Intel® FPGA University Program
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1194 Discussions

how to interface SPI with altera using state machines!?

Honored Contributor II



hi! I'm new to using the quartus II software and altera so i'm learning as i go along, 

right now I want to interface the altera board with SPI (serial interface protocol) to connect to a DAC. i'm going to send a signal of square waves into the dac and output sine waves!  


I have to write the code using VHDL and encoding it as a a state machine to get the same waveform on the top ( i got it from the datasheet of the DAC) 

here is the datasheet 


i need a constant voltage output 

as clock toggles, i want the state to change (every positive rising clock edge)  

but as I'm new to VHDL , i' dont know how to really start the "template" for a state machine in the language 

i have 16 states total, 

but the last 12 states, i want the altera to read the data  

how do i program it to read the data?  

i am writing it in terms of states/substates, using CASES.  


LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY SPI IS PORT( clock, reset : IN STD_LOGIC; SCLK, MOSI, SS :OUT STD_LOGIC); END SPI; ARCHITECTURE Behaviour OF SPI IS TYPE State_type IS (AB,BUF,GA,SHDN,s11,s10,s9,s8,s7,s6,s5,s4,s3,s2,s1,s0); SIGNAL y: State_type; BEGIN --SYNC_PROC: process (CLOCK, RESET) PROCESS(clock, reset) if reset='1' then state <=AB; elsif rising_edge(clock) then state <=y; END if; END process; PROCESS(y, clock, reset) BEGIN Case y is when AB=> ---continuing the state changes here....i am confused what to do thank you!!!
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

It can basically work with a state machine. In my opinion, using a shift register and a bit counter is a more simple solution. See attached an example sending 24 bit data with SPI mode 1. Consider that your chip needs 16 bits and SPI mode 0. The code is generating a SPICLK of half the system clock, which should be suitable for most newer chips.

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Honored Contributor II

sr <= x"00" & STD_LOGIC_VECTOR What does this sentence mean?  


data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 downto 0); 

SIGNAL sr : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(23 downto 0);
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Honored Contributor II

The sentence should be sr <= x"00" & STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(data);

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Honored Contributor II

Is there missing a " ' " after the VECTOR?

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