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422 Discussions

Additional worker node is distributing the containers

New Contributor I

Initially we had one client and the server was listing it. We could modify the conatiners and see our application running successfully on that client. As it was a single client all containers were running at one place. 

Now we have added another client. During the installation of this we have proceeded till running the installation script We could see the client node 2 successfully listed in manager dashboard. 

But addition of this second node created a problem where the containers got distributed as per attached SS, which we donot want to happen. Our query is can we isolate the containers running in two different nodes? How?

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3 Replies


By using CSL orchestrator, the default will distribute the containers across available CSL client node. If you wish to have specific container running on a specific client node, you can use the "Constraints" key value pair to achieve this, as you have done previously for the ImageStore and InfluxDBConnector from your screenshot. You can refer to the previous post below for reference as well.

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Hi weng,

In addition to this i have a doubt.suppose we are having two clients.How do we update the csl_app_spec.json separately  for two different clients.Because i could see only one way to update it.How can i make sure if it getting updated for a specific client.I have tried to understand from docs but still its not very much clear to me.

Could you please explain this to me.

Thank You

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The csl_app_spec.json is the configuration for your overall application to be deployed across multiple client nodes in order to achieve orchestration purposes. Once the application has been deployed, for respective application (containers) running on the client nodes, you can change the config through ETCD web UI, as inside the ETCD web UI, you can see all the containers configuration.

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