Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Interesting side stuff found in a Fortran search on the web.

New Contributor I



finger, ancient and medieval measure of 1/8yard, or 4 1/2inches (11.4 cm), used primarily
 to measure lengths of cloth. The finger derives ultimately from the digitus,
 the smallest of the basic Roman linear measures. From the digitus came the
 English nail, which equaled 3/4inch, or 1/16foot.
 The nail also came to mean the 16th part of a yard—2 1/4inches—as well as 
the 16th part of other measures. The one-nail length was also defined as the
 half finger, the length from the tip of the middle finger to the centre of
 the second joint from the tip. Thus, the finger became double the nail, or
 the length of the whole finger, tip to knuckle.

Leonardo da Vinci employed a “finger” measurement, but his was actually a
 finger’s breadth (0.75 inch). Four of da Vinci’s finger units equaled a 
palm, and six palms equaled a cubit.​


I was looking for some Fortran stuff and this popped up.  I know about the nail stuff, but this shows the issue of a slowly evolving system like Fortran, we have all the left over stuff from the past.  I was once asked to design a track that was supposed to be about 1500 cubits for a religious group so the old stuff is still used.  



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3 Replies
New Contributor I


Intel has killed the small cheap nuc's. 

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Honored Contributor III

I doubt that - but they're boring (which to me is good). There's a market for higher performance SFF PCs, and Intel has been moving into that market for a while. It looks as if we're currently in a product refresh cycle - I expect to see some 12th-gen lower end products soon.

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New Contributor I

I hope you are correct.   NUC's are not boring, they just work and work and work.  Some of them are now the oldest computers I have and they are still updating the NUC bios, you can install anything and you know it will work,  ok up to the .3 variant of oneapi.  

Comparing it to a lenova is like chalk and cheese, 


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