Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Link VS2008 with Intel Fortran Compiler10.1


Hi, I am trying to compile my Fortran code with VS2008. I installed both program, but I figured out that my VS does not recognize the fortran.

I tried to follow what exactly said in the following website:

but I've got an error again. the point is in VS2008 I dont have Intel Fortran folder. Also, in VS2005, which is installed along with fortran compiler, when I try to run with command prompt, I got this message: \vsvar32.bat is not recognized and devenv.bat is not recognize.


The point is I have to run fortran with VS2008 as I am going to link both of them to my LSDYNA finally.

I would be appreciated if anyone can help me with this problem.



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14 Replies
Honored Contributor III

That combination was supported. Make sure that Fortran is installed after VS2008. I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling Intel Visual Fortran.

0 Kudos

Hi Steve,

I did it several times. but I've got the same result.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

How did you open a console?  Did you use Tools > 'Fortran command prompt' in VS 2005?

If you don't see that option (or something with a similar name) under Tools I can show you how to create it.


0 Kudos


Lets say this first.

When I install VS2008 and then ifort 10.1, VS2005 will be installed along the ifort. But my question is that, shouldn't I see the fortran compiler in VS2008 instead of S2005? I can see ifort module in VS2005,  but not in the VS2008 which I installed it at the beginning. I need those because finally I want to link them with LSDYNA!

But about your question, in 2005 of VS , first i create a new project and I address my fortran code, but it didn't recognize it. I think I can create a "hello world!" command in VS2005, but it did ot recognize my own fortran which I want to compile it though.


0 Kudos
New Contributor II

I'll leave the question of installation to others.  I was addressing this: "in VS2005 ... when I try to run with command prompt, I got this message: \vsvar32.bat is not recognized and devenv.bat is not recognize."  You can test the compiler at the command line after first opening a console (Command Prompt window) with the required environment variables set.  The simplest way to do this is from the Tools menu in VS2005.  I am offering to show you how to set the required tool, if you don't have it already.

I don't understand how you can create a "hello world" program if you can't compile your own program.

0 Kudos

Thanks Gib,

Yes, I'll be appreciated if you show me how to set the required tools. Then I'll describe how run 'hello world'.


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

In VS2008, select Help > About. Then click Copy Info and paste the result into a reply here. This may help us understand where the problem is.

0 Kudos

OK Steve,

Here you are,


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0 Kudos
New Contributor II

To set up 'Fortran command prompt' in VS2005:

Click Tools

Click 'External Tools...'> Add

Fill the fields like this:

Title: Fortran command prompt

Command: cmd.exe

Arguments: /K ifortvars.bat ia32

Initial Directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Compiler\11.0\075\fortran\Bin

(This is where ifortvars.bat is in my installation of IVF11.075.  Your version and installation may be different, make sure you provide the location of ifortvars.bat)

Click OK.

Then clicking Tools > Fortran command prompt will open a console.  You'll want to change to a working directory, then you can compile with:

ifort yourprogram.f90



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

I  don’t see Intel Visual Fortran in that list. I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling again, and this time pay very close attention to each screen or message it displays. Given that this version is so old, there may not be much we can do to help, but it ought to work.

0 Kudos


Thanks for your info. 

It was helpful.



This is exactly my problem. ifort doesn't appear in VS2008.

I uninstall and re-install them several times, but nothing happened.

maybe this is because of the version or our old PC.


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

If the PC version was an issue, then the install would have given you an error message. I asked you to try it again and to watch carefully the install screens and read any messages it displays. What I have often found over the years is that users just click through error and warning messages, and then later wonder why the install didn't work correctly.

What I usually suggest for hard cases is:

1) Uninstall both Intel Visual Fortran and Microsoft Visual Studio.

2) Reboot

3) Delete the Intel Visual Fortran and Microsoft Visual Studio folders under Program Files (or Program Files (x86)).

4) Reboot again

5) Reinstall Visual Studio and then Intel Visual Fortran

0 Kudos

Thanks Steve,

I am gonna do that.

Is there any differences between VS-pro and VS-express.

I read somewhere that the express version is not compatible with ifort.

Actually I have both of them and just wanna make sure.


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

If I recall correctly, and I checked some old release notes, the Express Edition will not work. Standard Edition or higher.

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