Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Compiling problem, xcode

I'm attempting to use a subroutine from the MKL LAPACK routines using a USE statment, but get the following error when trying to built&debug the program in xcode:
error #7002 Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths.
When I cd to the directory:/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/089/Frameworks/mkl/include/em64t/lp64, I find the mkl95_lapack.mod-file.
Do I have to add that path to xcode as well? I so, how do I do that?
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor III
If you are talking about xcode for MAC, this belongs in the other Fortran forum. As the message says, you should check whether the path you quoted is a default include path (possibly settable by an mklvars script in your MKL installation), or if you need to add it to your build include paths.
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Now I checked the mklvars script ( and it seems likeneither $MKLPATH nor $MKLINCLUDE variables are set. But when I try to edit the file I run it troubles. A message saying:"This file is not writable. You may not be able to save your changes". pop-up and after editing the file I really can't save the changes I made.
My next question is therefore, how do I edit the file and save the changes?
A quick google search did bring up any solution and changing the permission to read&write neither has any effect. Hope this is the right forum for this kind of question :-/
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Honored Contributor III
It's been years since I had access to a MAC with compilers, and that not with xcode, so I can only speak of generalities.
The files in a standard installation of ifort in /opt/intel/ normally have write permission reserved for root (sudo?) only.
When you source the ifortvars script for an ifort version which includes mkl, the mkl stuff should be added automatically on the same environment variables which ifort uses.
If you want the mklvars script to be sourced automatically, you would normally add it to your .profile or .cshrc, whatever is normally used to add setting automatically when opening a shell.
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Oki, will ask in another forum how to change the ifortvars script.
Thx for your help tim18 - appreciate it!
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Honored Contributor III
I would urge you to work with a copy of the startup script rather than the one installed in the Intel Fortran directory tree.

This approach gives you two advantages: first, you can create the script in your own directory tree, thereby avoiding the file permissions problems that you ran into. Secondly, you have protection from making irreversible changes to the script -- changes that have a habit of making the compiler dysfunctional to the point of forcing you to do a reinstall.

Once your modified script is working to your satisfaction, you may obtain root access and copy it to the Intel directory tree, keeping a backup of the original script.
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