Intel® FPGA University Program
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1216 Discussions

Programming Fail De0 board

Honored Contributor II

Could anyone provide me some insight into why this continues to happen? 


I setup a block diagram file with this logic: AB'CD'+A'BCD. I have four inputs mapped to the correct pins for the first 4 switches on the board, and my output mapped to J1, the first LED on the board. I ran a successful simulation, and the output waveform is correct for the logic. I have the correct board selected, successfully compiled, and have USB Blaster installed. However, as soon as I press Start (to program the board), the process fails. 


I do have the board switched to Prog mode.  


I have a Timing warning shows up in red: All of my input ports and output ports are "unconstrained". Does this need to be corrected, even though I successfully compiled?  

Thanks in advance, FPGA noob
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19 Replies
Honored Contributor II

It would help if you posted your code and the timing warning you see.

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Honored Contributor II

In the programmer do you go into Hardware Setup (button at top left) and select the USB Blaster? You have to manually make this selection. It does not happen automatically even though the USB Blaster is plugged in. At least that's always been my experience.

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Honored Contributor II

I don't have code for this, just a block diagram.And I did select USB Blaster on the programmer.

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Honored Contributor II


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I have a Timing warning shows up in red: All of my input ports and output ports are "unconstrained". Does this need to be corrected, even though I successfully compiled? 

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Won't matter for this design, you can safely ignore the warning. 


It comes because you did not define any timing constraints on any of the I/Os, so Quartus is warning you of that. It will go ahead anyway and map the logic to the device, but it won't try very hard to improve the timing, since you provided no constraints. Most likely it is way faster than what you can do with your manual switches anyway.
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Honored Contributor II


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Won't matter for this design, you can safely ignore the warning. 


It comes because you did not define any timing constraints on any of the I/Os, so Quartus is warning you of that. It will go ahead anyway and map the logic to the device, but it won't try very hard to improve the timing, since you provided no constraints. Most likely it is way faster than what you can do with your manual switches anyway. 

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Thanks for the feedback.  


I still can't get a successful flash. The board does flash a light when it starts to program, then it immediately fails. I thought maybe it was the missing the constraints file for the board, but I added that and it didn't correct the problem. 


Any advice for getting the board to program?
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Honored Contributor II

Stupid question: you've selected the .sof file generated by Quartus as the file to use to program the board? 


There also may be error messages indicating why the programming failed. You might have scroll the Messages window a little in the main Quartus window to see them.
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Honored Contributor II


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Stupid question: you've selected the .sof file generated by Quartus as the file to use to program the board? 


There also may be error messages indicating why the programming failed. You might have scroll the Messages window a little in the main Quartus window to see them. 

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Yes, I selected the .sof file and checked the "Program/Configure" box. 


I just created a new project, just two inputs to an AND gate, one output, pins correspond to switches and LED. Still fails to program.  


The messages I get are:
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Honored Contributor II

No I mean there should be messages about the failure to program when you click the Start button in the Programmer. They're usually red error messages if the Programmer was not able to complete the programming.

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Honored Contributor II


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No I mean there should be messages about the failure to program when you click the Start button in the Programmer. They're usually red error messages if the Programmer was not able to complete the programming. 

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I didn't see any error messages at all in the programmer. Just ran it again to double check.  


Is USB Blaster is the correct driver or should I use USB Blaster II?
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Honored Contributor II

Not in the Programmer. In the main Quartus window.

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Honored Contributor II

I don't have any new messages after attempting to program.

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Honored Contributor II

Update: This is driving me nuts. Usually I can figure out this sort of thing, but every project I try fails to program. Anyone have any other advice for me on this?

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Honored Contributor II

Try your board on another system that has Quartus tools installed and is know to be working in programming some other board(s). 


Try another known-good Altera FPGA board on your Quartus install to see if you can get it to program. 


It may very well be you have either a bad FPGA board or a corrupted Quartus install. 


BTW you have never indicated which version of the Quartus tools you are trying to use, or what FPGA device/board you are using.
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Honored Contributor II

Sounds like a good idea. Is there another programming software I could use? I've thought about using Xilinx.

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Honored Contributor II

I'm using a free version of Quartus Web Edition 13.1 and the board is a terasIC DE0 development board with a Cyclone III. The chip number is EP3C16F484C6.

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Honored Contributor II


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Sounds like a good idea. Is there another programming software I could use? I've thought about using Xilinx. 

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Xilinx software for Altera, nope, will not work. Lots of reasons why. 


By 'another programming' I meant a Quartus install on another PC that is known to be working.
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Honored Contributor II


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I'm using a free version of Quartus Web Edition 13.1 and the board is a terasIC DE0 development board with a Cyclone III. The chip number is EP3C16F484C6. 

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Ok, that should probably work. I assume when you launch the Quartus programmer that it can detect the USB-Blaster hardware? 


If so, then when you ask it to autodetect the devices, the correct one shows up (detected by scanning the JTAG ID)? 


Can you then do an erase / blank check on the device, and have it pass?
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Honored Contributor II


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Ok, that should probably work. I assume when you launch the Quartus programmer that it can detect the USB-Blaster hardware? 


If so, then when you ask it to autodetect the devices, the correct one shows up (detected by scanning the JTAG ID)? 


Can you then do an erase / blank check on the device, and have it pass? 

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It does detect USB Blaster hardware and it shows the JTAG ID. 


I installed Quartus on another PC. I made the exact same block diagram and had the same issue.  


I did get error codes when trying to program: 


209014 CONF_DONE pin failed to go high in device 1 

and 209012 Operation failed
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Honored Contributor II


WELL....I Feel stupid. 



Thank you for the help on this AK6DN and sstrell 



I found a similar post which stated that this board is supposed to be switched to RUN when programming with JTAG. Kind of counter-intuitive, I think.  


I reviewed the manual, and it does say that, but it also says that this board can be programmed with Active Serial, but that method doesn't list my board.  


In any case, I got it working before my next class.:cool:
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