Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
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Procedure entry point mkl_serv_set_xerbla_interface could not be loaded

I am using Intel FORTRAN compiler inside Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. In my code, I use MKL library to do matrix inversion. I can run my program inside VS environment but if I try to run it outside( double-clicking on the .exe file) it gives an error. The error says "Procedure entry point mkl_serv_set_xerbla_interface could not be loaded".
I am confused why the application cannot be run outside VS. If I comment the library functions (DGETRF and DGETRI), it works again. Can anybody help me on this issue?
Thank you 
PS:  I have attached a screen capture of the error message and how the project properties.
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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

I spent quite a bit of time looking for official MKL documentation on how to do this, and came up empty. It's not in the installation guide nor getting started guide, and I can't find any Knowledge Base article describing it. I don't have MKL installed on my own system so I can't describe the steps. I find this situation entirely irritating, more so because I know that the MKL team declined to have its DLLs added to PATH by the installer (allegedly because some customers wanted to point to a specific version of MKL.)

If you look at the bottom of there's some text that attempts to describe this, though it shows only the 32-bit DLLs and really should use some other environment variable rather than a hardcoded path. Perhaps another user here can lead you through the steps.


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5 Replies
Honored Contributor III

The MKL run-time DLLs aren't added to the system PATH by default. You'll need to do that.

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Thank you Steve. I have not changed system paths before or used these dlls. Can you help me to do this?

Thank you


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Honored Contributor III

I spent quite a bit of time looking for official MKL documentation on how to do this, and came up empty. It's not in the installation guide nor getting started guide, and I can't find any Knowledge Base article describing it. I don't have MKL installed on my own system so I can't describe the steps. I find this situation entirely irritating, more so because I know that the MKL team declined to have its DLLs added to PATH by the installer (allegedly because some customers wanted to point to a specific version of MKL.)

If you look at the bottom of there's some text that attempts to describe this, though it shows only the 32-bit DLLs and really should use some other environment variable rather than a hardcoded path. Perhaps another user here can lead you through the steps.


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Honored Contributor III

Some commonly used software packages such as Matlab and IMSL each install their own version of MKL, and those versions may not always be compatible with the MKL that comes with Parallel Studio/Composer/stand-alone MKL. Therefore, after following the step below, if you later run Matlab, etc., and find things not working, be prepared to undo the change by recording the system path before changing it. You may need to have administrative privileges in order to be able to change PATH.

Go to the environment variables tab of the system settings (through the Windows Start menu or by running sysdm.cpl) and add the following to PATH if you wish to use 64-bit MKL DLLs:

     <Parallel Studio installation directory>\compilers_and_libraries_yyyy.v.rrr\windows\redist\intel64_win\mkl 

The strings 'yyyy', 'v', 'rrr' need to be replaced with the particular major version, update number and release number of MKL that you have.

If you wish to use 32-bit MKL DLLs, substitute "ia32_win" for "intel64_win" in the addendum to PATH.



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Steve and mecej4 thank you for the help. I was able to link the libraries following the steps in the link sent by Steve ( I did not play with "system settings" because I frequently use MATLAB (did not want to take chances).  Thank you very much for the help!





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