Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28616 Discussions

Cannot find source code when debugging IFX in VS2022


I have VS Pro 2022 Version 17.10.4

Intel Fortran Compiler 2024.1

Compiled code with IFX.

When I put a break point in a line of code in main routine the execution stops at the line.  When I press F11 to step into the subroutine I get the message that *.for of the main code that I stopped execution in could not be found.  


I made the mistake of upgrading the VS2022 when the previous version showed signs of corruption.  I also upgraded the OneAPI base and HPC toolkit.  I do see that these versions of the compiler and VS have not been validated.  


As I am unable to find the Intel registration center to put in a support ticket, I am hoping someone here might help.

Suggestions on how to get back to work would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I have not seen that before however I am guessing the routine keyboardInput that you are stepping into is in the file keyboardInput.for and it is that file that isn't found.  I would clean and full rebuild your project and ensure that ALL the source files have been compiled successfully with debug settings and that your link command is not pulling in some non-debug obj files. 

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I appreciate the thoughts, Andrew, but the blow up happens when I try to step into a subroutine from the main and the VS2022 says ThreeDVisualizer.for not found even though that is the routine I was activitly stepping through to get to the subroutine I wanted to step into.  If I put a breakpoint inside the routine I wanted to step into, then it will run to that breakpoint.  


This version of VS2022 and Intel Compiler are behaving in a way that tells me I may have a difficult 6 months or so trying to code until it gets fixed by the crew at Intel.  I cannot debug programs outside Visual Studio.  So, I'm kinda stuck.

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Honored Contributor III

Well I and others have used IFX 2024.1 in VS 2022 which suggests to me that you have a specific problem with the project or installation. Why not have a fresh start with the latest compiler?


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