Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Array Visualizer + IVF 11.1 ?


I used Compaq Visual Fortran+Array Visualizer formany years.
But I am new to IVF 11.1....

I have two questions about using IVF 11.1 + array visualizer....

1. Where can I download the latest version of Intel Array Visualizer ?
I found the link on the website is broken.

2.Can IVF 11.1 work well with Array Visualizer withoutvisual studio standard/pro. edition (justinstallig the "shell" edition)?
And is thereaneasier way to have them worked togother?

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42 Replies
The short story is that Array Visualizer was the work of a wonderful engineer, John Readey, who left Intel (his choice). At that time, management decided that it wasn't worth assigning another engineer to. Over the years, I've been trying to get people interested in AV and have found an engineering group willing to take it on, but management still doesn't think it's worth the resources, so the effort is stalled.

Array Visualizer was part of Digital/Compaq Visual Fortran Professional Edition, and was completely rewritten and improved as part of Intel Visual Fortran. It was never sold separately (there was a free "array viewer" download which lets you run applications that use AV but not develop new ones.) Note that not only is Array Visualizer integrated with the debugger, but it can be used on its own from Fortran, C++, VB and other languages. It also has support for HDF5.

I'd be happy to hear more from others of what Array Visualizer means to them and how they think it would benefit the product and Intel. Indeed, I've VERY recently been asked to collect such comments, so you've given me a good opening. Reply here or send me mail at steve.lionel at - it would be more helpful if you include your name and company/organization.

Our company used Array Visualizer for several years since the DVF/CVF versions. We were using it in-house for several projects and were seriously considering it for a commercial version of one of our models. We consider it an excellent product with great potential for many applications. However, since it was announced that Intel was not going to support it anymore, our company decided not to spend more time in it and go with another set of visualization tools.

It is a shame that such wonderful tools are discontinued in this way.

0 Kudos

this is a follow up on the previous thread because I still don't see the solution:

1) I use Intel Visual Fortran Compiler v11.1
2) I have installed Array Visualizer v3.3

Currently, on right click of an array I wish to display I cannot select the "View Array" Option. So I guess I have to link the Compiler with the Visualizer. But...

How do I link the Compiler with the Visualizer, i.e., how do I add the path?

Would this be Tools -> Options -> then what?

Thanks much!



0 Kudos

No, you don't have to link anything. Try running the repair tool linked here.
0 Kudos

No, you don't have to link anything. Try running the repair tool linked here.
Hi Steve,
I tried the repair tool. Array viewer is still greyed!
Here is what I have:
1). I installed IVF 11.1 (Intel Visual Fortran for IA-32 and Intel 64 (with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell and Libraries*)
2). Array visualizer
3). Added the path of lib, include, and bin directories of AV in Tools->Options->Intel Visula Fortran ->Compilers
4). Ran the repair tool for VS 2008

I tried intalling the AV first, then VS and VF but still I have the same problem.

Please let me know what the problem is.

0 Kudos
Hi Steve,

I ran the repair tool and all DLLs were found. Now, when executing the code I can the "Array View"-Option is activated in the drop down menu. But when I click on it, Visual Studio shuts down with the error message: "Visual Studio has encountered problems and needs to shut down". This is a bit unfortunate. Everything else continues to work. Can you help out?


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Honored Contributor III
Quoting - alexludwig
Hi Steve,

I ran the repair tool and all DLLs were found. Now, when executing the code I can the "Array View"-Option is activated in the drop down menu. But when I click on it, Visual Studio shuts down with the error message: "Visual Studio has encountered problems and needs to shut down". This is a bit unfortunate. Everything else continues to work. Can you help out?



Have you tried an Array View on both x32 and x64 applications? Do both fail?
What I am taking a stab in the dark at is if the AV .dll choice is made on the bitness of the application under test.
If one works and not the other, we now have a hint at where the problem is located.

Jim Dempsey
0 Kudos
Are you doing this on a 64-bit Windows system? AV does not work in this environment, unfortunately.
0 Kudos
I only tried bit 32. Best,

0 Kudos
Quoting - alexludwig
I only tried bit 32. Best,

I had Array Visualizer working perfectly in VS2005/IVF11.0, but since upgrading to VS2008 and IVF11.1 (still on 32-bit Vista) I have encountered the same issue as Alex throughout - everything seems to install correctly (though I've run the repair utility a few times to make sure) , and the correct item is present in the drop-down menu when I debug code, but selecting the 'view array' option always leads to a crash, without fail.

I've been living with this for the past few months, and have gone back to taking manual cross-sections through my images and copying the results to Excel - it would be fantastic if there were a way to resolve this.
0 Kudos
Quoting - alexludwig
Hi Steve,

I ran the repair tool and all DLLs were found. Now, when executing the code I can the "Array View"-Option is activated in the drop down menu. But when I click on it, Visual Studio shuts down with the error message: "Visual Studio has encountered problems and needs to shut down". This is a bit unfortunate. Everything else continues to work. Can you help out?


Is is possible to use atleast the 32 bit version of VF and AV on a 64 bit windows machine.

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New Contributor I
It has been three years now that I am not able to use AV because I have WinXP64 with VS2005 at work. It looks like making the integration work obviously has no priority for Intel....

I have tried all, I think, permutations such as trying 32 bit version on em64t etc. but none has worked so far. I would be delighted if anyone finds a solution.

I don't think any other tool can easily replace the funcationality of AV.

p.s. I apologize if I have been too critical of Intel here, I am just frustrated. For my personal work I do use AV on Win32 + VS 2008 and that makes me even more irritated since it works so well!
0 Kudos
Quoting - abhimodak
It has been three years now that I am not able to use AV because I have WinXP64 with VS2005 at work. It looks like making the integration work obviously has no priority for Intel....

I have tried all, I think, permutations such as trying 32 bit version on em64t etc. but none has worked so far. I would be delighted if anyone finds a solution.

I don't think any other tool can easily replace the funcationality of AV.

p.s. I apologize if I have been too critical of Intel here, I am just frustrated. For my personal work I do use AV on Win32 + VS 2008 and that makes me even more irritated since it works so well!
Now, I am completely confused: I have AV + Win 32 + VS 2008 and it does not work. So, this combination works for you? How did you manage to run AV with this combination?

About Intel: I am frustrated already after only a one week. Why is the compiler called VISUAL Fortran Compiler if the visualization tool does not work??? Isn't that extremely misleading? I am very critical at this point because I spent a bit of money on the compiler and I find the name entirely misleading.
0 Kudos
Quoting - abhimodak
It has been three years now that I am not able to use AV because I have WinXP64 with VS2005 at work. It looks like making the integration work obviously has no priority for Intel....

I have tried all, I think, permutations such as trying 32 bit version on em64t etc. but none has worked so far. I would be delighted if anyone finds a solution.

I don't think any other tool can easily replace the funcationality of AV.

p.s. I apologize if I have been too critical of Intel here, I am just frustrated. For my personal work I do use AV on Win32 + VS 2008 and that makes me even more irritated since it works so well!
Hi Abhi,

now, I am confused: I have the same combination Win32 + VS 2008 and I ran the repair tool and the AV does not work. How did you manage this? Thanks.

As for myself, I am frustrated already after only one week, not years. Why is the compiler called VISUAL Fortran compiler if the really useful visualization tool does not work??? Isn't that completely misleading? In the light of this, I am frustrated because I spent quite some money on the compiler being misled by the name and my excellent experience with the old Compaq VISUAL Fortran compiler which came along with a fully integrated perfect visualization tool.

Cheers, Alex
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New Contributor I
Hi Alex

Humn, I thought that I knew how it works but now I think I don't. I have tried AV on Win32 (Media Center) with Visual Studio 2008 (it's NOT a shell version but Professional) along with IVF compiler 11.1.051.

What I am surprised by is that if I go through in Tools --> Options --> Compilers and look for what's there is lib and include, I do NOT see C:Program FilesArray VisualizerLib (or include). I am pretty sure that I added these at some point in time (may be with some 11.0 version of earlier) but I had forgotten to add those when I upgraded the compiler sub-versions! I think I should have manually added those every time I upgraded.

I am honestly worried now that some day AV is going to stop working on this system as well....

I am astonished that not many people are complaining about getting AV as a supported product; at least the integration.

I am sure you have checked the AV forum. Some people there have tried install-uninstall etc. and made it work. If you have not done it already, it can be worth giving it a try.


0 Kudos
New Contributor I
Are you doing this on a 64-bit Windows system? AV does not work in this environment, unfortunately.
Hello Steve,

why is the AV not working on 64bit systems?

is there a chance that this problem will be solved by intel?

Thanks in advance
0 Kudos

I don't know why it doesn't work. I will ask the developers to look into it.
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New Contributor I
Hi Steve

I am hoping that there will be a "fixable" solution.... Just wanted to re-emphasize that this tool can really be put to good use.

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New Contributor I
Hello Steve,

i have currently learnt that VS2003 to VS2008 are (and VS2010 will be) win32 applications. Then why is programm producing a problem with working on a 64bit system?

I am currently extremly unhappy because i have problems with a financial department at a institution where i have PhD students. They are asking me why to update from CVF to IVF while IVF is no VISUAL system. You need a additional licence of VS std and the array viewer is not working on a modern system. To be honest the are correct with this statement.

Please tell your management to change the properties of IVF (including a resource editor and the array viewer) or to change the name of IVF towards I(V)F .

Sorry for being that direct. You are dooing a great job by keeping open that forum.

0 Kudos


The "Visual" in the product name refers to the visual programming environment - that is, Visual Studio. The product does include the necessary Visual Studio pieces except for student and evaluation licenses.

I will pass on your comments.
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New Contributor I

I don't know why it doesn't work. I will ask the developers to look into it.

i had some people to test different configurations.

This one is working (each time starting from an empty harddisc):

Win 7 Prof German 64bit + VS 2005 Std German + Complete Microsoft Update + Array Viewer 3.3 + IVF 11.1.048

Changing the install from VS 2005 to 2008 the Array Viewer is not working. Using IVF including VS2008 Shell the Array Viewer is also not working. I had no time to check VS2003

Steve do you have any answer from the developers?

0 Kudos
No answer yet. It may be a while.
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