Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Difficulty integrating VS and PSXE



I am trying to compile a .f90 file provided by the National Renewable Energy Lab for their program OpenFAST.  They supply the .f90 file and a CMake file, and instruct the user to run the CMake file.

I have Visual Studio 2017 and the other day I downloaded Parallel Studio XE 2018, the 30 day trial.  I have been unable to get CMake to recognize the Fortran compiler.

VS has the Desktop Development C++ package, and PSXE is integrated with VS.  If I type ifort in to any command window I get a response, so it's there.  I found this article about troubleshooting Fortran integration: ; At the end of step 2 it says to look at the file version of the integration DLLs.  My DLL versions don't quite fit the style of that example, but the last numbers are 15.  How did I get integration DLLs for VS 2015?  I only have 2017 installed. 

I read on another Intel article (I can't find it again right now) that if PSXE does not recognize the version of Visual Studio then it will install the integration for the 2015 shell.  Under the release notes for PSXE 2018,, it says that the trial version does not come with the 2015 shell version though.

Is my problem because PSXE is in the 30 day trial?  If not, how do I  get the correct integration DLLs?  I've spent 6 days trying to compile this one file.  I'm not a programmer, I'm just trying to compile the controller to use this NREL program to simulate wind turbines.

Thank you.

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5 Replies
Honored Contributor III

When you're using ifort from the command line, VS integration is not an issue.

You don't say what you mean by "Cmake doesn't recognize the Fortran compiler". Typically you would need to establish the Intel Fortran build environment by opening a command prompt window using one of the shortcuts installed with the compiler, or by executing:

 "%IFORT_COMPILER18%bin\ipsxe-comp-vars.bat" intel64 vs2017

in any command prompt window before invoking Cmake. Also your Cmake script would need to know to use "ifort" to compile Fortran source (and not, for example, "gfortran")

Do keep in mind that the evaluation license is for evaluating the product, and that once the evaluation period ends you are not supposed to keep running any executables you created with the compiler. The evaluation license is not intended as a "free rental" of a compiler.

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Thank you so much, Steve.  I have been reading everything I could about integrating VS and PSXE, using CMake with VS, etc, and I have not come across anything saying I needed to establish the Fortran build environment.  Doing that worked.  I suppose that is basic enough, if you are a programmer, that one wouldn't think to include that as something to check on those troubleshooting sites.

I did not get in to specifics about the CMake error because I thought my error was Intel related.  The specific error was CMAKE_FORTRAN_COMPILER could not be found.

OpenFAST is the newest version of the program FAST, and I wanted to test this version with the last to examine the differences.  I just needed to compile the DLL for OpenFAST.  If OpenFAST is fine for my purpose I will certainly look in to purchasing the compiler since I may need to compile more DLLs for OpenFAST in the future.

Thank you again.

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Honored Contributor III

Glad to hear it! Stop back in if you run into further issues using Intel Fortran.

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Valued Contributor II

Steve Lionel (Ret.) wrote:

When you're using ifort from the command line, VS integration is not an issue.

It is sort of a painful issue for me. When you start up an ifort command prompt the VS tools are available through all the complicated environmental variables that the *.BAT file that opens the command prompt sets up. But the fact that they are made available through VS integration makes them vulnerable to other software whose installers have no qualms about breaking other VS installations. Thus DUMPBIN /DISASM gets broken again and again and I don't know how to fix it or why I should have to fix it.


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Honored Contributor III

What I was referring to as "VS integration", and the topic of the articles Michael linked to, was the "magic" that makes Fortran available from within the Visual Studio IDE. I must admit that this is the first time I have heard of other software installs that break the VS command line environment, not that I am doubting you. 

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