Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Fortran Compiler 11.1 Download



I require the older version of Fortran Compiler (11.1) as it is needed for an older version of Aspen Plus (V8, A simulation software). However, I am unable to find it under the list of version available download. The oldest version available is 2017 Update 6. Is it possible to get the 11.1 version?

Thanking you in anticipation.

Best regards,


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4 Replies
Honored Contributor III

If you have a commercial license, you can try submitting a support request for this, but I'd expect that they will say no. Note that the Visual Studio version 11.1 works with isn't supported on current Windows systems.

When a third-party vendor talks about "required" compiler versions, they really mean "this is what we tested with". If your code is correct, it should work fine with the current, supported version. Try that and if you encounter problems, ask here. You may need to modify scripts to let AspenPlus know where to find the compiler, or just start AspenPlus from a Fortran build environment prompt.

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Thank you very much for your reply. I added Intel Fortran Compiler 19 in the configuration file which Aspen uses for finding the right libraries or linker options. After I run with these changes, in the linker messages, it seems like it recognizes the libifcoremd.lib, but it still gives a warning which says:

"ASPCOMP: Warning!  Intel Fortran runtime library libifcoremd.lib not found in %LIB%
ASPCOMP: Warning!  Intel Fortran runtime library is needed for Dynamic Linking." 

I am attaching the linker diagnostics with this message, where at the bottom, on line 58, it seems like libifcoremd.lib is added. I am a bit unsure as to how to follow up with this.  

Thank you

Best regards,


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Honored Contributor III

You probably need to update the batch file that sets up the Windows environment for Aspen. Please report the value of %LIB%, by entering the command

   set LIB

before running the Aspen batch file. Alternatively, you can add the command

   echo %LIB%

to a working copy of the Aspen batch file. If %LIB% is not correct, edit the batch file so that it sets up the LIB environment variable to include the directory that contains the IFCOREMD.LIB of Intel Fortran version 19.

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Honored Contributor III

I usually recommend either invoking tools such as ASPENPLUS from a Fortran build environment command prompt, or add the following to the environment script:

call "%IFORT_COMPILER19%bin\ifortvars.bat" intel64

(replace intel64 with ia32 if you want 32-bit)

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