Just to let you know Intel training team appreciate the feedback and invitation to creating FPGA classes on edx.org.
However, at this current time we are working with virtual live sessions with customers and are not scoped to direct a training course on a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course). We expect to follow up when bandwidth opens at a future date (TBD at this point).
Again, thanks for the feedback.
Hi Hazlina,
Thank you for the reply. The current training videos are very good, they just need to be more accessible. The current training setup at the intel website is just confusing.
Thanks for the additional feedback. When you stated that the training setup on Intel Website is confusing, are you referring to the placement of the training portal w.r.t. the Intel.com main page? or you are referring to the way it the whole training portal is setup? Once I understand the feedback, I can decide the right channel to pass the feedback to.
Both. The training is split between the massive catalogue, and the dedicated "AI Dev" section. Also, It takes too long to navigate to the training from the Intel homepage. There is a "Products", "Solutions" and "Support" tab. There is no training tab.
Every company is as good as it's training classes are. Xilinx has a much better portal, and one does not have to waste precious, finite time to navigate to the right place.
Thanks. To access the training content, from the main page at https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/homepage.html, there on the top left:
Click on Solutions --> FPGA Developers --> Training.
Click on Support --> Intel FPGA Support --> Training.
So it is 2 clicks away. Per your feedback you stated this is too long and you wanted the training content to have its own tab on the same level with Support and Solutions - correct me if I am wrong here. Let me bring this feedback to developer.
On your other feedback on how the training portal is setup, we have catalog based search and also curricula based search. Does this not meet your expectation? See below for the catalog listing for the training:
Based on above, is there specific improvements you would like to suggest here?
On your feedback to have "Training" at the same top level as "Product", "Solutions" and "Support", the developer feedback that they will take this into the consideration in the future once they are certain that this change is needed for the majority of customers out there too. So right now, for the short term, we will stick with the current structure until we have more info on the impact/need of doing this.
On my previous question about the specific feedback for the training portal setup, w.r.t. to the catalog listing, per the link I provided, please let me know if you have any inputs here. Thanks.