Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
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Seeking to evaluate Intel Fortran Compiler with VS2008


I am trying to compile an old program that I've been told requires VS2008 to compile and contains some fortran. I've been looking for the appropriate Fortran compiler and have been told that it may be the Intel Fortran Compiler.

 According to the following link: ;
I need Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013 SP1 or earlier. The free trial downloader at
only allows access to 2017 or later. I am assuming that a paid licence gives full access to all old versions but I won't be given funds for a licence before having trialed it.

Is there any way to access trials of the earlier versions of this collection of software packages?

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5 Replies

Compilers that old are no longer available.  This article explains which compilers are supported and/or available. 

Is VS2008 available?  It's 12 or so years old!

It might just be the time to move to current software products for the bug fixes and security patches.


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Honored Contributor III

Usually when you see someone claim that an old compiler version is "required", it simply means that they haven't bothered to test with newer versions. That said, Microsoft has made incompatible changes in Visual C++ over the years, but they always explain how to revise the code appropriately.

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New Contributor I

Steve Lionel (Ret.) (Blackbelt) wrote:

..... That said, Microsoft has made incompatible changes in Visual C++ over the years, but they always explain how to revise the code appropriately.

I can only disagree about Visual C++ changes along the years. I am developing a very large C++ application in Visual Studio since 2000. I have never been compelled to update the syntax of old subroutine for a new version of the C++ compiler. Some subroutines go back to 1995.
Along the same years changes of Fortran has shown greater instability.

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Honored Contributor III

There are fewer (or, as in Luigi's case, no) incompatibilities when every component of the user's code is in source form. It is when third party libraries are used that sometimes incompatibilities may occur. We have seen a number of reports here where a third party library was compiled using VC2008 or such older version, and is being linked with objects/libraries compiled with a more recent set of VC components.

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Honored Contributor III

I also often wonder if these requests to "evaluate" really mean "I want a free compiler to build my application". If one really wanted to evaluate the product, you'd want the one you were able to buy.

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