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422 Discussions

Edge Insights for Retails Install Failed



OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4 (fresh install)

Memory: 7.6G

Processor: 10th gen i5

Storage: 125.9G


I successfully installed the edge tools about a week ago but had to reimage my system due to unrelated errors. I now have  fresh install of Ubuntu but some of the software will not install properly

Docker: Success

Docker Compose: Success

Video Analytics: Failed

EdgeX Foundry: Success

Real Time Sensor Fusion: Failed


I'm not sure if this matters but I have been using the same product code as my initial install because redownloading the zip file from the ESH does not send me another email / product key.



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1 Solution

Issue is resolved.

Issue was due to hash sum mismatch for Ubuntu site. It was resolved after OS had been re-installed. Retail recipe was installed successfully.

Craig's previous error log for reference has been attached together. 

View solution in original post

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2 Replies

Hi Craig, 

It should not be a problem even if you're using the same product key and yes, currently only one product key is produced for each email. So, you won't be getting a new one even if you re-downloaded the zip file. 

The current requirement for the Target System

  • One of the following processors:
    • 6th, 7th, or 8th generation Intel® Intel Core™ Core processor.
    • 6th, 7th, or 8th generationIntel® Intel Xeon® Xeon processor.
    • Intel® Intel Pentium® Pentium processor N4200/5, N3350/5, N3450/5 with Intel® Intel HD Graphic
  • At least 16 GB RAM.
  • At least 64 GB hard drive.
  • An Internet connection.
  • Ubuntu* 18.04.3 LTS

But since you managed to install it previously, it should work the second time as well. Can you share the install.log zip files for the failed components ? You can find the log in this directory: 
$ cd /var/log/esb-cli/Edge_Insights_for_Vision_2019.3

Once you're in the directory, you can see all the folder for each components. You can also try to re-install and see if the failure is consistent or not. 


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Issue is resolved.

Issue was due to hash sum mismatch for Ubuntu site. It was resolved after OS had been re-installed. Retail recipe was installed successfully.

Craig's previous error log for reference has been attached together. 

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