Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Array Visualizer + IVF 11.1 ?


I used Compaq Visual Fortran+Array Visualizer formany years.
But I am new to IVF 11.1....

I have two questions about using IVF 11.1 + array visualizer....

1. Where can I download the latest version of Intel Array Visualizer ?
I found the link on the website is broken.

2.Can IVF 11.1 work well with Array Visualizer withoutvisual studio standard/pro. edition (justinstallig the "shell" edition)?
And is thereaneasier way to have them worked togother?

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42 Replies
I'll check out the broken link - it worked just a few weeks ago, I know.

I have tested this with 11.1 and it works. I don't know of a reason that it should not work with VS2008 Shell. You will need to run the attached "repair" program after installing Array Visualizer the first time to get it hooked up with Visual Studio - after that it should work automatically.
0 Kudos
The downloads got unintentionally removed. We're working on putting them back - may be a day or two.
0 Kudos
The downloads got unintentionally removed. We're working on putting them back - may be a day or two.

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your reply.
The download link was repaired, and I got the Array Visualizer.

Would you please upload the "repair" program ?
Thanks a lot.


0 Kudos
Quoting - hctsai

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your reply.
The download link was repaired, and I got the Array Visualizer.

Would you please upload the "repair" program ?
Thanks a lot.


Hi Steve,

I've downloaded the repair program from the following post:

IVF11.1is now working withAV 3.3!

However, I can notget the "color map" and "label axis" to show up in the debugging environment.
Myquestion is similar to the following post:

And"marker" can not show up in the "HeightPlot".....

Could you please indicate how to solve these problems?
Or... is it possible to integrate the previous versions (e.g. v1.6)of Array Visualizer with IVF 11.1 ?

Thanks a lot.

0 Kudos
I am not an expert on the use of Array Visualizer. You can ask in our Array Visualizer forum. No, it is not possible to integrate the Compaq version of Array Visualizer with Intel Fortran.
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New Contributor I
I have been unable to use the array visualizer on Win 64XP with VS2005. (I can use it on Win32). On Win64, the "viewarray" remains greyed-out. I can use it on Win32.

I had posted this problem on the Array viewer forum but got no response.

0 Kudos
Abhi, did you try running the repair program? (I have attached it).
0 Kudos
New Contributor I
Hi Steve

Yes, I ran the repair program. Unfornately, it still does not work.

Here is what I have:

(1) Win 64XP with VS2005 professional
(2) Array visualizer installed from
(3) It gets installed in "C:Program FilesIntelArray Visualizer" and not Program Files (x86)
(4) I added "C:Program FilesIntelArray Visualizerlib" in Tools->Options->Intel Visual Fortran->Compilers->Libraries
(5) I added "C:Program FilesIntelArray Visualizerinclude" in Tools->Options->Intel Visual Fortran->Compilers->Includes.
(6) For (4) and (5), the compiler selection: is Platform == Win32 and version 11.1.035 [IA-32]
(7) I closed VS and ran the repair program.

When I run a test project in debug mode, "view array" remains greyed out both in dropdown menu and right-click when an array is selected.

Is there something specific to Win XP64?


0 Kudos
I would guess that you want to install the IA-32 AV if you want to view arrays in 32-bit applications.
0 Kudos
New Contributor I
I would guess that you want to install the IA-32 AV if you want to view arrays in 32-bit applications.

I uninstalled em64t and installed ia32. This time the default install directory is in Program Files (x86). Still no success though. I followed all the steps as exactly as before with new paths.

Also the download site gives the installers based on operating system and hence I had installed the em64t version before.

AV is a good tool and I miss it. But so far I have not found a way to make it work on Win XP64 with VS2005.

0 Kudos
I have no expertise on the subject to share with Abhi, I'm afraid, but thanks to this thread I've just got Array Visualizer working on my system (IVF11.0 in VS2005 on 32-bit Vista) and it blows me away: I had no idea that this package was available, and I shudder to think how many dozens, if not hundreds, of hours I might already have saved if I had known about it (I do a lot of image processing, and using the standard VS debugger if you want to find an error in a large 2D matrix you are reduced to dumping megabytes of data onto disk to be combed through offline, or adding debug code to produce various 1D cross-sections through where you think the problem is).

Strangely, from reading the documentation,it seems that once this product was a standard part of first Compaq and then Intel Fortran, and available for purchase separately, but since 2006 or so (just before I started using IVF) it became a free, unsupported download and (at least from me) a well-kept secret. I'm baffled why that should be, but very grateful that you've now pointed me towards it.

0 Kudos
The short story is that Array Visualizer was the work of a wonderful engineer, John Readey, who left Intel (his choice). At that time, management decided that it wasn't worth assigning another engineer to. Over the years, I've been trying to get people interested in AV and have found an engineering group willing to take it on, but management still doesn't think it's worth the resources, so the effort is stalled.

Array Visualizer was part of Digital/Compaq Visual Fortran Professional Edition, and was completely rewritten and improved as part of Intel Visual Fortran. It was never sold separately (there was a free "array viewer" download which lets you run applications that use AV but not develop new ones.) Note that not only is Array Visualizer integrated with the debugger, but it can be used on its own from Fortran, C++, VB and other languages. It also has support for HDF5.

I'd be happy to hear more from others of what Array Visualizer means to them and how they think it would benefit the product and Intel. Indeed, I've VERY recently been asked to collect such comments, so you've given me a good opening. Reply here or send me mail at steve.lionel at - it would be more helpful if you include your name and company/organization.
0 Kudos
New Contributor I
Hi Steve

I have tried various combinations (emt64, ia32, and program files, program files x86 etc) but I still can't get it to work. I can confirm this happening with other computers using Win64 XP and VS2005. But since these computers are within the same company, may be there is a problem with configuration.

Is there any way you can reproduce/test if this combintion is the culprit?

I think that since the array visualizer is not "supported", it is becoming more difficult to get resolution to such basic problems and thus may hinder its wider usage. I had posted this problem on Array Viewer forum a looong time back but it just went cold.

0 Kudos
I will try to test this, but it may take me a while. Also, I don't have XP x64 available but will test on Vista x64.
0 Kudos
The short story is that Array Visualizer was the work of a wonderful engineer, John Readey, who left Intel (his choice). At that time, management decided that it wasn't worth assigning another engineer to. Over the years, I've been trying to get people interested in AV and have found an engineering group willing to take it on, but management still doesn't think it's worth the resources, so the effort is stalled.

Array Visualizer was part of Digital/Compaq Visual Fortran Professional Edition, and was completely rewritten and improved as part of Intel Visual Fortran. It was never sold separately (there was a free "array viewer" download which lets you run applications that use AV but not develop new ones.) Note that not only is Array Visualizer integrated with the debugger, but it can be used on its own from Fortran, C++, VB and other languages. It also has support for HDF5.

I'd be happy to hear more from others of what Array Visualizer means to them and how they think it would benefit the product and Intel. Indeed, I've VERY recently been asked to collect such comments, so you've given me a good opening. Reply here or send me mail at steve.lionel at - it would be more helpful if you include your name and company/organization.

Hi Steve,

I think the Array Visualizer integratingin the debugging environment is wonderful.
It is the reason whywe are still using visual fortran.

I just haveone suggestion:

Array Visualizer should be straight-forward while debugging.
I think the previous versionsare more useful in that way.
For example, data display, data marker, palette, and the axes are automatically displayed.
Users can investigate the specific data/valuesimmediately, anddon't have to setup theseitemsevery time.

For your reference.

0 Kudos

Thanks for your comments. I'm a bit confused, though - your screen capture looks as if it comes from an application and not just the "View Array" in the debugger. Am I mistaken?

Re: Intel64,

I was unable to get this to work - sorry. I will ask someone to look at it, but since this is officially unsupported, I can't make any promises.
0 Kudos

Thanks for your comments. I'm a bit confused, though - your screen capture looks as if it comes from an application and not just the "View Array" in the debugger. Am I mistaken?

Re: Intel64,

I was unable to get this to work - sorry. I will ask someone to look at it, but since this is officially unsupported, I can't make any promises.

Hi Steve,

Please refer to the page 184-187 in the following document:

The data marker, color palette, and axes are instantly displayed in the 3D plot while debugging :D

0 Kudos
New Contributor I
Hi Steve

I believe that your Intel64 remark is in reference to Win64 XP problem. Thanks for giving it a try. I remain hopeful that I will get a solution/work-around....

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Honored Contributor III

Your management did not know the value of the gem of a tool they had with AV. As a professional software developer and founder of a handful of software companies (tools and utilities), AV was one of the slickest things I've seen or used. True, AV did and does need improvement (has bugs in IVF implementation).

Your management did not know how to understand this tool, nor how to market it.

The best parts of AV

a) The presentation driver/app is in a separate processfrom the host application (uses memory mapped files). Meaning on x32 platform it requires very little memory in the host application process VM. And meaning, a single threaded host application gains multi-threaded capability by having the presentation performed in a separate process (concurrently) with execution of the application.

b) While host application is running, pumping results into AV, you can interact with the presentation process (AV) and add charts without interfering with the running of the application. This is realy cool.

In the simulation work I do for my space elevator research I typically have an animated3D plot of the elevator, earth, moon, etc... Run times can be several days. While running a simulation I may be interested in, as an example,following the bobbing of the upper ballast object. My standard presentation plots (animate 3D), has the data to plot this but not as a 2D chart. To add this 2D chart, it takes about 30 seconds and I can do this without interrupting the simulation run. As long as the tables are "watched" that data is available for ad-hoc plots.

True, the tougher charts and plots you will want to hard code into the program. For the easy ones, it is so easy to do you do not bother with writing the code.

Jim Dempsey
0 Kudos

Your management did not know the value of the gem of a tool they had with AV. As a professional software developer and founder of a handful of software companies (tools and utilities), AV was one of the slickest things I've seen or used. True, AV did and does need improvement (has bugs in IVF implementation).

Your management did not know how to understand this tool, nor how to market it.

The best parts of AV

a) The presentation driver/app is in a separate processfrom the host application (uses memory mapped files). Meaning on x32 platform it requires very little memory in the host application process VM. And meaning, a single threaded host application gains multi-threaded capability by having the presentation performed in a separate process (concurrently) with execution of the application.

b) While host application is running, pumping results into AV, you can interact with the presentation process (AV) and add charts without interfering with the running of the application. This is realy cool.

In the simulation work I do for my space elevator research I typically have an animated3D plot of the elevator, earth, moon, etc... Run times can be several days. While running a simulation I may be interested in, as an example,following the bobbing of the upper ballast object. My standard presentation plots (animate 3D), has the data to plot this but not as a 2D chart. To add this 2D chart, it takes about 30 seconds and I can do this without interrupting the simulation run. As long as the tables are "watched" that data is available for ad-hoc plots.

True, the tougher charts and plots you will want to hard code into the program. For the easy ones, it is so easy to do you do not bother with writing the code.

Jim Dempsey

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