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The following code compiles and produces working code with Intel OneApi 21.10, gfortran, nagfor, but ifx produces a binaru from the code that segfaults:
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000004065db in particles_mp_particle_set_set_momentum_all_ ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00000000004065db in particles_mp_particle_set_set_momentum_all_ ()
#1 0x00000000004077f2 in main_ut_IP_eio_direct_1_ ()
#2 0x000000000040515d in main ()
#3 0x00007ffff789bd90 in __libc_start_call_main (main=main@entry=0x405140 <main>, argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x7fffffffc408)
at ../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58
#4 0x00007ffff789be40 in __libc_start_main_impl (main=0x405140 <main>, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffc408, init=<optimized out>, fini=<optimized out>,
rtld_fini=<optimized out>, stack_end=0x7fffffffc3f8) at ../csu/libc-start.c:392
#5 0x0000000000405075 in _start ()
module model_data
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding !NODEP!
implicit none
public :: field_data_t
public :: model_data_t
type :: field_data_t
character(6) :: longname
integer :: pdg = 0
character(2), dimension(:), allocatable :: name
procedure :: init => field_data_init
procedure :: set => field_data_set
end type field_data_t
type :: model_data_t
character(4) :: name
type(field_data_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: field
generic :: init => model_data_init
procedure, private :: model_data_init
procedure :: get_field_ptr_by_index => model_data_get_field_ptr_index
procedure :: init_test => model_data_init_test
end type model_data_t
subroutine field_data_init (prt, longname, pdg)
class(field_data_t), intent(out) :: prt
character(6), intent(in) :: longname
integer, intent(in) :: pdg
prt%longname = longname
prt%pdg = pdg
end subroutine field_data_init
subroutine field_data_set (prt, name)
class(field_data_t), intent(inout) :: prt
character(2), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: name
if (present (name)) then
prt%name = name
end if
end subroutine field_data_set
subroutine model_data_init (model, name, &
n_par_real, n_field, n_vtx)
class(model_data_t), intent(out) :: model
character(4), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: n_par_real
integer, intent(in) :: n_field
integer, intent(in) :: n_vtx
model%name = name
allocate (model%field (n_field))
end subroutine model_data_init
function model_data_get_field_ptr_index (model, i) result (ptr)
class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model
integer, intent(in) :: i
type(field_data_t), pointer :: ptr
ptr => model%field(i)
end function model_data_get_field_ptr_index
subroutine model_data_init_test (model)
class(model_data_t), intent(out) :: model
type(field_data_t), pointer :: field
integer, parameter :: n_real = 4
integer, parameter :: n_field = 2
integer, parameter :: n_vertex = 0
! real, pointer :: ms, mf
integer :: i
call model%init ("Test", &
n_real, n_field, n_vertex)
i = 0
i = i + 1
field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i)
call field%init ("SCALAR", 25)
call field%set (name = ["ss"])
i = i + 1
field => model%get_field_ptr_by_index (i)
call field%init ("FERMION", 6)
call field%set (name = ["ff"])
end subroutine model_data_init_test
end module model_data
module lorentz
implicit none
public :: vector4_t
public :: vector4_null
public :: assignment (=)
public :: vector4
public :: operator(*)
public :: operator(**)
type :: vector4_t
real, dimension(0:3) :: p = &
[0, 0, 0, 0]
end type vector4_t
type(vector4_t), parameter :: vector4_null = &
vector4_t ([ 0, 0, 0, 0 ])
interface operator(*)
module procedure prod_real_vector4, prod_vector4_real
module procedure prod_integer_vector4, prod_vector4_integer
end interface
interface operator(*)
module procedure prod_vector4
end interface
interface operator(**)
module procedure power_vector4
end interface
interface assignment (=)
module procedure vector4_from_array
end interface
elemental function prod_real_vector4 (s, p) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
real, intent(in) :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
q%p = s * p%p
end function prod_real_vector4
elemental function prod_vector4_real (p, s) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
real, intent(in) :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
q%p = s * p%p
end function prod_vector4_real
elemental function prod_integer_vector4 (s, p) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
integer, intent(in) :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
q%p = s * p%p
end function prod_integer_vector4
elemental function prod_vector4_integer (p, s) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
integer, intent(in) :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
q%p = s * p%p
end function prod_vector4_integer
elemental function prod_vector4 (p, q) result (s)
real :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p,q
s = p%p(0)*q%p(0) - dot_product(p%p(1:), q%p(1:))
end function prod_vector4
elemental function power_vector4 (p, e) result (s)
real :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: e
s = p * p
if (e /= 2) then
if (mod(e, 2) == 0) then
s = s**(e / 2)
else if (s >= 0) then
s = sqrt(s)**e
s = -(sqrt(abs(s))**e)
end if
end if
end function power_vector4
pure subroutine vector4_from_array (p, a)
type(vector4_t), intent(out) :: p
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: a
p%p(0:3) = a
end subroutine vector4_from_array
pure function vector4 (a) result (p)
type(vector4_t) :: p
real, intent(in), dimension(4) :: a
p%p = a
end function vector4
end module lorentz
module flavors
use model_data
implicit none
public :: flavor_t
type :: flavor_t
integer :: f = 0
type(field_data_t), pointer :: field_data => null ()
generic :: init => &
procedure, private :: flavor_init_model
procedure :: is_associated => flavor_is_associated
end type flavor_t
impure elemental subroutine flavor_init_model (flv, f, model)
class(flavor_t), intent(inout) :: flv
integer, intent(in) :: f
class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model
flv%f = f
end subroutine flavor_init_model
elemental function flavor_is_associated (flv) result (flag)
class(flavor_t), intent(in) :: flv
logical :: flag
flag = associated (flv%field_data)
end function flavor_is_associated
end module flavors
module particles
use lorentz
use model_data
use flavors
implicit none
public :: particle_t
public :: particle_set_t
type :: particle_t
integer :: status = 0
type(flavor_t) :: flv
type(vector4_t) :: p = vector4_null
real :: p2 = 0
real, allocatable :: lifetime
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: parent
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: child
procedure :: final => particle_final
procedure :: set_flavor => particle_set_flavor
procedure :: set_momentum => particle_set_momentum
end type particle_t
type :: particle_set_t
! private !!!
integer :: n_beam = 0
integer :: n_in = 0
integer :: n_vir = 0
integer :: n_out = 0
integer :: n_tot = 0
integer :: factorization_mode = 0
type(particle_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt
procedure :: final => particle_set_final
procedure :: basic_init => particle_set_basic_init
procedure :: init_direct => particle_set_init_direct
generic :: set_momentum => set_momentum_single
generic :: set_momentum => set_momentum_all
procedure :: set_momentum_single => particle_set_set_momentum_single
procedure :: set_momentum_all => particle_set_set_momentum_all
end type particle_set_t
subroutine particle_final (prt)
class(particle_t), intent(inout) :: prt
if (allocated (prt%lifetime)) deallocate (prt%lifetime)
end subroutine particle_final
subroutine particle_set_flavor (prt, flv)
class(particle_t), intent(inout) :: prt
type(flavor_t), intent(in) :: flv
prt%flv = flv
end subroutine particle_set_flavor
elemental subroutine particle_set_momentum (prt, p, p2, on_shell)
class(particle_t), intent(inout) :: prt
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
real, intent(in), optional :: p2
logical, intent(in), optional :: on_shell
prt%p = p
if (present (on_shell)) then
if (on_shell) then
if (prt%flv%is_associated ()) then
prt%p2 = 125.**2
end if
end if
end if
if (present (p2)) then
prt%p2 = p2
prt%p2 = p ** 2
end if
end subroutine particle_set_momentum
subroutine particle_set_final (particle_set)
class(particle_set_t), intent(inout) :: particle_set
integer :: i
if (allocated (particle_set%prt)) then
do i = 1, size(particle_set%prt)
call particle_set%prt(i)%final ()
end do
deallocate (particle_set%prt)
end if
end subroutine particle_set_final
subroutine particle_set_basic_init (particle_set, n_beam, n_in, n_vir, n_out)
class(particle_set_t), intent(out) :: particle_set
integer, intent(in) :: n_beam, n_in, n_vir, n_out
particle_set%n_beam = n_beam
particle_set%n_in = n_in
particle_set%n_vir = n_vir
particle_set%n_out = n_out
particle_set%n_tot = n_beam + n_in + n_vir + n_out
allocate (particle_set%prt (particle_set%n_tot))
end subroutine particle_set_basic_init
subroutine particle_set_init_direct (particle_set, &
n_beam, n_in, n_rem, n_vir, n_out, pdg, model)
class(particle_set_t), intent(out) :: particle_set
integer, intent(in) :: n_beam
integer, intent(in) :: n_in
integer, intent(in) :: n_rem
integer, intent(in) :: n_vir
integer, intent(in) :: n_out
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg
class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model
type(flavor_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: flv
integer :: i, k, n
call particle_set%basic_init (n_beam, n_in, n_rem+n_vir, n_out)
n = 0
n = n + n_beam
n = n + n_in
n = n + n_rem
n = n + n_vir
allocate (flv (particle_set%n_tot))
call flv%init (pdg, model)
do i = 1, particle_set%n_tot
call particle_set%prt(i)%set_flavor (flv(i))
end do
end subroutine particle_set_init_direct
subroutine particle_set_set_momentum_single &
(particle_set, i, p, p2, on_shell)
class(particle_set_t), intent(inout) :: particle_set
integer, intent(in) :: i
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
real, intent(in), optional :: p2
logical, intent(in), optional :: on_shell
call particle_set%prt(i)%set_momentum (p, p2, on_shell)
end subroutine particle_set_set_momentum_single
subroutine particle_set_set_momentum_all (particle_set, p, p2, on_shell)
class(particle_set_t), intent(inout) :: particle_set
type(vector4_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p
real, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: p2
logical, intent(in), optional :: on_shell
call particle_set%prt%set_momentum (p, p2, on_shell)
end subroutine particle_set_set_momentum_all
end module particles
module eio_direct
use lorentz
use particles, only: particle_set_t
use model_data, only: model_data_t
implicit none
public :: eio_direct_t
type :: eio_direct_t
type(particle_set_t) :: pset
procedure :: final => eio_direct_final
procedure :: init_direct => eio_direct_init_direct
generic :: set_momentum => set_momentum_single
generic :: set_momentum => set_momentum_all
procedure :: set_momentum_single => eio_direct_set_momentum_single
procedure :: set_momentum_all => eio_direct_set_momentum_all
end type eio_direct_t
subroutine eio_direct_final (object)
class(eio_direct_t), intent(inout) :: object
call object%pset%final ()
end subroutine eio_direct_final
subroutine eio_direct_init_direct &
(eio, n_beam, n_in, n_rem, n_vir, n_out, pdg, model)
class(eio_direct_t), intent(out) :: eio
integer, intent(in) :: n_beam
integer, intent(in) :: n_in
integer, intent(in) :: n_rem
integer, intent(in) :: n_vir
integer, intent(in) :: n_out
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg
class(model_data_t), intent(in), target :: model
call eio%pset%init_direct (n_beam, n_in, n_rem, n_vir, n_out, pdg, model)
end subroutine eio_direct_init_direct
subroutine eio_direct_set_momentum_single (eio, i, p, p2, on_shell)
class(eio_direct_t), intent(inout) :: eio
integer, intent(in) :: i
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
real, intent(in), optional :: p2
logical, intent(in), optional :: on_shell
call eio%pset%set_momentum (i, p, p2, on_shell)
end subroutine eio_direct_set_momentum_single
subroutine eio_direct_set_momentum_all (eio, p, p2, on_shell)
class(eio_direct_t), intent(inout) :: eio
type(vector4_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p
real, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: p2
logical, intent(in), optional :: on_shell
call eio%pset%set_momentum (p, p2, on_shell)
end subroutine eio_direct_set_momentum_all
end module eio_direct
program main_ut
use lorentz, only: vector4_t
use model_data, only: model_data_t
use eio_direct
implicit none
call eio_direct_1 (6)
subroutine eio_direct_1 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(eio_direct_t) :: eio
type(vector4_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: p
class(model_data_t), pointer :: model
allocate (model)
call model%init_test ()
allocate (p(4))
p(1)%p = [ 500., 0., 0., sqrt(500.**2 - 125.**2)]
p(2)%p = [ 500., 0., 0., -sqrt(500.**2 - 125.**2)]
p(3)%p = [ 500., -149.6022091137, -460.4282561141, 0.]
p(4)%p = [ 500., 149.6022091137, 460.4282561141, 0.]
call eio%final ()
call eio%init_direct ( &
n_beam = 0, n_in = 2, n_rem = 0, n_vir = 0, n_out = 2, &
pdg = [25, 25, 25, 25], model = model)
call eio%set_momentum (p([1,2,4,3]), on_shell=.true.)
end subroutine eio_direct_1
end program main_ut
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I just compiled and ran both reproducers with a preview of ifx 2024.2.0. No seg faults!
Watch for the release of this version in mid-2024!
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ifx v2024.0.0
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Thank you for sending this to us. I will create a bug report.
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bug ID is CMPLRLLVM-54624
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Is there any progress on this issue? Here is a slightly reduced test case:
module lorentz
implicit none
public :: vector4_t
public :: vector4_null
public :: vector4_at_rest
public :: vector4_moving
public :: operator(*)
public :: operator(**)
type :: vector4_t
real, dimension(0:3) :: p = &
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
end type vector4_t
type(vector4_t), parameter :: vector4_null = &
vector4_t ([ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
interface vector4_moving
module procedure vector4_moving_canonical
end interface
interface operator(*)
module procedure prod_real_vector4, prod_vector4_real
module procedure prod_integer_vector4, prod_vector4_integer
end interface
interface operator(*)
module procedure prod_vector4
end interface
interface operator(**)
module procedure power_vector4
end interface
elemental function vector4_at_rest (m) result (p)
type(vector4_t) :: p
real, intent(in) :: m
p = vector4_t ([ m, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
end function vector4_at_rest
elemental function vector4_moving_canonical (E, p, k) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
real, intent(in) :: E, p
integer, intent(in) :: k
q = vector4_at_rest(E)
q%p(k) = p
end function vector4_moving_canonical
elemental function prod_real_vector4 (s, p) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
real, intent(in) :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
q%p = s * p%p
end function prod_real_vector4
elemental function prod_vector4_real (p, s) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
real, intent(in) :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
q%p = s * p%p
end function prod_vector4_real
elemental function prod_integer_vector4 (s, p) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
integer, intent(in) :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
q%p = s * p%p
end function prod_integer_vector4
elemental function prod_vector4_integer (p, s) result (q)
type(vector4_t) :: q
integer, intent(in) :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
q%p = s * p%p
end function prod_vector4_integer
elemental function prod_vector4 (p, q) result (s)
real :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p,q
s = p%p(0)*q%p(0) - dot_product(p%p(1:), q%p(1:))
end function prod_vector4
elemental function power_vector4 (p, e) result (s)
real :: s
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
integer, intent(in) :: e
s = p * p
end function power_vector4
end module lorentz
module flavors
implicit none
public :: flavor_t
type :: flavor_t
integer :: f = 0
procedure :: init => flavor_init
end type flavor_t
elemental subroutine flavor_init (flv, f)
class(flavor_t), intent(inout) :: flv
integer, intent(in) :: f
flv%f = f
end subroutine flavor_init
end module flavors
module particles
use lorentz
use flavors
implicit none
public :: particle_t
public :: particle_set_t
type :: particle_t
integer :: status = 0
type(flavor_t) :: flv
type(vector4_t) :: p = vector4_null
real :: p2 = 0
type(vector4_t), allocatable :: vertex
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: parent
procedure :: set_flavor => particle_set_flavor
procedure :: set_momentum => particle_set_momentum
procedure :: set_parents => particle_set_parents
end type particle_t
type :: particle_set_t
! private !!!
integer :: n_beam = 0
integer :: n_in = 0
integer :: n_vir = 0
integer :: n_out = 0
integer :: n_tot = 0
type(particle_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: prt
procedure :: basic_init => particle_set_basic_init
procedure :: init_direct => particle_set_init_direct
generic :: set_momentum => set_momentum_all
procedure :: set_momentum_all => particle_set_set_momentum_all
end type particle_set_t
subroutine particle_set_flavor (prt, flv)
class(particle_t), intent(inout) :: prt
type(flavor_t), intent(in) :: flv
prt%flv = flv
end subroutine particle_set_flavor
elemental subroutine particle_set_momentum (prt, p, p2)
class(particle_t), intent(inout) :: prt
type(vector4_t), intent(in) :: p
real, intent(in), optional :: p2
prt%p = p
if (present (p2)) then
prt%p2 = p2
prt%p2 = p ** 2
end if
end subroutine particle_set_momentum
subroutine particle_set_parents (prt, idx)
class(particle_t), intent(inout) :: prt
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: idx
if (allocated (prt%parent)) deallocate (prt%parent)
allocate (prt%parent (count (idx /= 0)))
prt%parent = pack (idx, idx /= 0)
end subroutine particle_set_parents
subroutine particle_set_basic_init (particle_set, n_beam, n_in, n_vir, n_out)
class(particle_set_t), intent(out) :: particle_set
integer, intent(in) :: n_beam, n_in, n_vir, n_out
particle_set%n_beam = n_beam
particle_set%n_in = n_in
particle_set%n_vir = n_vir
particle_set%n_out = n_out
particle_set%n_tot = n_beam + n_in + n_vir + n_out
allocate (particle_set%prt (particle_set%n_tot))
end subroutine particle_set_basic_init
subroutine particle_set_init_direct (particle_set, &
n_beam, n_in, n_rem, n_vir, n_out, pdg)
class(particle_set_t), intent(out) :: particle_set
integer, intent(in) :: n_beam
integer, intent(in) :: n_in
integer, intent(in) :: n_rem
integer, intent(in) :: n_vir
integer, intent(in) :: n_out
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pdg
type(flavor_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: flv
integer :: i, k, n
call particle_set%basic_init (n_beam, n_in, n_rem+n_vir, n_out)
n = 0
n = n + n_beam
do i = n+1, n+n_in
if (n_beam > 0) then
call particle_set%prt(i)%set_parents &
end if
end do
n = n + n_in
do i = n+1, n+n_rem
if (n_beam > 0) then
call particle_set%prt(i)%set_parents &
end if
end do
n = n + n_rem
do i = n+1, n+n_vir
call particle_set%prt(i)%set_parents &
([(k, k=n-n_rem-n_in+1, n-n_rem)])
end do
n = n + n_vir
do i = n+1, n+n_out
call particle_set%prt(i)%set_parents &
([(k, k=n-n_vir-n_rem-n_in+1, n-n_vir-n_rem)])
end do
allocate (flv (particle_set%n_tot))
call flv%init (pdg)
do i = 1, particle_set%n_tot
call particle_set%prt(i)%set_flavor (flv(i))
end do
end subroutine particle_set_init_direct
subroutine particle_set_set_momentum_all (particle_set, p, p2)
class(particle_set_t), intent(inout) :: particle_set
type(vector4_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: p
real, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: p2
call particle_set%prt%set_momentum (p, p2)
end subroutine particle_set_set_momentum_all
end module particles
module isr_epa_handler_uti
use lorentz, only: vector4_t, vector4_moving, operator(*)
use particles, only: particle_set_t
implicit none
public :: epa_handler_1
subroutine epa_handler_1 (u)
integer, intent(in) :: u
type(particle_set_t) :: pset
type(vector4_t), dimension(8) :: p
real :: sqrts
call pset%init_direct &
(n_beam = 2, n_in = 2, n_rem = 2, n_vir = 0, n_out = 2, &
pdg = [11, -11, 22, 22, 11, -11, 13, -13])
sqrts = 100.
p(1) = vector4_moving (sqrts/2, sqrts/2, 3)
p(2) = vector4_moving (sqrts/2,-sqrts/2, 3)
p(7:8) = p(3:4)
call pset%set_momentum (p)
end subroutine epa_handler_1
end module isr_epa_handler_uti
program main_ut
use isr_epa_handler_uti, only: epa_handler_1
implicit none
call epa_handler_1 (6)
end program main_ut
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I just compiled and ran both reproducers with a preview of ifx 2024.2.0. No seg faults!
Watch for the release of this version in mid-2024!
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