Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Fortran Manuals and Interfaces

Valued Contributor III

Dear Steve:

A few years ago mecej4 on the MKL Forum helped me to fix - actually he fixed it and I just watched in awe, a bit like Shock and Awe in Fortran a program for the analysis of water supply systems. In mecej4's fix he used interfaces.

So in thinking about the Fortran Manuals - I dragged out Fortan 95/2003 explained.  The Metcalf book is more confusing than the Sonic Menu for hamburgers, but I digress. I could not make head nor tail of interfaces in the book. 

In the oldest iteration of the fixed program, we have a module called

Network that contains a lot of variable declarations, it ends then there are a series of subroutines, which are in the same file, but not in the module.

In the main program unit there are :

program Magni
  use Network
  implicit none
   subroutine PumpHead( H1, H4, a0, a1,  a2, a3, HRatio, retQ, flow0, pumpQ)
    use Network
    real(kind=dp) H1
    real(kind=dp) H4
    real(kind=dp) a0
    real(kind=dp) a1
    real(kind=dp) a2
    real(kind=dp) a3
    real(kind=dp) HRatio
    real(kind=dp) retQ
    real(kind=dp) flow0
    real(kind=dp) pumpQ
   end subroutine PumpHead
  end interface

a series of interface calls -- this program still compiles and run fine on the latest

A later version of the program has the subroutines within the module

  MODULE network
    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp = selected_real_kind(15, 307)
    REAL (KIND=dp) :: g = 9.806, pi = 3.14159265D0

    TYPE snode
        INTEGER id
        INTEGER :: tank = -1
        INTEGER :: zone = 0
        REAL (KIND=dp) x
        REAL (KIND=dp) y
        REAL (KIND=dp) e
        REAL (KIND=dp) c0
        REAL (KIND=dp) qbase
        REAL (KIND=dp) cs
        REAL (KIND=dp) h
        REAL (KIND=dp) c
        REAL (KIND=dp) inddemand
        REAL (KIND=dp) parkdemand
        REAL (KIND=dp) leakdemand
        REAL (KIND=dp) resdemand
        REAL (KIND=dp) dumc
        REAL (KIND=dp) q

    TYPE spipe
        INTEGER id
        INTEGER n1
        INTEGER n2
        INTEGER :: zone = 0
        INTEGER pumpstatus
        INTEGER nodei, nodej
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: a0 = 0.0
        REAL (KIND=dp) a1
        REAL (KIND=dp) a2
        REAL (KIND=dp) a3
        REAL (KIND=dp) length
        REAL (KIND=dp) diameter
        REAL (KIND=dp) c
        REAL (KIND=dp) wlrf !pipe wall roughness, m
        REAL (KIND=dp) e
        REAL (KIND=dp) pumpq
        REAL (KIND=dp) deltaq
        REAL (KIND=dp) q
        REAL (KIND=dp) h0
        REAL (KIND=dp) h1
        REAL (KIND=dp) h2
        REAL (KIND=dp) h3
        REAL (KIND=dp) h4
        REAL (KIND=dp) qt
        REAL (KIND=dp) v
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: k = 0.0
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: k1
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: RE
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: fr
        integer :: cv = 0
        integer :: prv = 0
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: prvcoeffic = 1.0
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: prvzeropressure
        REAL (KIND=dp) kvis !kinematic viscosity, m^2/s
        REAL (KIND=dp) tc !water temperature, celsius

    TYPE spump

        INTEGER :: pump = -1
        INTEGER :: pipe = 0
        INTEGER :: ontime = 0
        INTEGER :: offtime = 0
        INTEGER :: tank = -1
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: onlevel = 0.0
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: offlevel = 0.0

    TYPE stank

        INTEGER id
        REAL (KIND=dp) area
        REAL (KIND=dp) c
        REAL (KIND=dp) h0
        REAL (KIND=dp) hmax
        REAL (KIND=dp) hmin
        REAL (KIND=dp) hnext
        REAL (KIND=dp) k1
        INTEGER node
        REAL (KIND=dp) v
        REAL (KIND=dp) centreX
        REAL (KIND=dp) centerY
        REAL (KIND=dp) radius


    TYPE constants

        REAL (KIND=dp) :: resdemfact = 0.15
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: inddemfact = 0.15
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: parkfactor = 540.0
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: demand = 0.0
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: flow0 = 0.01
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: gpmpercfs = 448.4
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: htol = 0.01
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: huge_int = 999999999
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: lperet = 0.15
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: lperft3 = 28.3
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: metricratio = 1000.0
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: limit = 1000000

        INTEGER :: maxhrs = 24
        INTEGER :: maxid
        INTEGER :: maxiter = 2000
        INTEGER :: maxnodes
        INTEGER :: maxpipes
        INTEGER :: maxpumps
        INTEGER :: maxsegs
        INTEGER :: maxtanks
        INTEGER :: maxtexts = 50
        INTEGER :: nodedataccount = 12
        INTEGER :: runtime = 1
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: qtol = 0.01
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: ttol = 5.0
        REAL (KIND=dp) :: unknown = -999999
        CHARACTER *2 :: units = 'SI'


    SUBROUTINE timingline(sw)
    INTEGER :: sw
    INTEGER :: tmpday, tmpmonth, tmpyear
    INTEGER :: tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond, tmphund, values(8)
    CHARACTER *2 :: mer

    CALL date_and_time(values=values)
    tmpyear = values(1)
    tmpmonth = values(2)
    tmpday = values(3)
    tmphour = values(5)
    tmpminute = values(6)
    tmpsecond = values(7)
    tmphund = values(8)
    IF (tmphour.GT.12) THEN
        mer = 'pm'
        tmphour = tmphour - 12
        mer = 'am'
    END IF
    WRITE (sw, 100) tmpday, tmpmonth, tmpyear
    WRITE (sw, 110) tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond, tmphund, mer
    WRITE (*, 100) tmpday, tmpmonth, tmpyear
    WRITE (*, 110) tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond, tmphund, mer
    WRITE (sw, 120)
100 FORMAT ('       Analysis Date : ', I2, '/', I2.2, '/', I4.4)
110 FORMAT ('       Time : ', I2, ':', I2.2, ':', I2.2, ':', I3.3, &
        ' ', A)
120 FORMAT ('        ')

And there are no inferfaces:

I was wondering which is the preferred standard and really if the module contains the subroutines, is there any need for interfaces?


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5 Replies

I talked about this in Doctor Fortran Gets Explicit - Again! In general, putting Fortran procedures in modules (or making them internal procedures) is preferred over writing interface blocks. INTERFACE is still needed for generic declarations, and it's a way of declaring user-defined derived type I/O, but the actual routines themselves should be in modules. If you're writing interface blocks for Fortran routines, you're doing it wrong. (A possible exception is if you're "updating" an old program and want a quick-and-dirty way of creating explicit interfaces for external procedures.)

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Valued Contributor III

Dear Steve:

Thanks for the note.  It prompted me to go back and look at the older code that I have not touched since 2014. 

​mecej4 at the time showed me how to use PARDISO and also helped a lot to fix the water supply analysis program - which is based on the Gradient Algorithm - I had an early 1987 program based on the Hardy Cross method that had convergence problems with 2000 node water supply models. mecej4 suggested Fortran as being faster than C# - as always he was correct as the graph shows. I am sure he showed me how to use modules properly as well.

For anyone who is not using PARDISO to invert, you are really wasting a lot computer time. - Note that it is a log scale for time not linear.

Teh water supply program final version uses your suggested subroutines in the modules.  it is quite fun to look at the original PASCAL and C code from the EPANET - and then the version rewritten in C# (ok some of us have no choice sometimes) and then the Fortran version.  As you can see the Fortran can handle bigger problems faster.  Those are dense arrays as well not sparse - fully populated with random numbers.

A real pity I got sidetracked onto other problems, this is still the fastest water supply analysis program that I am aware of, and I am happy to give it away.


0 Kudos

Dear Mr John Nichols

I am also in the field of Water Supply network analysis and I am happy to see that you have done lot of work in this field.

I am having a network of pipes in AutoCAD from which I am able to make a matrix in AutoLisp which I want to solve using Gradient Method. Can you please explain how can I get matrix inverse in Autolisp ?


Thanks a lot



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Valued Contributor III


Interesting problem, I have not written an inverter in LISP, should not be that hard.  Take any FORTRAN inversion routine -- there are a lot and recode it in LISP -- it will be very slow as it is not complied.

My data is stored in AutoCAD and I use LISP routines to export the data,  the issue is having the node numbers in a set location for each node and being able to recover them accurately.  Pipes also need to be connected, which in AutoCAD is not hard, but you have to make sure it happens. 

If I can write an AI program in AutoLISP then you can do inversion.

If you want the LISP code and FORTRAN code for what I have send me a note.


0 Kudos

Dear Mr John Nichols,

I have sent you a private message. Please check and revert. Thanks.


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