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Movidius™ NC SDK 1.07.07 (with Raspberry Pi support)


Announcing the Movidius NC SDK 1.07.07 with support for Raspberry Pi!


Movidius SDK and associated downloads:



  1. Movidius™ Neural Compute (MvNC) SDK 1.07.07: MvNC_SDK_1.07.07.tgz which contains:


    *MvNC Toolkit 1.07.06 for Profiling, Tuning, and Compiling your networks (Tookit unchanged from 1.07.06 SDK)


    *MvNC API 1.07.07 for developing applications that accelerate your networks via the NCS hardware - now with Raspberry Pi support

  3. MvNC SDK 1.07.07 Release Notes: NC SDK 1.07.07 Release Notes

  5. MvNC API Documentation: NCS_API_1.07.07.pdf

  7. MvNC Toolkit Documentation: NCS_Toolkit_1.07.06.pdf

  9. MvNC SDK Getting Started Guide: NCS_Getting_Started_1.07.07.pdf

  11. MvNC_SDK_1.07.07.sha512: MvNC_SDK_1.07.07.sha512 to optionally verify the software download.


Important Notes



  • The files above include support for Raspberry Pi as a target platform for the NCS.

  • The entire SDK should not be installed on Raspberry Pi or other target platforms. Instead you will need to follow the instructions in the API Document and/or look at the example in the Getting Started Guide to set up a Raspberry Pi as a target to run (or develop) NCS enabled applications.

  • You will still need to install the SDK (Toolkit + API) on a development computer (Ubuntu 16.04/x86-64).

  • For this release the NC Toolkit remains unchanged.

  • If you already have the 1.07.06 version of the SDK installed and working on your development computer you can follow these steps to upgrade:



  1. Delete the ncapi directory that was created when you installed 1.07.06

  3. Delete the old 1.07.06 API tar file

  5. Copy the new 1.07.07 API tar file to the directory in which 1.07.06 was originally expanded.

  7. Install the 1.07.07 API following installation instructions in the Getting Started Guide.


RPI getting started video to help show the way:


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