>>I have a large code (10k+lines)
I will assume your code is in multiple source files.
What I suggest to do (instructions in MS VS-speak, you can do the same in Eclipse, make, etc...)
In the solution explorer, Release Build, expand the source folder, multi-select half the files, right-click on selection, properties, then set the optimization level to none, or /O1 or whatever works).
Build, Run and if you crash or get trash data, the problem is within the unselected files. In this case, select half of the remaining files, set optimization level to non... build and try again.
When you reach a point where you don't crash, then start working to halve the list of un-optimized sources and re-enable optimizations.
What the above procedure is doing is performing a binary search, looking for the source file (or files) having issues with optimization.
Once you've identified the affected file, you can then strategize how to isolate the problem further.
Note, it might be helpful to search this forum for ifort 19 vectorization problems.
Also, should the affected source file(s) when compiled without optimizations, combined with the other files compiled with optimizations, cause little runtime performance issues, Then leave your project with using different optimization levels for different files, and move on.
Jim Dempsey