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBias.DecomposeBias'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DepthToSpace.DepthToSpace'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.DilatedConvolution.DilatedConvolutionConverter'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FakeSplitOutputs.AddFakeOutputsToSplit'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FlattenONNXToReshape.FlattenONNXToReshape'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormTrainingCatch.FusedBatchNormTrainingCatch'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.GRURNNSequenceToTensorIterator.GRUAndRNNToTensorIterator'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.GatherNdNormalizer.GatherNdNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.GemmResolver.GemmResolver'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.GemmToFullyConnected.GemmToFullyConnected'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.GroupNorm.GroupNormToMVN'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GroupNorm
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.InputCut.MiddleInputCut'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.InsertSelect.AddSelectBeforeMemoryNodePattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.L2NormToNorm.L2NormToNorm'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RNNSequenceNormalizeToIE.RNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.LSTMRNNSequenceToTensorIterator.LSTMToTensorIterator'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetSplitMultiLayers.MXNetSplitLayersToRNNSequence'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.MinimumMiddleReplacer.MinimumMiddleReplacer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.NasNet.NasNet'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.NormalizeFullyConnected.NormalizeFullyConnected'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.NormalizePad.NormalizePad'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluFakeQuantizeMark'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ClampQuantizeMark'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluQuantizeFuse'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.RemoveMemoryDuplicationPattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.MergeNeighborSplicePattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveRedundantReshapeAfterCropAndResize.RemoveRedundantReshapeAfterCropAndResize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessCrops.RemoveUselessCropsPattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetNodePattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithMemoryNodePattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReplacePNorm.ReplacePNormNodePattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseTransposeNormalization.ReverseTransposeNormalization'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseV2ToReverseSequence.ReverseToReverseSequence'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ScaleInput.ScaleInput'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SharedWeightsDuplication.SharedWeightsDuplication'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ShuffleChannel.ShuffleChannel'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SwapAxesMiddleReplacer.SwapAxisMiddleReplacer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SmartInputMatcher'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SimpleInputMatcher'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.BackEdgeSimpleInputMatcher'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.SwitchMergeOptimization.SwitchMergeMiddleReplacer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TF_lstm_cell_to_generic.TensorFlowLSTMtoGeneric'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.LoopConditionMatcher'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.SimpleConditionMatcher'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.DynamicDecoderConditionMatcher'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorBackEdge.BackEdgesMatching'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorConditionChecker.ConditionChecks'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorLSTMToLSTMSequence.TensorIteratorLSTM'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SmartOutputMatcher'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SimpleOutputMatcher'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.TileReplacer.TileMultipleAxisReplacer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.UpsampleToResample.UpsampleToResample'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.UselessMerge.UselessMergeEraser'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.UselessSplitEraser.UselessSplitEraser'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.UselessStridedSlice.UselessStridedSliceEraser'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.reverse_tensor_iterator.ReverseTensorIteratorLSTM'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.space_to_depth.SpaceToDepth'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.ssd_anchors_to_const.SsdAnchorsMiddleReplacer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.wights_permute_normalizer.WeightsPermuteNormalizer'>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.CreateConstNodes.CreateConstNodesReplacement'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.FuseReshapesSequence.FuseReshapesSequence'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.RemoveRedundantReshapes.RemoveRedundantReshapes'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.InsertLayoutPropagationTransposes.InsertLayoutPropagationTranspose'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled.
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.LayoutChangeForConstantShapePaths.LayoutChangeForConstantShapePaths'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ActivationsNormalizer.ActivationsNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.AvgPool.AvgPool'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionNormalizer.ConvolutionNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.EltwiseBroadcast.EltwiseBroadcast'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ForceStrictPrecision.ForceStrictPrecision'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.FuseTransposesSequence.FuseTransposesSequence'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.OptimizeTransposeReshapeSequence.OptimizeTransposeReshapeSequence'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReshapeMutation.ReshapeMutation'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReshapeMutation.FlattenMutation'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReshapeMutation.DisableReshapeMutationInTensorIterator'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ConvolutionReshaper.ConvolutionReshaper'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.CropToStridedSlice.CropToStridedSlice'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ParameterToPlaceholder.ParameterToInput'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.CutMemory.CutMemory'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.DumpFakeQuantStat.DumpFakeQuantStat'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ElementwiseOpsToEltwiseOps.SimpleEltwiseToEltwiseOp'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ElementwiseOpsToEltwiseOps.DivideToEltwises'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ElementwiseOpsToEltwiseOps.SubtractToEltwises'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ElementwiseOpsToEltwiseOps.EltwisesWithScalarInputToPower'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ElementwiseOpsToEltwiseOps.MulAddPowerMerge'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ElementwiseOpsToEltwiseOps.MulPowPowerMerge'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ElementwiseOpsToEltwiseOps.AddPowPowerMerge'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ElementwiseOpsToEltwiseOps.MulAddPowPowerMerge'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.EnableConstantStridedSlice.EnableConstantStridedSlice'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.Gather0D.Gather0D'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.GroupedConvWeightsNormalize.GroupedConvWeightsNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.InterpolateToInterpOrResample.InterpolateToInterpOrResample'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.LRNToNorm.LRNToNorm'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.LeakyReluToReluWithNegativeSlope.LeakyReluToReluWithNegativeSlope'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.MatMulNormalizer.MatMulNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.MaxPool.MaxPool'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.NormalizeToNormalizeL2.NormalizeToNormalizeL2'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.PackBinaryWeights.PackBinaryWeights'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.PadNormalizer.PadNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.RNNSequenceTypeRename.RNNSequence'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReduceToPooling.ReduceReplacer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ReduceTransposeDimensions.ReduceTransposeDimensions'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.RepackFCWeightsNHWCToNCHW.RepackFCWeightsNHWCToNCHW'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ResultNormalizer.ResultNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ScalarConstNormalize.ScalarNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ScalarConstNormalize.ScalarNormalizeForSpecificOps'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ScalarConstNormalize.RangeInputNormalize'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.SelectBroadcast.SelectBroadcast'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.SelectInputNormalizer.SelectInputNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ShapeOfToShape.ShapeOfToShape'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.TransposeToPermute.TransposeToPermute'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization.ShuffleChannelPatternOptimization'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.ShufflenetReLUReorder.ShufflenetReLUReorder'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.TileReshaper.TileReshaper'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.TopKNormalizer.TopKNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.TransposeFCWeights.TransposeFCWeights'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.blob_normalizer.BlobNormalizer'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.disable_unsupported_ND_operations.DisableUnsupportedNDOperations'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.insert_compatibility_l2normalization.CompatibilityL2NormalizationPattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.priorbox_mutation.PriorboxMutation'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,174 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:48 ]  All replacers has unique idxs.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,174 ] [ DEBUG ] [ onnx:63 ]  Number of nodes in graph_def: 4
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,174 ] [ DEBUG ] [ onnx:64 ]  Number of all input ports (not true inputs) in graph_def: 8
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ onnx:65 ]  Number of initializers in graph_def: 7
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ onnx:66 ]  Number of real inputs in graph_def: 1
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Affine to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.affine_ext.AffineFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ArgMax to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.argmax_ext.ArgMaxFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Cast to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.cast_ext.CastFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Clip to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.clip_ext.ClipFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ConstantFill to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_fill_ext.ConstantFillFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ConstantOfShape to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_ext.ConstantOfShapeExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Conv to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.conv_ext.ConvFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ConvTranspose to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.conv_ext.ConvTransposeFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Crop to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.crop_ext.CropFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry DeformableConv2D to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.deformable_conv_ext.DeformableConvExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry DetectionOutput to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.detection_output.DetectionOutputFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutput to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.detectionoutput_ext.ExperimentalDetectronDetectionOutputFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Dropout to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.dropout_ext.DropoutFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Add to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.AddFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Mul to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MulFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Sum to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SumFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Pow to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.PowFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Neg to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.NegFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Sqrt to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.SqrtExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Scale to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.ScaleFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Max to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.MaxExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Equal to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.EqualExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Less to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.LessExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Greater to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.GreaterExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry And to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.AndExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Or to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elementwise_ext.OrExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Elu to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.elu_ext.EluFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Exp to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.exp_ext.ExpExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Expand to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.expand_ext.ExpandExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Flatten to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.flatten_ext.FlattenFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Floor to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.floor_ext.FloorExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Gather to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gather_ext.GatherFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronGroupNorm to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.group_norm_ext.GroupNormExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry GRU to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.gru_ext.GRUFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ImageScaler to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.image_scaler_ext.ImageScalerFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry InstanceNormalization to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.instance_normalization_ext.InstanceNormalizationExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry LeakyRelu to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.leaky_relu_ext.LeakyReLUFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry LRN to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lrn_ext.LRNFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry LSTM to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.lstm_ext.LSTMFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,175 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry MatMul to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.matmul_ext.MatMulFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Normalize to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.normalize_ext.NormalizeFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Not to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.not_ext.NotExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Pad to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pad_ext.PadFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Parameter to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.parameter_ext.PlaceholderFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry AveragePool to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.AveragePoolFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry MaxPool to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.MaxPoolFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry GlobalAveragePool to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.GlobalAveragePoolFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry GlobalMaxPool to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.pooling_ext.GlobalMaxPoolFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry PriorBoxClustered to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorbox_clustered_ext.PriorBoxClusteredFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry PriorBox to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorbox_ext.PriorBoxFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGenerator to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.priorgridgenerator_ext.ExperimentalDetectronPriorGridGeneratorFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImage to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.proposal_ext.ExperimentalDetectronGenerateProposalsSingleImageFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry FakeQuantize to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.quantize_ext.FakeQuantizeFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ReduceMean to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_mean_ext.ReduceMeanFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ReduceMin to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_min_ext.ReduceMinFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ReduceSum to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.reduce_sum_ext.ReduceSumFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Relu to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.relu_ext.ReLUFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry RNN to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.rnn_ext.RNNFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractor to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.roifeatureextractor_ext.ExperimentalDetectronROIFeatureExtractorFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Shape to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.shape_ext.ShapeFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Sigmoid to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.sigmoid_ext.SigmoidFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Slice to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.slice_ext.SliceFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Softmax to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.softmax_ext.SoftmaxFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Split to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.split_ext.SplitFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Squeeze to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.squeeze_ext.SqueezeFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Tanh to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.tanh_ext.TanhFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry TopK to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.top_k_ext.TopKExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIs to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.topkrois_ext.ExperimentalDetectronTopKROIsFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Transpose to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.transpose_ext.TransposeFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Unsqueeze to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.unsqueeze_ext.UnsqueezeFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:74 ]  Added a new entry Upsample to extractors with custom extractor class <class 'extensions.front.onnx.upsample_ext.UpsampleFrontExtractor'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry ScaleShift to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Clamp to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Convolution to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Activation to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Broadcast to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.broadcast.Broadcast'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Deconvolution to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.deconvolution.Deconvolution'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry DeformableConvolution to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.deformable_convolution.DeformableConvolution'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Eltwise to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry EltwiseN to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_n.EltwiseN'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,176 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry EltwiseNin1 to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.eltwise_ninputs_in_1.EltwiseNin1'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry ExpandDims to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Fill to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.fill.Fill'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry FlattenONNX to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.flatten_onnx.FlattenONNX'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry GroupNorm to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.group_norm.GroupNorm'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry FullyConnected to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry LstmNonLinearity to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.lstmnonlinearity.LstmNonLinearity'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Memory to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry MemoryOffset to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.memoryoffset.MemoryOffset'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Permute to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Pooling to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Power to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Result to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.result.Result'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry ROIPooling to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry ShapeOf to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.shape.Shape'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry StridedSlice to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.strided_slice.StridedSlice'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Tile to extractors with custom op class <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry BatchMatMul to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.BatchMatMul.BatchMatMul'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry BlockLSTM to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.BlockLSTM.BlockLSTM'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Enter to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.Enter.Enter'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Exit to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.Exit.Exit'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry GRUCell to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.GRUCell.GRUCell'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry GatherNd to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.GatherNd.GatherNd'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry GatherTree to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.GatherTree.GatherTree'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Log to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.Log.LogOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry NextIteration to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.NextIteration.NextIteration'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry RNNCell to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.RNNCell.RNNCell'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Reverse to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.Reverse.Reverse'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry SquaredDifference to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorArrayV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArray.TensorArray'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorArrayGatherV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayGather.TensorArrayGather'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorArrayReadV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayRead.TensorArrayReader'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorArrayScatterV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayScatter.TensorArrayScatter'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorArraySizeV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArraySize.TensorArraySize'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorArrayWriteV3 to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorArrayWrite.TensorArrayWriter'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorIteratorInput to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorInput'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorIteratorOutput to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorOutput'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorIteratorCondition to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorCondition'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorIteratorBackEdge to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.TensorIterator_ops.TensorIteratorBackEdge'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Accum to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Assert to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.assert_op.Assert'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Axpy to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.axpy.AxpyOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Binarization to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.binarization.Binarization'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry BN to extractors with custom op class <class ''>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry _contrib_box_nms to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.box_nms.BoxNms'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,177 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry copy to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.copy.CopyOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Correlation to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry CTCGreedyDecoder to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry DataAugmentation to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry DepthToSpace to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.depth_to_space.DepthToSpaceOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry GRN to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Interp to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Interpolate to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.interpolate.Interpolate'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry LSTMCell to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.lstm_cell.LSTMCell'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry LSTMSequence to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.lstm_sequence.LSTMSequence'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Merge to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.merge.Merge'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry MVN to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry NonMaxSuppression to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.non_max_suppression.NonMaxSuppression'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry OneHot to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.one_hot.OneHot'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Pack to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.pack.PackOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry pnorm to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.pnorm.PNormOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry PowerFile to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry PredictionHeatmap to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry PReLU to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Proposal to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry PSROIPooling to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Range to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.range.Range'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Rank to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.rank.Rank'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry RegionYolo to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry ReorgYolo to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Resample to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry ReverseSequence to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.reverse_sequence.ReverseSequence'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Select to extractors with custom op class <class ''>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry ShuffleChannel to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.shufflechannel.ShuffleChannelOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry SimplerNMS to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Size to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.size.Size'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry SpaceToDepth to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.space_to_depth.SpaceToDepth'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry SparseFillEmptyRows to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.sparse_fill_empty_rows.SparseFillEmptyRows'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry SpatialTransformer to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Splice to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.splice.Splice'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry SplitV to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.splitv.SplitV'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry StopGradient to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.stop_gradient.StopGradientOp'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry SwapAxis to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.swapaxis.SwapAxis'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Switch to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.switch.Switch'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry TensorIterator to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.tensor_iterator.TensorIterator'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,178 ] [ DEBUG ] [ register_custom_ops:104 ]  Added a new entry Unique to extractors with custom op class <class 'extensions.ops.unique.Unique'>.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,179 ] [ DEBUG ] [ onnx:71 ]  Number of nodes in NX graph: 12
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.inputs.InputsAnalysis'> will be run before <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.inputs.InputsAnalysis'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.json_print.AnalysisJSONPrint'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.json_print.AnalysisJSONPrint'> will be run after <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.nodes.IntermediatesNodesAnalysis'> will be run before <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.nodes.IntermediatesNodesAnalysis'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_od_api.TensorFlowObjectDetectionAPIAnalysis'> will be run before <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_od_api.TensorFlowObjectDetectionAPIAnalysis'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV1V2Analysis'> will be run before <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV1V2Analysis'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV3Analysis'> will be run before <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV3Analysis'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,181 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.no_op_eraser.NoOpEraser'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.no_op_eraser.NoOpEraser'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.ArgMaxSqueeze.ArgMaxSqueeze'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.ArgMaxSqueeze.ArgMaxSqueeze'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.InterpolateNormalizer.InterpolateNormalizer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.InterpolateNormalizer.InterpolateNormalizer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.LRNReplacer.LRNReplacer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.LRNReplacer.LRNReplacer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.PowerToEltwises.PowerToEltwises'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.PowerToEltwises.PowerToEltwises'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class ''> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class ''> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class ''> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.eltwise_n.EltwiseNReplacement'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.eltwise_n.EltwiseNReplacement'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,182 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.image_scaler.ImageScaler'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.image_scaler.ImageScaler'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.reciprocal.ReciprocalReplacer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.reciprocal.ReciprocalReplacer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.squared_difference.SquaredDifference'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.squared_difference.SquaredDifference'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.FillToBroadcast.FillToBroadcast'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.FillToBroadcast.FillToBroadcast'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.binary_quantize_normalization.BinaryFakeQuantizeNormalization'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.binary_quantize_normalization.BinaryFakeQuantizeNormalization'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.create_tensor_nodes.CreateTensorNodes'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.disable_weights_quantize_value_propagation.DisableQuantizeValuePropagation'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.disable_weights_quantize_value_propagation.DisableQuantizeValuePropagation'> will be run after <class ''>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.override_batch.OverrideBatch'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.override_batch.OverrideBatch'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_to_broadcast.ConstantOfShapeToBroadcast'> will be run before <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,183 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_to_broadcast.ConstantOfShapeToBroadcast'> will be run after <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ INFO ]  Skip replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV3Analysis'> (graph_condition not satisfied)
[ INFO ]  Skip replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_yolo.TensorFlowYOLOV1V2Analysis'> (graph_condition not satisfied)
[ INFO ]  Skip replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.tf_od_api.TensorFlowObjectDetectionAPIAnalysis'> (graph_condition not satisfied)
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,185 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.nodes.IntermediatesNodesAnalysis'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,185 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.inputs.InputsAnalysis'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,185 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'mo.utils.model_analysis.AnalysisCollectorAnchor'>
[ INFO ]  Skip replacer <class 'extensions.analysis.json_print.AnalysisJSONPrint'> (enabled = False)
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,185 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.user_data_repack.UserDataRepack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,186 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.output_cut.OutputCut'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,186 ] [ DEBUG ] [ graph:954 ]  Sink: _6__Fully_Connect_Add_Flatten/sink_port_0 for node _6__Fully_Connect_Add_Flatten
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,186 ] [ DEBUG ] [ graph:955 ]  {'precision': 'FP32', 'kind': 'op', 'op': 'Result', 'type': 'Result', 'infer': <function Result.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f99f35fbb00>, 'value': None, 'data_type': None, 'in_ports_count': 1, 'name': '_6__Fully_Connect_Add_Flatten/sink_port_0', 'dim_attrs': ['channel_dims', 'batch_dims', 'axis', 'spatial_dims'], 'shape_attrs': ['shape', 'window', 'stride', 'pad', 'output_shape'], 'IE': [('layer', [('id', <function Op.substitute_ie_attrs.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f99f362edd0>), 'name', 'precision', 'type'], [('data', [], []), '@ports', '@consts'])], '_in_ports': {0: {}}, '_out_ports': {0: {}}}
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,186 ] [ DEBUG ] [ graph:956 ]  Add edge from _6__Fully_Connect_Add_Flatten to _6__Fully_Connect_Add_Flatten/sink_port_0
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,186 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:67 ]  The following nodes are seeded as output reachable:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,186 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:133 ]  Removing the following dead nodes:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,187 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.input_cut.InputCut'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,187 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:67 ]  The following nodes are seeded as output reachable:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,187 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:133 ]  Removing the following dead nodes:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,188 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.restore_ports.RestorePorts'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,188 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.freeze_placeholder_value.FreezePlaceholderValue'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,188 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.reshape_dim_normalizer.ReshapeDimNormalizer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,189 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,189 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.TransposeOrderNormalizer.TransposeOrderNormalizer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,189 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.TopKNormalize.TopKNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,190 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.standalone_const_eraser.StandaloneConstEraser'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,190 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.SqueezeNormalize.SqueezeNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,190 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.squared_difference.SquaredDifference'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,191 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.reduce_axis_normalizer.ReduceAxisNormalizer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,191 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.softmax.SoftmaxFromKeras'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,192 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.reciprocal.ReciprocalReplacer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,192 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.PowerToEltwises.PowerToEltwises'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,192 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:67 ]  The following nodes are seeded as output reachable:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,193 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:133 ]  Removing the following dead nodes:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,193 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.Pack.Pack'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,194 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze.ExpandDimsToUnsqueeze'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,194 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.override_batch.OverrideBatch'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,194 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.no_op_eraser.NoOpEraser'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,194 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.LRNReplacer.LRNReplacer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,195 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.InterpolateNormalizer.InterpolateNormalizer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,195 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.instance_normalization.InstanceNormalization'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,195 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.image_scaler.ImageScaler'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,196 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.FillToBroadcast.FillToBroadcast'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,196 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class ''>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,196 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.sub.Sub'>
[ INFO ]  Skip replacer <class 'extensions.front.disable_weights_quantize_value_propagation.DisableQuantizeValuePropagation'> (graph_condition not satisfied)
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,197 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.eltwise_n.EltwiseNReplacement'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,197 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.div.Div'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,197 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.onnx.constant_of_shape_to_broadcast.ConstantOfShapeToBroadcast'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,197 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.binary_quantize_normalization.BinaryFakeQuantizeNormalization'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,198 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.ArgMaxSqueeze.ArgMaxSqueeze'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,199 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.pass_separator.FrontFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,199 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.front.create_tensor_nodes.CreateTensorNodes'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,199 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:67 ]  The following nodes are seeded as output reachable:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,201 ] [ DEBUG ] [ eliminate:133 ]  Removing the following dead nodes:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.Eltwise1DInputReshape'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.Eltwise1DInputReshape'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.EltwiseInputReshape'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.EltwiseInputReshape'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.EltwiseInputReshape'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputNormalization.EltwiseInputNormalize'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputNormalization.EltwiseInputNormalize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.CheckForCycle.CheckForCycle'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteNotExecutable.DeleteNotExecutable'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorConditionChecker.ConditionChecks'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.CheckForCycle.CheckForCycle'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteNotExecutable.DeleteNotExecutable'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteControlFlowEdges.DeleteControlFlowEdges'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.MarkNodesToFuseUpToFakeQuantize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteControlFlowEdges.DeleteControlFlowEdges'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.FakeQuantizeFuse'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.FakeQuantizeFuse'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.quantize_fuses.MarkNodesToFuseUpToFakeQuantize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.AddIsCyclicAttribute.AddIsCyclicAttribute'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteControlFlowEdges.DeleteControlFlowEdges'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.AddMeanScaleValues.AddMeanScaleValues'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.AnchorToPriorBox.AnchorToPriorBoxes'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.AnchorToPriorBox.AnchorToPriorBoxes'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseChecker.EltwiseChecker'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseChecker.EltwiseChecker'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseInputReshape.Eltwise1DInputReshape'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseChecker.EltwiseChecker'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.GemmToFullyConnected.GemmToFullyConnected'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.BiasAddBroadcasting.BiasAddInputBroadcasting'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseChecker.EltwiseChecker'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.BiasAddBroadcasting.BiasAddInputBroadcasting'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.LSTMRNNSequenceToTensorIterator.LSTMToTensorIterator'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,202 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.RNNSequenceNormalizeToIE.RNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveIdentity'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveIdentity'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.AddMeanScaleValues.AddMeanScaleValues'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveDropout'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveDropout'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.AddMeanScaleValues.AddMeanScaleValues'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveNodesWithZeroPhase'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveNodesWithZeroPhase'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.AddMeanScaleValues.AddMeanScaleValues'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.Cast.CastToFloatMark'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveIdentity.RemoveIdentity'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.Cast.CastToFloatMark'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ChangePlaceholderTypes.ChangePlaceholderTypes'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.ScaleInput.ScaleInput'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConcatOptimization.ConcatOptimization'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConstSwitchResolver.ConstSwitchEraser'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConstSwitchResolver.ConstSwitchEraser'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConvToBinaryConv.ConvToBinaryConv'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConvToBinaryConv.ConvToBinaryConv'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.SliceConverter.ConvertSlice'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations.ConvertLayoutDependentOperations'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertMultiInputConv.ConvertMultiInputConv'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertMultiInputConv.ConvertMultiInputConv'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.CustomSubgraphCall.CustomSubgraphCall'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.CustomSubgraphCall.CustomSubgraphCall'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBias.DecomposeBias'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBias.DecomposeBias'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DepthToSpace.DepthToSpace'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DepthToSpace.DepthToSpace'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,203 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DilatedConvolution.DilatedConvolutionConverter'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.DilatedConvolution.DilatedConvolutionConverter'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.FakeSplitOutputs.AddFakeOutputsToSplit'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.FakeSplitOutputs.AddFakeOutputsToSplit'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.FlattenONNXToReshape.FlattenONNXToReshape'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.FlattenONNXToReshape.FlattenONNXToReshape'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormTrainingCatch.FusedBatchNormTrainingCatch'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormTrainingCatch.FusedBatchNormTrainingCatch'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GRURNNSequenceToTensorIterator.GRUAndRNNToTensorIterator'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GRURNNSequenceToTensorIterator.GRUAndRNNToTensorIterator'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.RNNSequenceNormalizeToIE.RNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GatherNdNormalizer.GatherNdNormalize'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence.BlockLSTMtoLSTMSequence'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GatherNdNormalizer.GatherNdNormalize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GemmResolver.GemmResolver'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.NormalizeFullyConnected.NormalizeFullyConnected'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GemmResolver.GemmResolver'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GemmToFullyConnected.GemmToFullyConnected'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GemmToFullyConnected.GemmToFullyConnected'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.InputCut.MiddleInputCut'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.ChangePlaceholderTypes.ChangePlaceholderTypes'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.InputCut.MiddleInputCut'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.InsertSelect.AddSelectBeforeMemoryNodePattern'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.InsertSelect.AddSelectBeforeMemoryNodePattern'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.L2NormToNorm.L2NormToNorm'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.L2NormToNorm.L2NormToNorm'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RNNSequenceNormalizeToIE.RNNSequenceNormalize'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RNNSequenceNormalizeToIE.RNNSequenceNormalize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence.DecomposeBidirectionalRNNSequence'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.LSTMRNNSequenceToTensorIterator.LSTMToTensorIterator'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.LSTMRNNSequenceToTensorIterator.LSTMToTensorIterator'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.RNNSequenceNormalizeToIE.RNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize.MXNetRNNSequenceNormalize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetSplitMultiLayers.MXNetSplitLayersToRNNSequence'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetSplitMultiLayers.MXNetSplitLayersToRNNSequence'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,204 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.MXNetSplitMultiLayers.MXNetSplitLayersToRNNSequence'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.MinimumMiddleReplacer.MinimumMiddleReplacer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.MinimumMiddleReplacer.MinimumMiddleReplacer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.NasNet.NasNet'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.NormalizeFullyConnected.NormalizeFullyConnected'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.NormalizeFullyConnected.NormalizeFullyConnected'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.GemmToFullyConnected.GemmToFullyConnected'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.NormalizePad.NormalizePad'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.NormalizePad.NormalizePad'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluFakeQuantizeMark'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.SharedWeightsDuplication.SharedWeightsDuplication'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluFakeQuantizeMark'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ClampQuantizeMark'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.SharedWeightsDuplication.SharedWeightsDuplication'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ClampQuantizeMark'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.BinarizeWeightsM1P1.BinarizeWeightsM1P1'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluQuantizeFuse'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.SharedWeightsDuplication.SharedWeightsDuplication'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluQuantizeFuse'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.ReluQuantizeFuse.ReluFakeQuantizeMark'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.RemoveMemoryDuplicationPattern'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.RemoveMemoryDuplicationPattern'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.MergeNeighborSplicePattern'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveDuplicationMemory.MergeNeighborSplicePattern'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveRedundantReshapeAfterCropAndResize.RemoveRedundantReshapeAfterCropAndResize'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessCrops.RemoveUselessCropsPattern'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.RemoveUselessCrops.RemoveUselessCropsPattern'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetNodePattern'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetNodePattern'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithMemoryNodePattern'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithSplice.ReplaceMemoryOffsetWithMemoryNodePattern'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReplacePNorm.ReplacePNormNodePattern'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReplacePNorm.ReplacePNormNodePattern'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern.ReplaceSpliceNodePattern'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseTransposeNormalization.ReverseTransposeNormalization'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,205 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseTransposeNormalization.ReverseTransposeNormalization'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseV2ToReverseSequence.ReverseToReverseSequence'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.reverse_tensor_iterator.ReverseTensorIteratorLSTM'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ReverseV2ToReverseSequence.ReverseToReverseSequence'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ScaleInput.ScaleInput'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.AddMeanScaleValues.AddMeanScaleValues'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ScaleInput.ScaleInput'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.SharedWeightsDuplication.SharedWeightsDuplication'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.SharedWeightsDuplication.SharedWeightsDuplication'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.CheckForCycle.CheckForCycle'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ShuffleChannel.ShuffleChannel'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ShuffleChannel.ShuffleChannel'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.SwapAxesMiddleReplacer.SwapAxisMiddleReplacer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.SwapAxesMiddleReplacer.SwapAxisMiddleReplacer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SmartInputMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SmartInputMatcher'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.AddIsCyclicAttribute.AddIsCyclicAttribute'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SimpleInputMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SimpleInputMatcher'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.DeleteNotExecutable.DeleteNotExecutable'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.BackEdgeSimpleInputMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.BackEdgeSimpleInputMatcher'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SimpleInputMatcher'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.SwitchMergeOptimization.SwitchMergeMiddleReplacer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SmartInputMatcher'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.SwitchMergeOptimization.SwitchMergeMiddleReplacer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TF_lstm_cell_to_generic.TensorFlowLSTMtoGeneric'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TF_lstm_cell_to_generic.TensorFlowLSTMtoGeneric'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.LoopConditionMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.SimpleConditionMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.SimpleConditionMatcher'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.LoopConditionMatcher'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.DynamicDecoderConditionMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.DynamicDecoderConditionMatcher'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.SimpleConditionMatcher'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorBackEdge.BackEdgesMatching'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorBackEdge.BackEdgesMatching'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.DynamicDecoderConditionMatcher'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorConditionChecker.ConditionChecks'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorConditionChecker.ConditionChecks'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorBackEdge.BackEdgesMatching'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorLSTMToLSTMSequence.TensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorLSTMToLSTMSequence.TensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,206 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorLSTMToLSTMSequence.TensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorLSTMToLSTMSequence.TensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TF_lstm_cell_to_generic.TensorFlowLSTMtoGeneric'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SmartOutputMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SmartOutputMatcher'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorInput.SmartInputMatcher'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SimpleOutputMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SimpleOutputMatcher'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorCondition.LoopConditionMatcher'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SimpleOutputMatcher'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorOutput.SmartOutputMatcher'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TileReplacer.TileMultipleAxisReplacer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.TileReplacer.TileMultipleAxisReplacer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.UpsampleToResample.UpsampleToResample'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.UpsampleToResample.UpsampleToResample'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.UselessMerge.UselessMergeEraser'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.UselessMerge.UselessMergeEraser'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.ConstSwitchResolver.ConstSwitchEraser'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.UselessSplitEraser.UselessSplitEraser'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.UselessSplitEraser.UselessSplitEraser'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.PreMiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.UselessStridedSlice.UselessStridedSliceEraser'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice.ConvertGroupedStridedSlice'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.UselessStridedSlice.UselessStridedSliceEraser'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.SliceConverter.ConvertSlice'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.TensorIteratorMerge.TensorIteratorMerge'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.LSTMRNNSequenceToTensorIterator.LSTMToTensorIterator'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.SwapAxesMiddleReplacer.SwapAxisMiddleReplacer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.reverse_tensor_iterator.ReverseTensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.reverse_tensor_iterator.ReverseTensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize.ONNXRNNSequenceNormalize'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.reverse_tensor_iterator.ReverseTensorIteratorLSTM'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.permute_tensor_iterator.TransposeTensorIteratorLSTM'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.space_to_depth.SpaceToDepth'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.space_to_depth.SpaceToDepth'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ssd_anchors_to_const.SsdAnchorsMiddleReplacer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ssd_anchors_to_const.SsdAnchorsMiddleReplacer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.AnchorToPriorBox.AnchorToPriorBoxes'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.wights_permute_normalizer.WeightsPermuteNormalizer'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.wights_permute_normalizer.WeightsPermuteNormalizer'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.GemmToFullyConnected.GemmToFullyConnected'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ArgMaxToTopK.ArgMaxToTopK'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,207 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.ArgMaxToTopK.ArgMaxToTopK'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,208 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.SliceConverter.ConvertSlice'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,208 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.SliceConverter.ConvertSlice'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleStart'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,208 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:244 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GroupNorm.GroupNormToMVN'> will be run before <class 'extensions.middle.pass_separator.MiddleFinish'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,208 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:247 ]  Replacer <class 'extensions.middle.GroupNorm.GroupNormToMVN'> will be run after <class 'extensions.middle.EltwiseChecker.EltwiseChecker'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,211 ] [ DEBUG ] [ class_registration:267 ]  Run replacer <class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,211 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,211 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _1__Input
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,211 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: Parameter
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:142 ]  Inputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:144 ]  Outputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:32 ]  output[0]: shape = [1 1 3], value = <UNKNOWN>
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _6__Fully_Connect_Add_B
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: Const
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:142 ]  Inputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:144 ]  Outputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:32 ]  output[0]: shape = [4], value = [ 0.6682108   1.145679   -1.1725929  -0.05485102]
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _6__Fully_Connect_MatMul_W
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: Const
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:142 ]  Inputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,212 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:144 ]  Outputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,215 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:32 ]  output[0]: shape = [100   4], value = [[ 4.70586360e-01  5.37224233e-01 -8.83112773e-02 -4.62829359e-02]
 [-3.92195404e-01 -1.35407045e...
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,215 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,215 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _2__Lstm_initial_c
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,215 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: Const
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,215 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:142 ]  Inputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,215 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:144 ]  Outputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:32 ]  output[0]: shape = [  1   1 100], value = [[[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
   0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0...
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _2__Lstm_initial_h
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: Const
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:142 ]  Inputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:144 ]  Outputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:32 ]  output[0]: shape = [  1   1 100], value = [[[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
   0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0...
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,216 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _2__Lstm_B
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,217 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: Const
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,217 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:142 ]  Inputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,217 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:144 ]  Outputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,220 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:32 ]  output[0]: shape = [  1 800], value = [[ 2.06270944e-02  1.27676457e-01  2.39378810e-01  6.12690561e-02
   2.67411843e-02  1.96909495e-...
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _2__Lstm_R
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: Const
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:142 ]  Inputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:144 ]  Outputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:32 ]  output[0]: shape = [  1 400 100], value = [[[ 0.00520072 -0.00519656  0.00516877 ...  0.00516977 -0.00519504
  [ 0.14129189...
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _2__Lstm_W
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: Const
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:142 ]  Inputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,221 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:144 ]  Outputs:
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,222 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:32 ]  output[0]: shape = [  1 400   3], value = [[[ 0.06525942  0.03818543 -0.02723126]
  [ 0.03291371 -0.00229006  0.01750527]
  [-0.34661704  0...
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,222 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:129 ]  --------------------
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,222 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:130 ]  Partial infer for _2__Lstm
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,222 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:131 ]  Op: LSTM
[ ERROR ]  Cannot infer shapes or values for node "_2__Lstm".
[ ERROR ]  0
[ ERROR ]  
[ ERROR ]  It can happen due to bug in custom shape infer function <function LSTM.infer at 0x7f99f3830200>.
[ ERROR ]  Or because the node inputs have incorrect values/shapes.
[ ERROR ]  Or because input shapes are incorrect (embedded to the model or passed via --input_shape).
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,223 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:196 ]  Node "_2__Lstm" attributes: {'pb': input: "_1__Input"
input: "_2__Lstm_W"
input: "_2__Lstm_R"
input: "_2__Lstm_B"
input: ""
input: "_2__Lstm_initial_h"
input: "_2__Lstm_initial_c"
output: ""
output: "_2__Lstm"
name: "_2__Lstm"
op_type: "LSTM"
attribute {
  name: "activations"
  strings: "Sigmoid"
  strings: "Tanh"
  strings: "Tanh"
  type: STRINGS
attribute {
  name: "direction"
  s: "forward"
  type: STRING
attribute {
  name: "hidden_size"
  i: 100
  type: INT
, 'kind': 'op', '_in_ports': {0: {'control_flow': False}, 1: {'control_flow': False}, 2: {'control_flow': False}, 3: {'control_flow': False}, 4: {}, 5: {'control_flow': False}, 6: {'control_flow': False}}, '_out_ports': {0: {}, 1: {'control_flow': False}, 2: {}}, 'name': '_2__Lstm', 'op': 'LSTM', 'precision': 'FP32', 'type': 'RNNSequence', 'blobs_wrb': True, 'has_num_directions': True, 'direction': 'forward', 'infer': <function LSTM.infer at 0x7f99f3830200>, 'multiplier': 4, 'gate_order': [2, 0, 3, 1], 'normalized': False, 'multilayers': False, 'format': 'onnx', 'activation_alpha': None, 'activation_beta': None, 'activations': ['sigmoid', 'tanh', 'tanh'], 'clip': None, 'input_forget': 0, 'in_ports_count': 7, 'out_ports_count': 3, 'batch_dim': 1, 'sequence_dim': 0, 'num_layers': 1, 'hidden_size': array(100), 'dim_attrs': ['channel_dims', 'batch_dims', 'axis', 'spatial_dims'], 'shape_attrs': ['shape', 'window', 'stride', 'pad', 'output_shape'], 'IE': [('layer', [('id', <function Op.substitute_ie_attrs.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f99f35fd0e0>), 'name', 'precision', 'type'], [('data', ['hidden_size', 'direction', 'axis', 'activation_alpha', 'activation_beta', ('activations', <function LSTM.backend_attrs.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f99f35fd170>), 'clip'], []), '@ports', '@consts'])], 'is_output_reachable': True, 'is_undead': False, 'is_const_producer': False, 'is_partial_inferred': False}
[ ERROR ]  0
Stopped shape/value propagation at "_2__Lstm" node.
 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (, question #38.
Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>): 0
Stopped shape/value propagation at "_2__Lstm" node.
 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (, question #38.
[ 2020-01-28 17:11:38,223 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:304 ]  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/middle/passes/", line 132, in partial_infer
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/ops/", line 82, in infer
    rnn_infer(node, [1, 2])
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/ops/", line 129, in rnn_infer
    node.out_node(0).shape = out_shape
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/graph/", line 212, in out_node
    return self.out_nodes(control_flow=control_flow)[key]
KeyError: 0

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/utils/", line 273, in apply_replacements
    for_graph_and_each_sub_graph_recursively(graph, replacer.find_and_replace_pattern)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/middle/", line 58, in for_graph_and_each_sub_graph_recursively
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/middle/", line 31, in find_and_replace_pattern
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/middle/passes/", line 198, in partial_infer
    refer_to_faq_msg(38)) from err
mo.utils.error.Error: 0
Stopped shape/value propagation at "_2__Lstm" node.
 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (, question #38.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/", line 298, in main
    return driver(argv)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/", line 274, in driver
    ret_res = mo_onnx.driver(argv, argv.input_model, model_name, argv.output_dir)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/pipeline/", line 100, in driver
    class_registration.apply_replacements(graph, class_registration.ClassType.MIDDLE_REPLACER)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/utils/", line 293, in apply_replacements
    )) from err
mo.utils.error.Error: 0
Stopped shape/value propagation at "_2__Lstm" node.
 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (, question #38.
Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>): 0
Stopped shape/value propagation at "_2__Lstm" node.
 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (, question #38.


0 Kudos
1 Solution

Hi Peter,

The issue is due to a lack of 0 output on LSTM node. The development team has implemented a fix for this and should be available in the next software release.



View solution in original post

0 Kudos
4 Replies

Hi Peter,

I was not able to convert your ONNX model. I noticed you are using a previous OpenVINO Toolkit release, could you please upgrade to the latest OpenVINO Toolkit 2020.1 release? The model optimizer does not seem to like the input_size, what is the expected input_size of the model?



0 Kudos

Hi Jesus,

Thank you for your response. The model takes 1 matrix as input, so matrices represent a time series, each matrix is data from 1 second interval, and the column sizes of the consecutive input matrices can be different, and each item of a matrix is a number. I upgraded the software to the 2020.1 release, but it seems the error is still the same (with the same command of above):

[ ERROR ]  Cannot infer shapes or values for node "_2__Lstm".
[ ERROR ]  0
[ ERROR ]  
[ ERROR ]  It can happen due to bug in custom shape infer function <function LSTM.infer at 0x7f0291b4ddd0>.
[ ERROR ]  Or because the node inputs have incorrect values/shapes.
[ ERROR ]  Or because input shapes are incorrect (embedded to the model or passed via --input_shape).
[ 2020-02-12 23:48:08,311 ] [ DEBUG ] [ infer:196 ]  Node "_2__Lstm" attributes: {'pb': input: "_1__Input"
input: "_2__Lstm_W"
input: "_2__Lstm_R"
input: "_2__Lstm_B"
input: ""
input: "_2__Lstm_initial_h"
input: "_2__Lstm_initial_c"
output: ""
output: "_2__Lstm"
name: "_2__Lstm"
op_type: "LSTM"
attribute {
  name: "activations"
  strings: "Sigmoid"
  strings: "Tanh"
  strings: "Tanh"
  type: STRINGS
attribute {
  name: "direction"
  s: "forward"
  type: STRING
attribute {
  name: "hidden_size"
  i: 100
  type: INT
, 'kind': 'op', '_in_ports': {0: {'control_flow': False}, 1: {'control_flow': False}, 2: {'control_flow': False}, 3: {'control_flow': False}, 4: {}, 5: {'control_flow': False}, 6: {'control_flow': False}}, '_out_ports': {0: {}, 1: {'control_flow': False}, 2: {}}, 'name': '_2__Lstm', 'op': 'LSTM', 'type': 'RNNSequence', 'blobs_wrb': True, 'has_num_directions': True, 'direction': 'forward', 'infer': <function LSTM.infer at 0x7f0291b4ddd0>, 'multiplier': 4, 'gate_order': [2, 0, 3, 1], 'normalized': False, 'multilayers': False, 'format': 'onnx', 'activation_alpha': None, 'activation_beta': None, 'activations': ['sigmoid', 'tanh', 'tanh'], 'clip': None, 'input_forget': 0, 'in_ports_count': 7, 'out_ports_count': 3, 'batch_dim': 1, 'sequence_dim': 0, 'num_layers': 1, 'hidden_size': array(100), 'dim_attrs': ['axis', 'channel_dims', 'spatial_dims', 'batch_dims'], 'shape_attrs': ['window', 'output_shape', 'pad', 'stride', 'shape'], 'IE': [('layer', [('id', <function Op.substitute_ie_attrs.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f0291902dd0>), 'name', 'type', 'version'], [('data', ['hidden_size', 'direction', 'axis', 'activation_alpha', 'activation_beta', ('activations', <function LSTM.backend_attrs.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f0291902e60>), 'clip'], []), '@ports', '@consts'])], 'is_output_reachable': True, 'is_undead': False, 'is_const_producer': False, 'is_partial_inferred': False}
[ ERROR ]  Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>): Stopped shape/value propagation at "_2__Lstm" node. 
 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (, question #38. 
[ 2020-02-12 23:48:08,311 ] [ DEBUG ] [ main:324 ]  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/middle/passes/", line 134, in partial_infer
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/ops/", line 82, in infer
    rnn_infer(node, [1, 2])
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/ops/", line 129, in rnn_infer
    node.out_node(0).shape = out_shape
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/graph/", line 235, in out_node
    return self.out_nodes(control_flow=control_flow)[key]
KeyError: 0

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/utils/", line 287, in apply_transform
    for_graph_and_each_sub_graph_recursively(graph, replacer.find_and_replace_pattern)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/middle/", line 58, in for_graph_and_each_sub_graph_recursively
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/middle/", line 32, in find_and_replace_pattern
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/middle/passes/", line 198, in partial_infer
    refer_to_faq_msg(38)) from err
mo.utils.error.Error: Stopped shape/value propagation at "_2__Lstm" node. 
 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (, question #38. 

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/", line 314, in main
    return driver(argv)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/", line 281, in driver
    ret_res = emit_ir(prepare_ir(argv), argv)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/", line 246, in prepare_ir
    graph = mo_onnx.driver(argv)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/pipeline/", line 72, in driver
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/utils/", line 324, in apply_replacements
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/utils/", line 124, in wrapper
    function(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/intel/openvino_2020.1.023/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo/utils/", line 303, in apply_transform
    )) from err
mo.utils.error.Error: Exception occurred during running replacer "REPLACEMENT_ID" (<class 'extensions.middle.PartialInfer.PartialInfer'>): Stopped shape/value propagation at "_2__Lstm" node. 
 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (, question #38.


0 Kudos

Hi Peter,

Thank you for providing the additional information, I have reached out to the development team for their input. 

I will let you know as soon as I hear back.



0 Kudos

Hi Peter,

The issue is due to a lack of 0 output on LSTM node. The development team has implemented a fix for this and should be available in the next software release.



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