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Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.



 I want to use FPGA Quartus prime lite  MAX10 program. But i can not use the program because when i make a new project in quartus, the program do not response. It stop and does not go next. So i can do nothing. What can i do in this situation? Could you tell me what specifications required to use the program? My lap top has built-in graphics card. Please help me and hurry..
OS : Windows 10, Processor : i5 - 1135G7, RAM : 8GB, SSD : 256GB

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May I know if you would like to create new project or you just would like to program the sof/pof into the Max 10 device.

If you only wanted to program the Max 10 device then you could just use Quartus Programmer Standalone apps.

If you would like to create new project then may I know what do you mean by no response? Do you have other PC to try it out?

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