Intel® FPGA University Program
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Audio Codec IP core UP

Honored Contributor II



I'm trying to use the audio core with the Nios IDE. Well, i think that i had no problems to link the libraries for the nios IDE. My problem is when i use the functions of the core.  


My code do this: 


- First i open the device with alt_up_audio_open_dev. The datasheet mention that the parameter of this function use only the name in the SOPC builder but it doesn't compile. So I check the system.h and found that the audio module is named# define AUDIO_0_NAME. 


- Now I read read the fifo with the function : alt_up_audio_read_fifo. I add some code to print the return of this function. The first time it return the number of words that i put in the function, but when i reset the system, it only read 2 or 1 word from the fifo. 


Maybe someone can help me with this. 

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I am sorry but i cant help you because i am stacked in the same spot!!! If you manage to make it work please post your version....or email me ok? If i find something i will do the same. 


thanks a lot 

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