Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Call a fortran stactic library from VC++



I have a fortran static library (fortranlibrary.lib) with a subroutine called Coresolver. I have called it from a fortran project and everything works excellent, I just need to add the library to the fortran project and call it like any other subroutine...

Call Coresolver(Puntosnp, PuntosKr, Vp, Sw, Kro, Krw, Npcalc, DeltaPcalc)


The issue is that now I need to call this subroutine from C++. Can anyone tell me please how to configure the C++ project and add the fortranlibrary.lib file?

The arguments are

integer :: Puntosnp, Puntoskr

Double presicion, dimension(*) ::  Vp, Sw, Kro, Krw, Npcalc, DeltaPcalc

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