Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28455 Discussions

ICE on clash of names imported via use statement

New Contributor II

The following invalid code crashes current ifort/ifx:



module M1
  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING, only: C_PTR
  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING, only: X_PTR => C_FUNPTR
  implicit none
end module

module M2
  use M1, only: X_PTR => C_PTR ! C_PTR
  implicit none
end module

module M3
  use M1, only: C_PTR => X_PTR ! C_FUNPTR
  use M2, only: C_PTR => X_PTR ! C_PTR
  implicit none
  type(c_ptr) :: ptr
end module



I get e.g. with ifx:



% ifx ifort-use-clash.f90
ifort-use-clash.f90(13): error #6496: There is more than one use-name for a local-name.   [C_PTR]
  use M1, only: C_PTR => X_PTR ! C_FUNPTR
ifort-use-clash.f90(17): internal error: Please visit '' for assistance.
end module
ifort-use-clash.f90(17): catastrophic error: Internal Compiler Error: Ref module: ffe_cl.c
compilation aborted for ifort-use-clash.f90 (code 1)


Found while debugging a different issue...


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1 Reply

Thanks for reporting this. The compilers shouldn't ICE even if there is a coding error. I filed CMPLRLLVM-47099 to address it.



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