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6408 Discussions

Movidius - Solution to dispatcherEventSend -1 io error (NCSDK 2) on VM


** This is a suggested solution, not a problem. **


There has been quite a few people lately who seem to have problems with making the examples of the NCSDK 2 on a VM. After a few days of work I finally managed to solve the problem on my end, so here is the solution that will hopefully help others in the same situation.


MY CONFIGURATION: Using Movidius' NCS on a Windows 10 host and Ubuntu 16.04 guest in VirtualBox. Fresh NCSDK 2.08 install.


Step 1:


In the running Ubuntu VM, go to _~/ncsdk/api/scr/common/components/XLink/pc/_.


Step 2:


Open _XLinkPlatform.c_ in a text/code editor.


For NCSDK 2.05 users: The file is called _UsbLinkPlatform.c_


Step 3:


At approx. line 248 (just Ctrl-F the following), change the condition:


if (ss > 1024*1024*10) ss = 1024*1024*10;




if (ss > 1024*1024) ss = 1024*1024;


(don't forget to save the file; do chmod if needed for permissions)


Step 4:


In _~/ncsdk/api/src/_, run the command:


sudo make install


*If for some reason you don't have libusb.h and get errors about it, try running this command first:


sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev


Step 5:


In _~/ncsdk/examples/_, run:





The examples should now run correctly (you should see the results of the inference by the various models and such).


As for an explanation, I sadly do not quite understand what causes this bug specifically, but I would think that it is related to either:



  • The VM's capacity;

  • The NCS's capacity;

  • Some USB limitations/problems with latest releases of either NCSDK or Windows 10.


Anyway, if this doesn't work, try lowering even more the number in the condition (Step 3).

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1 Reply



cc: @Tome_at_Intel


Great! !

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