Intel® FPGA Software Installation & Licensing
Installation and Licensing that’s includes Intel Quartus® Prime software, ModelSim* - Intel FPGA Edition software, Nios® II Embedded Design Suite on Windows or Linux operating systems.
1175 Discussions

Request to rehost a legacy floating license.

Hello Technical Support Team, We have a single, floating license for the "Nios II Soft Processor FPGA IP - F Core" that is tied to a USB dongle with a Software Guard ID. We use this to maintain multiple products. Unfortunately, the original developer who purchased the NIOS II license is no longer with the company and the USB dongle appears to be failing. Sometimes it is recognized and sometimes it is not recognized. Is it possible to get a new USB dongle and rehost our license to the new dongle? We use Quartus II 64-Bit version 13.1.4 Web edition and Quartus Prime 16.1.2 Standard and Lite editions. Best Regards, Erin M
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3 Replies



Welcome to INTEL forum. Alternatively, you can request a no-cost license for the Quartus Web/lite Edition by applying for the SW-QUARTUS-WE-FIX license in the Self-Service Licensing Center (SSLC). 

Here’s the steps:


1.        Login to    

2.        Go to Sign up for Evaluation or Free licenses

3.        Select Intel® Quartus® II Software SW-QUARTUS-WE-FIX

4.        # of Seats is always 1 for Quartus Web Edition

5.        Check the T&C box

6.        Click Get License button


a.        Check the option product “Intel FPGA Software SII-NONVOLENCRYP”

b.        Add New Computer or Assign an Existing computer


7.        Add the required fields

8.        Click Generate License

You will be taken to the Licensing page, and you should be able to receive the email with license attached

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Hi AR_A_Intel,


Thank you for the suggestion to request the free Quartus software license, but it doesn't appear to include the Nios II Soft Processor IP - F Core (features 6AF8_00A2 and 6AF7_00A2) that our designs require. 


As viewed in Quartus 13.1.4 Web Edition's License Setup, with Host ID Values removed, here are the IP covered by our floating license that we wish to rehost:



Again, our concern is that access to the licensed IP relies on an old Altera USB dongle that sometimes fails to be recognized. If it will help, I can provide our current license .dat file via private message. 


Thank you,





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The NIOS II license is available in the SSLC. Customer can generate the Nois II license there.

Guidance:  --> Self Service Licensing Center --> Sign up for evaluation or No-cost licenses--> Discontinued - Nios® II/f Processor Intel® FPGA IP (License: IP-NIOS)

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