Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Intel Fortran Compiler says 'Serial Number is no longer valid'


We bought a Fortran Compiler license in 2015, and it works well. Recently we reformatted the Linux cluster, and when we try to install Intel Fortran Compiler, it can't be done. The license type is Intel Composer XE 2013 for Linux, Academic.

So I assumed that this license is permanent because there is 'permanent uncounted' in the lic file... Please correct me if I am wrong.

If it is permanent, I was wondering why can't we use this license to activate the software?

Thanks for your time and help!


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9 Replies
Honored Contributor III

Use a license file rather than serial number - for reasons I'll never understand, license numbers are recognized only by the version that was current when the license was purchased. If you download a license file from the Intel Registration Center, it should work (assuming that the compiler you are installing was not released past the end of the support date. 

I note that you say you bought the license in 2015 but are trying to install the 2013 version - that is probably why it doesn't work. If you use the license file, it should - or download the version that was current when you purchased (might be "2016").

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Steve Lionel (Ret.) (Blackbelt) wrote:

Use a license file rather than serial number - for reasons I'll never understand, license numbers are recognized only by the version that was current when the license was purchased. If you download a license file from the Intel Registration Center, it should work (assuming that the compiler you are installing was not released past the end of the support date. 

I note that you say you bought the license in 2015 but are trying to install the 2013 version - that is probably why it doesn't work. If you use the license file, it should - or download the version that was current when you purchased (might be "2016").

Hi Steve, 

Thanks for your quick reply! I would definitely try the license file. I noticed that there are numbers '2016.0510' in the license file, and this might be the version info? Also there five versions of Fortran 2016. I was wondering if it is convenient for you to identify the exact version if I send the license file?

Thanks again for your help!

Best wishes,




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Honored Contributor III

2016.0510 indicates the support end date (May 10, 2016). This means you, with that license, are eligible to install and run any version built on or before that date. This page lists all the versions and updates along with their build (activation) date. Going by that, the latest version you can install with this license is Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 3. 

I am a bit intrigued by the screenshot you attached, as I would not have expected it to show you versions your license was not good for. But note also in that screenshot the "Build date" - that's the date I mentioned above.

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Steve Lionel (Ret.) (Blackbelt) wrote:

2016.0510 indicates the support end date (May 10, 2016). This means you, with that license, are eligible to install and run any version built on or before that date. This page lists all the versions and updates along with their build (activation) date. Going by that, the latest version you can install with this license is Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 3. 

I am a bit intrigued by the screenshot you attached, as I would not have expected it to show you versions your license was not good for. But note also in that screenshot the "Build date" - that's the date I mentioned above.

Hi Steve,

The person bought this license file back in 2015 already graduated and left, and I can't check this license in my account. The screenshot was taken from my account (one-year trial student version), so there are many versions available...

We have tried Parallel Studio XE 2016 update 1, 2 and 3, but none of them worked. Could you please have a look at this license file if possible, and see if it stills work?



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Honored Contributor III

I didn't see you report on trying to activate with a license file rather than serial number. Please note that I no longer work for Intel, though I know enough about the license check that I could offer my earlier advice. Normally I recommend that users with license questions submit them to Intel through You should NOT post or attach the license file here, but if you want me to still look at it, tell me and I'll send you a PM where you can attach it (you can't initiate this.)

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Steve Lionel (Ret.) (Blackbelt) wrote:

I didn't see you report on trying to activate with a license file rather than serial number. Please note that I no longer work for Intel, though I know enough about the license check that I could offer my earlier advice. Normally I recommend that users with license questions submit them to Intel through You should NOT post or attach the license file here, but if you want me to still look at it, tell me and I'll send you a PM where you can attach it (you can't initiate this.)

Hi Steve,

I tried to submit questions through the link you attached, but since the license was not purchased through my account and too much information is needed for the support, so I come here for help...

It would be great if you can have a look at the license file!



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Honored Contributor III

I think this is the case where Intel added a license "feature" to the 2016 product, requiring a license file to be regenerated. Since you're not the registered user, you'll have to ask Intel support for help. As an alternative, try installing a 2015 product.

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Honored Contributor III

Intel Support has sent you a revised license file - indeed it needed to be "regenerated".

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Thank you, it works now!

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