Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Community assistance about the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, OpenCV, and all aspects of computer vision-related on Intel® platforms.

Unknown result type


I am working with Openvino toolkit to try and get two pieces of Python code to agree whether the inference results are correct or not. Obviously the results returned by the first program must match the input to the second program. The trouble is nobody seems to be willing to define what these results should be. I have included both programs hoping someone can make sense of this. Any ideas ?

######### Command line

python /home/workspace/  -m /home/workspace/models/human-pose-estimation-0001.xml -b /home/workspace/models/human-pose-estimation-0001.bin -i "images/sitting-on-car.jpg" -t "POSE" -r "s"

python /home/workspace/  -m /home/workspace/models/text-detection-0004.xml -b /home/workspace/models/text-detection-0004.bin -i "images/sign.jpg" -t "TEXT" -r "s"

python /home/workspace/  -m /home/workspace/models/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039.xml -b /home/workspace/models/vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039.bin -i "images/blue-car.jpg" -t "CAR_META" -r "s"

################### First program.

import argparse
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
#from openvino.inference_engine import IENetwork, IECore
import time
from openvino.inference_engine import IECore,IENetwork,IEPlugin

CPU_EXTENSION = "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/inference_engine/lib/intel64/"

def get_args():
    Gets the arguments from the command line.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Load an IR into the Inference Engine")
    # -- Create the descriptions for the commands
    m_desc = "The location of the model XML file"
    c_desc = "CPU extension file location, if applicable"
    d_desc = "Device, if not CPU (GPU, FPGA, MYRIAD)"
    i_desc = "The location of the input image"
    t_desc = "The type of model: POSE, TEXT or CAR_META"
    b_desc = "The location of the bin file"
    r_desc = "The request type"
    # -- Add required and optional groups
    required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
    optional = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments')

    # -- Create the arguments
    #parser.add_argument("-m", help=m_desc)
    required.add_argument("-i", help=i_desc, required=True)
    required.add_argument("-m", help=m_desc, required=True)
    required.add_argument("-t", help=t_desc, required=True)
    optional.add_argument("-c", help=c_desc, default=None)
    optional.add_argument("-d", help=d_desc, default="CPU")
    required.add_argument("-b", help=b_desc, required=True)
    required.add_argument("-r", help=r_desc, required=True)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

def async_inference(exec_net, input_blob, image, args):
   print("async_inference ")
   #ie = IECore()
   #net = IENetwork(args.m, args.b)
   #ie.add_extension(extension_path=CPU_EXTENSION, device_name="CPU")
   #exec_net = ie.load_network(net, "CPU")
   exec_net.start_async(request_id=0, inputs={input_blob: image})    # exec_net documentation seems to want plugin to initialize
   #inference_output = exec_net.requests[0].async_infer({input_blob:image})
   while True:
       status = exec_net.requests[0].wait(-1)
       if status == 0:
   #status = exec_net.wait(-1)
   #print('Request status: {}'.format(status))
   print('Request status: {}'.format(exec_net.requests))
   return exec_net
   #return status

def sync_inference(exec_net, input_blob, image, args):
   print("sync_inference ")
   #ie = IECore()
   #net = IENetwork(args.m, args.b)
   #ie.add_extension(extension_path=CPU_EXTENSION, device_name="CPU")
   #exec_net = ie.load_network(net, "CPU")
   status = exec_net.infer({input_blob:image})
   print('Request status: {}'.format(status))
   return status

def preprocessing(input_image, height, width):
    image = cv2.resize(input_image, (width, height))
    image = image.transpose((2,0,1))
    image = image.reshape(1, 3, height, width)
    return image

def perform_inference(exec_net, request_type, input_image, type_model, args, net):  
    print("Start of perform_inference")
   # Get input image
    image = cv2.imread(input_image)
   # Extract the input shape
    #n, c, h, w = input_shape
    #ie = IECore()
    #net = IENetwork(args.m, args.b)
    input_blob = next(iter(net.inputs))
    n, c, h, w = net.inputs[input_blob].shape
   # Grab the shape of the input
   # Preprocess it (applies for the IRs from the Pre-Trained Models lesson)
    if(type_model == "POSE"):
       preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, 256, 456)

    if(type_model == "TEXT"):
       preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, 768, 1280)

    if(type_model == "CAR_META"):
       preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, 72, 72)

   #preprocessed_image = preprocessing(image, h, w)    # Get the input blob for the inference request
    #input_blob = next(iter(exec_net.inputs))    # Perform either synchronous or asynchronous inference

    request_type = request_type.lower()
    if request_type == 'a':
        output = async_inference(exec_net, input_blob, preprocessed_image, args)
        print("Processing Asycronously")
    elif request_type == 's':
        output = sync_inference(exec_net, input_blob, preprocessed_image, args)
        print("Processing Syncronously")
        print("Unknown inference request type, should be 'A' or 'S'.")
        exit(1)    # Return the output for testing purposes
    return output

def load_to_IE(args, CPU_EXTENSION):
    ### TODO: Load the Inference Engine API
    ie = IECore()
    net = IENetwork(args.m, args.b)
    print("Before load_network")
    ie.add_extension(extension_path=CPU_EXTENSION, device_name="CPU")
    exec_net = ie.load_network(net, "CPU")    # This is where its failing for the TEXT image
    print("After load_network")
    #exec_net = ie.load_network(net, CPU_EXTENSION)
    ### TODO: Load IR files into their related class
    ### TODO: Add a CPU extension, if applicable. It's suggested to check
    #plugin = IEPlugin(device="CPU")
    #exec_net = ie.load(network=net)

    #exec_net = ie.query_network(network=net, device_name="CPU")
    supported_layers = ie.query_network(network=net, device_name="CPU")           # Trying to get the supported_layers here.
    #print("1. Supported layers: {} " .format(supported_layers))                  # messes with exec_net
    unsupported_layers = [l for l in net.layers.keys() if l not in supported_layers]
    #print("2. Unsupported layers: {} " .format(unsupported_layers))
    if len(unsupported_layers) != 0:
    ###       your code for unsupported layers for practice before
    ###       implementing this. Not all of the models may need it.
    ### TODO: Get the supported layers of the network
    ### TODO: Check for any unsupported layers, and let the user
    ###       know if anything is missing. Exit the program, if so.
    #print("2. exec_net: {}" .format(exec_net))
    ### TODO: Load the network into the Inference Engine
    perform_inference(exec_net, args.r, args.i, args.t, args, net)
    print("IR successfully loaded into Inference Engine.")

############# Second program

from helpers import load_to_IE, preprocessing
from inference import perform_inference

CPU_EXTENSION = "/opt/intel/openvino/deployment_tools/inference_engine/lib/intel64/"

MODEL_PATH = "/home/workspace/models/"

    "POSE": {"Mconv7_stage2_L1": (1, 38, 32, 57),
             "Mconv7_stage2_L2": (1, 19, 32, 57)},
    "TEXT": {"model/link_logits_/add": (1, 16, 192, 320),
             "model/segm_logits/add": (1, 2, 192, 320)},
    "CAR META": {"color": (1, 7, 1, 1),
                 "type": (1, 4, 1, 1)}

def pose_test():
    counter = 0
    model = MODEL_PATH + "human-pose-estimation-0001.xml"
    image = "images/sitting-on-car.jpg"
    counter += test(model, "POSE", image)
    return counter

def text_test():
    counter = 0
    model = MODEL_PATH + "text-detection-0004.xml"
    image = "images/sign.jpg"
    counter += test(model, "TEXT", image)
    return counter

def car_test():
    counter = 0
    model = MODEL_PATH + "vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0039.xml"
    image = "images/blue-car.jpg"
    counter += test(model, "CAR META", image)
    return counter

def test(model, model_type, image):
    # Synchronous Test
    counter = 0
        # Load IE separately to check InferRequest latency
        exec_net, input_shape = load_to_IE(model, CPU_EXTENSION)
        result = perform_inference(exec_net, "S", image, input_shape)
        output_blob = next(iter(exec_net.outputs))
        # Check for matching output shape to expected
        assert result[output_blob].shape == OUTPUT_SHAPES[model_type][output_blob]
        # Check latency is > 0; i.e. a request occurred
        assert exec_net.requests[0].latency > 0.0
        counter += 1
        print("Synchronous Inference failed for {} Model.".format(model_type))
    # Asynchronous Test
        # Load IE separately to check InferRequest latency
        exec_net, input_shape = load_to_IE(model, CPU_EXTENSION)
        exec_net = perform_inference(exec_net, "A", image, input_shape)
        output_blob = next(iter(exec_net.outputs))
        # Check for matching output shape to expected
        assert exec_net.requests[0].outputs[output_blob].shape == OUTPUT_SHAPES[model_type][output_blob]
        # Check latency is > 0; i.e. a request occurred
        assert exec_net.requests[0].latency > 0.0
        counter += 1
        print("Asynchronous Inference failed for {} Model.".format(model_type))
    return counter

def feedback(tests_passed):
    print("You passed {} of 6 tests.".format(int(tests_passed)))
    if tests_passed == 3:
        print("See above for additional feedback.")

def main():
    counter = pose_test() + text_test() + car_test()

if __name__ == "__main__":



Thanks for your input.



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