Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Fortran FINAL routine called multiple times


Hi All - 

I'm trying to understand the correct way to use the FINAL routines with the Intel compiler. My intuition about the routine is correct and works with gfortran. My expectation is the constructor is called when the object is created and the destructor/final routine is called when the object goes out of scope. Because I'm using the constructor and final routines to make calls into a c++ library, the un-paired calls cause memory issues. I've attached a minimal working example as well as output from gfortran and Intel ifort 19.1 (which I've confirmed is the same as Intel ifort 18 and 19.0)


            IMPLICIT NONE

            TYPE STYPE
                INTEGER        :: A
                CHARACTER(200) :: whoami = "__NONAME__"
                FINAL :: destructor
            END TYPE STYPE

                PROCEDURE :: constructor

            FUNCTION constructor(me) RESULT(this)
                IMPLICIT NONE
                TYPE(STYPE) :: this
                CHARACTER(*),INTENT(IN) :: me
                WRITE(*,'(2A)') "Initializing: ",TRIM(me)
                this%whoami = me
                this%a = 0
            END FUNCTION constructor

            SUBROUTINE destructor(this)
                IMPLICIT NONE
                TYPE(STYPE) :: this
                WRITE(*,'(2A)') "Deconstructing: ",TRIM(this%whoami)
            END SUBROUTINE


            USE SAMPLE
            IMPLICIT NONE

            SUBROUTINE FN1()
                IMPLICIT NONE
                TYPE(STYPE) :: C
                C = STYPE("FN1")
                CALL FN2()
            END SUBROUTINE FN1

            SUBROUTINE FN2()
                IMPLICIT NONE
                TYPE(STYPE) :: D
                D = STYPE("FN2")
            END SUBROUTINE FN2

            USE SAMPLE
            IMPLICIT NONE

            TYPE(STYPE) :: A
            TYPE(STYPE) :: B

            A = STYPE("main_A")
            B = STYPE("main_B")
            CALL FN1()


The expected output and what I get from gfortran shows the destructor is called when the object goes out of scope, which is what I expect. Note that the destructor for main_a and main_b are not called automatically which does match my understanding of the standard.

Initializing: main_A
Initializing: main_B
Initializing: FN1
Initializing: FN2
Deconstructing: FN2
Deconstructing: FN1

However, the output from the Intel compiler it's very different. It seems there are at least two destructor calls for every constructor call, one of the objects that is deconstructed seems to be an uninitialized copy, and they occur out of sequence, meaning I expect: Construct A --> Construct B --> Deconstruct B --> Deconstruct A.

Initializing: main_A
Deconstructing: __NONAME__
Deconstructing: main_A
Initializing: main_B
Deconstructing: __NONAME__
Deconstructing: main_B
Initializing: FN1
Deconstructing: __NONAME__
Deconstructing: FN1
Initializing: FN2
Deconstructing: __NONAME__
Deconstructing: FN2
Deconstructing: FN2
Deconstructing: FN1

Is there a mismatch in my understanding of how to implement this sort of operation or is there a more correct way to achieve this? 


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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

To add to Quote #2, a scenario that brings it closer to the object 'construction' and 'deconstruction' as envisaged in the original post is with the ALLOCATABLE attribute:

module SAMPLE

   implicit none

   type STYPE
      integer        :: A
      character(200) :: whoami = "__NONAME__"
      logical :: temp = .false.
      final :: destructor
      procedure, pass(this) :: init => init_t
   end type STYPE

   interface STYPE
      procedure :: constructor
   end interface STYPE


   function constructor(me) result(this)
      type(STYPE) :: this
      character(len=*),intent(in) :: me
      write(*,'(2A)') "'Constructing': ",trim(me)
      this%whoami = me
      this%a = 0
      this%temp = .true.
   end function constructor

   subroutine destructor(this)
      type(STYPE), intent(inout) :: this
      write(*,'(2A)',advance='no') "Finalizing: ",trim(this%whoami)
      if (this%temp)  write(*,'(2A)') ", the RHS object"
      write (*,*)
   end subroutine

   subroutine init_t(this, me)
      class(STYPE), intent(inout) :: this
      character(len=*),intent(in) :: me
      this%whoami = me
   end subroutine

end module SAMPLE

   use SAMPLE
   implicit none

   subroutine FN1()
      implicit none
      type(STYPE), allocatable :: C
      C = stype("FN1")
      C%temp = .false.
      call FN2()
   end subroutine FN1

   subroutine FN2()
      implicit none
      type(STYPE), allocatable :: D
      D = stype("FN2")
      D%temp = .false.
   end subroutine FN2

end module MYFUNCTIONS

program MAIN

   use SAMPLE, only : STYPE
   use MYFUNCTIONS, only : FN1

   implicit none

   type(STYPE), allocatable :: A
   type(STYPE), allocatable :: B

   A = stype("main_A")
   B = stype("main_B")
   call FN1()

end program MAIN

Upon execution with Intel Fortran,

'Constructing': main_A
Finalizing: main_A, the RHS object

'Constructing': main_B
Finalizing: main_B, the RHS object

'Constructing': FN1
Finalizing: FN1, the RHS object

'Constructing': FN2
Finalizing: FN2, the RHS object

Finalizing: FN2
Finalizing: FN1


View solution in original post

0 Kudos
3 Replies
Honored Contributor III

@Zach C.,

I suggest you review this modified example based on your original post and please note the following:

  1. The semantics of finalization in the Fortran standard has gone through several refinements (some might say corrections or bug fixes) during the interpretation phase post-Fortran 2008.  The changes were documented only in the Corrigenda to Fortran 2008 standard and later in Fortran 2018 but it appears to me some compiler implementations missed out on studying the Corrigenda.
  2. My recollection is gfortran is one of those compilers which didn't pick up on the 2008 Corrigenda nor 2018 standard so it does not fully conform to the current standard,
  3. What you are noticing with Intel has to do with semantics of the assignment 'var = expr' and how 'var' gets defined and what happens to the function result of 'expr'.  Look in Section When finalization occurs in the standard, paragraph 1.  I've some doubts about Intel's implementation though,
  4. Even though there are some similarities between other languages (esp. C++) and Fortran when it comes to object construction with a generic function interface that has the same name as the type in question, there are subtle differences too that come into play, particularly with the lack of elision with the function result, 
  5. Given the point 3 above and also given how objects get defined in Fortran with component initialization, my take is the use of structure constructor as in 'obj = type(..)' assignment operation is not useful with types that require finalization.  I would suggest the use of explicit 'initialization' procedures instead as show in the example below; one can define generic interfaces as needed.
module SAMPLE
   implicit none

   type STYPE
      integer        :: A
      character(200) :: whoami = "__NONAME__"
      logical :: temp = .false.
      final :: destructor
      procedure, pass(this) :: init => init_t
   end type STYPE

   interface STYPE
      procedure :: constructor
   end interface STYPE


   function constructor(me) result(this)
      type(STYPE) :: this
      character(len=*),intent(in) :: me
      write(*,'(2A)') "'Constructing': ",trim(me)
      this%whoami = me
      this%a = 0
      this%temp = .true.
   end function constructor

   subroutine destructor(this)
      type(STYPE), intent(inout) :: this
      write(*,'(2A)',advance='no') "Finalizing: ",trim(this%whoami)
      if (this%temp)  write(*,'(2A)') ", the RHS object"
      write (*,*)
   end subroutine

   subroutine init_t(this, me)
      class(STYPE), intent(inout) :: this
      character(len=*),intent(in) :: me
      this%whoami = me
   end subroutine

end module SAMPLE

   use SAMPLE
   implicit none

   subroutine FN1()
      implicit none
      type(STYPE) :: C
      call C%init("Initial C")
      C = stype("FN1")
      C%temp = .false.
      call FN2()
   end subroutine FN1

   subroutine FN2()
      implicit none
      type(STYPE) :: D
      call D%init("Initial D")
      D = stype("FN2")
      D%temp = .false.
   end subroutine FN2

end module MYFUNCTIONS

program MAIN

   use SAMPLE, only : STYPE
   use MYFUNCTIONS, only : FN1
   implicit none

   type(STYPE) :: A
   type(STYPE) :: B

   call A%init("Initial A")
   call B%init("Initial B")
   A = stype("main_A")
   B = stype("main_B")
   call FN1()

end program MAIN
'Constructing': main_A
Finalizing: Initial A
Finalizing: main_A, the RHS object

'Constructing': main_B
Finalizing: Initial B
Finalizing: main_B, the RHS object

'Constructing': FN1
Finalizing: Initial C
Finalizing: FN1, the RHS object

'Constructing': FN2
Finalizing: Initial D
Finalizing: FN2, the RHS object

Finalizing: FN2
Finalizing: FN1


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

To add to Quote #2, a scenario that brings it closer to the object 'construction' and 'deconstruction' as envisaged in the original post is with the ALLOCATABLE attribute:

module SAMPLE

   implicit none

   type STYPE
      integer        :: A
      character(200) :: whoami = "__NONAME__"
      logical :: temp = .false.
      final :: destructor
      procedure, pass(this) :: init => init_t
   end type STYPE

   interface STYPE
      procedure :: constructor
   end interface STYPE


   function constructor(me) result(this)
      type(STYPE) :: this
      character(len=*),intent(in) :: me
      write(*,'(2A)') "'Constructing': ",trim(me)
      this%whoami = me
      this%a = 0
      this%temp = .true.
   end function constructor

   subroutine destructor(this)
      type(STYPE), intent(inout) :: this
      write(*,'(2A)',advance='no') "Finalizing: ",trim(this%whoami)
      if (this%temp)  write(*,'(2A)') ", the RHS object"
      write (*,*)
   end subroutine

   subroutine init_t(this, me)
      class(STYPE), intent(inout) :: this
      character(len=*),intent(in) :: me
      this%whoami = me
   end subroutine

end module SAMPLE

   use SAMPLE
   implicit none

   subroutine FN1()
      implicit none
      type(STYPE), allocatable :: C
      C = stype("FN1")
      C%temp = .false.
      call FN2()
   end subroutine FN1

   subroutine FN2()
      implicit none
      type(STYPE), allocatable :: D
      D = stype("FN2")
      D%temp = .false.
   end subroutine FN2

end module MYFUNCTIONS

program MAIN

   use SAMPLE, only : STYPE
   use MYFUNCTIONS, only : FN1

   implicit none

   type(STYPE), allocatable :: A
   type(STYPE), allocatable :: B

   A = stype("main_A")
   B = stype("main_B")
   call FN1()

end program MAIN

Upon execution with Intel Fortran,

'Constructing': main_A
Finalizing: main_A, the RHS object

'Constructing': main_B
Finalizing: main_B, the RHS object

'Constructing': FN1
Finalizing: FN1, the RHS object

'Constructing': FN2
Finalizing: FN2, the RHS object

Finalizing: FN2
Finalizing: FN1


0 Kudos

This is excellent and worked perfectly. I really appreciate your help.

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