Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

In ubuntu 12.04, the ifort 2013 installation failed


In the installing process, there are no warning or error prompt. Only in the installation step shows it failed.

Installing Intel Fortran Compiler XE 13.0 on IA-32 component... failed
Installing Intel Debugger 13.0 on IA-32 component... failed
Installing Intel Math Kernel Library 11.0 on IA-32 component... failed
Finalizing installation... done

I have found many methods in the internet, and followed these solutions.
1.hostname with no space character
2.cpio installed root change another installing directory
But these are all invalid.

Also I have checked the issa.log and pset.log in /tmp. The error prompts in these files are shown below:

In issa.log::
2012-09-21 13:26:28: ERROR: LicenseHandler::validateSerialNumber: serial number is of a wrong length! Expected 13 characters!^M

Cannot find product id "Intel(R) Fortran Composer XE for Linux*" in trusted storage.

::feature_disabled:493K::l:IA32:ESD:Intel(R) Composer XE 2013 for Linux*:;IF_IA32;IDB_IA32;MKL_IA32:::SINGLE:NONEVAL:NCOM^M

2012-09-21 13:47:58: ERROR: issa::Parser::error: factor: syntax error^M

in pset.log::
WARNING - /tmp/0.composerxe2013.install.semaphore does not exist, go ahead with install

1348206496 - ERROR: : env_set_string: value of ACTIVATION_COMPONENT is null

I need help, thank you

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11 Replies
This very likely is the same issue as reported in this forum before already - see There you too will find workarounds to get the compiler installed until we have fixed the problem
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Honored Contributor III
You might check whether the other posts about forcing Ubuntu to use bash for the installation may be relevant.
0 Kudos

hbast wrote:

This very likely is the same issue as reported in this forum before already - see

There you too will find workarounds to get the compiler installed until we have fixed the problem

Thank you for answering. In fact, I have seen that topic before. And in the second attachment of the topic it shows "sh: 1: Syntax error:Bad fd number". In the first time, I also meet this warning. I use mv sh sh.orig ln -s bash sh and finnally no warning any more, but still fail-installed. So I thought we have a different problem and past the topic and have not seen your replies. In your reply, you give two ways, and I think the second way is the same to mine. Do I have to follow the first way? And another question is "engineering case DPD200299772" is what? How to find the engineering case? I am a newbie for Linux, so please forgive me for these. Thank you

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Honored Contributor III
I have no information on that bug filing except what is in that post; apparently it refers to the 13.0 compiler installer depending on bash syntax support in the default shell. Another post on this subject says that if you had a previously failed install, which didn't progress far enough to give you an uninstall script in the compiler installation directory, you may need to clear the entry in rpmdb, e.g. sudo rpm -qa | grep intel and run sudo rpm -e on the unwanted entries, before using bash to attempt the new installation.
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tcprince wrote:

I have no information on that bug filing except what is in that post; apparently it refers to the 13.0 compiler installer depending on bash syntax support in the default shell.
Another post on this subject says that if you had a previously failed install, which didn't progress far enough to give you an uninstall script in the compiler installation directory, you may need to clear the entry in rpmdb, e.g.
sudo rpm -qa | grep intel
and run
sudo rpm -e on the unwanted entries, before using bash to attempt the new installation.

Thank you for your answering. I have successfully installed with your direction.

0 Kudos
Great to see, that installation succeeded now ! You asked before, what a case number like DPD200299772 means: This is the number of the case we created in our bug tracking system for this problem. The data base is used to escalate problems and feature requests to engineering and to keep track of the status; 'DPD" refers to Intel Developer Product Division, the team developing and supporting the tools. The database can only be accessed Intel-internally but we publish the number in case e.g. you want to ask for a status update or you want to check whether two user reports refer to the same issue etc.
0 Kudos
Great to see, that installation succeeded now ! You asked before, what a case number like DPD200299772 means: This is the number of the case we created in our bug tracking system for this problem. The data base is used to escalate problems and feature requests to engineering and to keep track of the status; 'DPD" refers to Intel Developer Product Division, the team developing and supporting the tools. The database can only be accessed Intel-internally but we publish the number in case e.g. you want to ask for a status update or you want to check whether two user reports refer to the same issue etc.
0 Kudos
We investigated the problem in more detail: The problem only occurs in case the RPM manager is installed which is unusual for Ubuntu/Debian. This is why our evaluation failed to detect the problem. To improve our testing, it would be helpful to understand, why you had to install the RPM manager. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks a lot
0 Kudos
I am sorry not to see your reply promptly. I have to emphasize I am a newbie in Linux. And I even do not know when and why I install the RPM manager. When I met the "sh: 1: Syntax error:Bad fd number" at first time, I do not know it is the reason of the installation failure. So I searched around in google, and found different solutions, which I do not know whether is the right one. Thank you for your detailed investigation. I hope my answer will help you.
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I just update forum thread which describes the very same problem. Please follow the steps listed there and let us know whether it worked for you
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update 1 of Composer 2013 ( version 2013.1.117 ) is available for download now at This version fixes the installation issue.
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