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I am using yamajun's program to get MAC ADDRESS by Fortran:
Sending the results to output *.txt file
WRITE (18,'(8A)') AdapterInfo(i)%IpAddressList%IpAddress, AdapterInfo(i)%IpAddressList%IpMask
gives the following:
where X denotes different numbers.
I would like to see only addresses in the file. Please advise how to remove null string characters.
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You will have to replace the NUL characters by, say, spaces - or if the length of the addresses is constant, you could write a substring instead.
Most general:
function removenuls( string) character(len=*) :: string character(len=len(string)) :: removenuls integer :: pos pos = index( string, achar(0) ) if ( pos > 0 ) then removenuls = string(1:pos) else removenuls = string endif end function removenuls
It does assume that there are no meaningful characters after the first NUL, but that is generally the case with strings coming from C. An alternative to achar(0) is the c_null_char parameter from ISO_C_BINDING.
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Really the right way to do this is to use INDEX to find the first NUL, use that to compute the length of the actual text, and write only the substring. Don't rely on characters following the first NUL to be anything specific.
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Arjen, Steve, thanks. I've tried the following:
WRITE (18,'(8A)') AdapterInfo(i)%IpAddressList%IpAddress(1:INDEX(AdapterInfo(i)%IpAddressList%IpAddress, ACHAR(0))-1), AdapterInfo(i)%IpAddressList%IpMask(1:INDEX(AdapterInfo(i)%IpAddressList%IpMask, ACHAR(0))-1)
which causes the following errors:
*.f90(119): error #6514: A substring must be of type CHARACTER. [IPADDRESS]
*.f90(119): error #6362: The data types of the argument(s) are invalid. [INDEX]
*.f90(119): error #6514: A substring must be of type CHARACTER. [IPMASK]
*.f90(119): error #6362: The data types of the argument(s) are invalid. [INDEX]
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You should use INDEX(AdapterInfo%lpAddressLIst^%lpAddress,ACHAR(0) ) -1 as the end value, Note the location of the -1.
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The following code, abstracted from a larger program, accomplishes what the OP asked for:
MODULE MAC USE ifwinty USE charfunc IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC GetMacInfo PRIVATE SAVE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 128 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH = 256 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 8 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET = 6 ! Ipifcons.h TYPE IP_ADDRESS_STRING CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: String END TYPE IP_ADDRESS_STRING TYPE IP_MASK_STRING CHARACTER(LEN=16) :: String END TYPE IP_MASK_STRING TYPE t_IP_ADDR_STRING INTEGER (LPLONG) :: pNext TYPE (IP_ADDRESS_STRING) :: IpAddress TYPE (IP_MASK_STRING) :: IpMask INTEGER (DWORD) :: Context END TYPE t_IP_ADDR_STRING TYPE t_IP_ADAPTER_INFO INTEGER(LPLONG) :: pNext INTEGER(DWORD) :: ComboIndex CHARACTER(LEN=MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH+4) :: AdapterName CHARACTER(LEN=MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH+4) :: Description INTEGER(UINT) :: AddressLength INTEGER(BYTE) :: Address(MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH) INTEGER(DWORD) :: Index INTEGER(ULONG) :: iType INTEGER(ULONG) :: DhcpEnabled INTEGER(LPLONG) :: pCurrentIpAddress TYPE(t_IP_ADDR_STRING) :: IpAddressList TYPE(t_IP_ADDR_STRING) :: GatewayList TYPE(t_IP_ADDR_STRING) :: DhcpServer INTEGER(BOOL) :: HaveWins TYPE(t_IP_ADDR_STRING) :: PrimaryWinsServer TYPE(t_IP_ADDR_STRING) :: SecondaryWinsServer INTEGER(ULONG) :: LeaseObtained INTEGER(ULONG) :: LeaseExpires END TYPE t_IP_ADAPTER_INFO ! must link with IpHlpApi.lib to access this API function; ! this interface is not included in ifwinty INTERFACE INTEGER(BOOL) FUNCTION GetAdaptersInfo (arg1, arg2) USE ifwinty !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DEFAULT, STDCALL, DECORATE, ALIAS:'GetAdaptersInfo' :: GetAdaptersInfo INTEGER(LPLONG) :: arg1 INTEGER(LPLONG) :: arg2 END FUNCTION END INTERFACE CONTAINS SUBROUTINE GetMacInfo (hwnd, id) USE contwrap IMPLICIT NONE ! dialog window handle and set of static-text IDs for display INTEGER(HANDLE), INTENT(IN) :: hwnd INTEGER, INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(4) :: id CHARACTER(LEN=200) :: msg INTEGER :: i, nc, count INTEGER, PARAMETER :: acount = 16 TYPE(t_IP_ADAPTER_INFO),ALLOCATABLE :: ai(:) count = 0 ! allow for multiple adapters ALLOCATE (ai(acount)) nc = SIZEOF(ai) IF (GetAdaptersInfo(LOC(ai), LOC(nc)) == 0) THEN DO i = 1, acount SELECT CASE (ai(i)%iType) CASE (MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET) ! line 1: description and MAC address !nc = INDEX(ai(i)%Description, CHAR(0)) - 1 !WRITE (msg, '(A,", ",5(Z2.2,"-"),Z2.2)') & ! ai(i)%Description(1:nc), & ! ai(i)%Address(1:ai(i)%AddressLength) nc = INDEX(ai(i)%Description, CHAR(0)) msg = ai(i)%Description(1:nc) count = count + 1 CALL StaticSetText (hwnd, id(count), msg) CALL ControlSetVisible (hwnd, id(count), .TRUE.) ! line 2: IP and Gateway addresses WRITE (msg, '("IP Addr: ",A," Gateway: ",A)') & ai(i)%IpAddressList%IpAddress%string, & ai(i)%GatewayList%IpAddress%string CALL remove_nulls (msg) count = count + 1 CALL StaticSetText (hwnd, id(count), msg) CALL ControlSetVisible (hwnd, id(count), .TRUE.) IF (count >= 4) EXIT END SELECT IF (ai(i)%pNext == NULL) EXIT END DO END IF DEALLOCATE (ai) END SUBROUTINE GetMacInfo END MODULE MAC
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In the Intel Fortran Forum -- I get an error on trying to post a new topic
Old form please resubmit
I have rebooted and done a scannow and it still happens -- I am not sure if this work as I have tried many times - so I posted to the MKL as well
This is my last go -- fingers crossed
any ideas?
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On 5/11/20 I experienced several dropped contacts with the IDZ forums (aliens screen) . A few times after composing a lengthy post. I am in the habit of copying post to paste buffer before clicking on Submit, so I don't lose my effort. In one or two minutes connection is reestablished and I can re-post via paste buffer.
Jim Dempsey
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I appreciate everyone's effort in helping to resolve this.
After a few more attempts last week, I decided to leave it as it is because I found that NULs disappear when *.txt file is open using Notepad and WordPad.
Note that earlier I was using Notepad++, which shows some NULs in the output *.txt file.
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Bekbauov, Bakhbergen wrote:NULs disappear when *.txt file is open using Notepad and WordPad.
NULL characters doesn't disappear they just are not shown. With Notepad++, you can choose to show special characters or not. See in the display menu for special characters item.
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Vautier, Gilles wrote:
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Gilles, sure, you're right. I should probably have written that NULs "disappear" when *.txt file is open using Notepad and WordPad with default settings.
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