Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Segmentation fault only when vectorization is enabled


Part of my code has been vectorized using !$omp simd. Whenver I have the vectorization enabled I get an error saying " array index out of bounds". The code line it points I find quite random, since when I comment out that line the error persists and referring to another line.

In my loop I have a clause which contains which if true calls function A and if false calls function B. (Both functions also have a function call inside them). But all these functions have been inlined and declared simd. The point I want to make is if I comment out one of these function call ( the part of the clause which I KNOW the code won't process at run time because of my flag settings) the segmentation fault is delayed. If I comment out the other function (B - the one that is being called) then following two scenarios happen

1) If I also comment out function A EVEN THOUGH it is not being called , my program runs!

2) If I DON'T comment out function A (EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT BEING CALLED) my program complains about an "array index out of bounds"

I did have -traceback enabled. But that is completely useless.

I even did write a clause saying if the index gets larger than the array size, then skip that loop (CYCLE). However, I am 100% sure that my array index does not go out of bounds, unless the vectorization is doing something I am not aware about.

I don't know if this is useful


when running with Valgrind

I get numerous errors messages which are quite identical (only when running on the case that the prorgram actually fails)


I first get this error :


==2883== Invalid read of size 8
==2883==    at 0x44C200: lpt_particles_mp_displu_ (in lpt.x)
==2883==    by 0x43AC6E: lpt_marching_mp_unsteady_spray_steady_flow_ (in lpt.x)
==2883==    by 0x41ED25: MAIN__ (in lpt.x)
==2883==    by 0x403761: main (in lpt.x)
==2883==  Address 0xc001077a90872154 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd


Then I get followings erros ( which are probably due to the fact that I have not be deallocated and the program crashed, correct me if I am wrong


==31838== 262,144 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 137 of 137
==31838==    at 0x4C2C1E0: calloc (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/
==31838==    by 0xDDF8C9A: ???
==31838==    by 0xDDF707B: ???
==31838==    by 0xDDEF425: ???
==31838==    by 0xDDEF797: ???
==31838==    by 0x5421EDB: fi_endpoint (fi_endpoint.h:156)
==31838==    by 0x5421EDB: ??? (ofi_init.h:1733)
==31838==    by 0x5429F08: MPIDI_NM_mpi_init_hook (ofi_init.h:1117)
==31838==    by 0x5429F08: MPID_Init (ch4_init.h:855)
==31838==    by 0x5429F08: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:647)
==31838==    by 0x541DD1B: PMPI_Init (init.c:284)
==31838==    by 0xC611CFA: MPI_INIT (initf.c:275)
==31838==    by 0x4481EF: lpt_parallel_mp_parallel_init_ (in lpt.x)
==31838==    by 0x41ED0D: MAIN__ (in lpt.x)
==31838==    by 0x403761: main (in lpt.x)


Then I get several of these :

==31838== 28,517,032 bytes in 1 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 137 of 137
==31838==    at 0x4C2A0B0: malloc (in /usr/lib64/valgrind/
==31838==    by 0x53465F: _mm_malloc (in lpt.x)
==31838==    by 0x4B9680: for_alloc_allocatable (in lpt.x)
==31838==    by 0x429CCF: lpt_geom_mp_tri_normals_ (in lpt.x)
==31838==    by 0x436FF6: lpt_init_mp_spray_init_ (in  lpt.x)
==31838==    by 0x466EFC: lpt_preprocessor_mp_preproc_ (in lpt.x)
==31838==    by 0x41ED17: MAIN__ (in lpt.x)
==31838==    by 0x403761: main (in pt.x)



I really know not showing the code makes it much difficult, but it would be insane for me to put the entire code here which is very large. Trying to simplify the problem and yet producing this bug has not been successful yet. It is very difficult to do so when not knowing an entire thing on where the error is.


A suggestion: Could it be that I am exhausting my vectorisation register.

I have tried to compile with -xcore-AVX2 -align array32byte -qopt-zmm-usage=high and AVX512 -align array64byte -qopt-zmm-usage=high.


I would really appreciate if somebody have experienced similar issue or could indicate potential reasons for this error,

Please notice again, I have run this in full debug mode and fully optimised (-O3) but not having vectorisation. Nor did the compiler complain or when running with valgrind. Everything just seemed fine?







0 Kudos
33 Replies

What I tried to say in Quote #20 is that when I have the inline statement as shown in Quote #17 code line no. 07 I get a linking problem saying that function A,B are undefined.

However, if remove your line 07 the compiler manages to link  my program. So my question is if that is a typo from your side or that you believe it is correct and I am probably doing something wrong.

Just to say in other words,

I am copying your concept in quote 16 and when I do

! simd loop
do i = 1, N 
   (....) ! other calculations etc.
! *** proc_ptr is either routine_A or routine_B as substituted by FP P
!dir$ attributes forceinline :: proc_ptr   !----- THIS LINE GIVES ME LINKING PROBLEMS
   call proc_ptr(A,B,C)
end if
! end


! in your main code
if(apply_turb) then
! Compile with PreProcess file
! use FPP #define and #include
#define proc_ptr routine_A
#include ""
#undef proc_ptr
#define proc_ptr routine_B
#include ""
#undef proc_ptr



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

The it may be that FPP did not perform the macro substitution in line 07 due to it being a comment line. Therefor to correct this

add -macro to see if fpp expands macros within Fortran comment

or use:

!dir$ attributes forceinline :: routine_A
!dir$ attributes forceinline :: routine_B

or use

#if ("proc_ptr" == "routine_A")
!dir$ attributes forceinline :: routine_A
#elif  ("proc_ptr" == "routine_B")
!dir$ attributes forceinline :: routine_B
#error "fix this"

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos

Thanks Jim,


I tried to debug the reason. So I started out by removing all the macros and explicitly made it use Routine_A

! simd loop
do i = 1, N 

!dir$ attributes forceinline :: ROUTINE_A   
   call ROUTINE_A(A,B,C)
end if
! end


The compiler throws an error saying error #7864: This symbol has multiply declared DEC$ ATTRIBUTES FORCEINLINE attribute.   [ROUTINE_A]
  !dir$ attributes forceinline :: ROUTINE_A


Clearly, I went to check if I had a FORCEINLINE where I define my ROUTINE_A  but I DON'T. So it could be my problem is somewhere else and the error message is very confusing, if not wrong.


0 Kudos

Jim,  it makes sense that the macro may not expand comments. But adopting your solution (the latter one) still give the compiler error that I am having multiple forceinline declaration of my routine, while I am not.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

See your new post for explanation.


0 Kudos

Hello Jim,

wrt to this post, When I read through this Website  I got a bit confused with what you said regarding not having any simd commands within a simd loop. 

As you will see in this link, they do have declared simd in a function which is being called within a simd loop. 

I am bit confused when I read this. 

Also, I know that if I INLINE my functions having !DIR$ attributes vector should not be necessary, right? So, is it correctly understood that the !DIR$ attributes vector directive is necessary when a function is called within a simd loop and is not being inlined?




0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

forrest and trees

The face that simd appears on

#pragma omp simd


#pragma omp declare simd

does not make the two equivalent.

The declare format is used on the source code of the declared function to generate one or more "signature" functions out of the source code. Depending on presence or absence of clauses, this may result in having a scalar version, plus a 2-wide version, plus a 4-wide version. These versions then can then be available for use (called from) within a #pragma omp simd section of code (provided the declare simd function or prototype is visible).

Your original request was based on having a #pragma omp simd, nested within an #pragma omp simd.

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

>>So, is it correctly understood that the !DIR$ attributes vector directive is necessary when a function is called within a simd loop and is not being inlined?

Yes and no.

The compiler is capable of vectorizing loops that are not explicitly annotated with !$OMP SIMD. and that the declared function/subroutine is available (separate procedures with signature differentiation as done in the C++ example you referenced).

Jim Dempsey


0 Kudos

@Jim, I did unfortunately not make myself clear in the beginning. I never have had simd(ized) loops within simd(ized) loops. I was referring to have one simd(ized) loop with a function call. That function contains a !$OMP DECLARE(FUNCTION_NAME). So I went thinking that you said this was not allowed.

Yes I do get the point that simd(ized) loop cannot contain another simd(ized) loop.


I only have one simd(ized) loop at a time. In the body of this loop I might have function calls. This is typical what I do: (Note I have both declare simd and inline, in the hope that the compiler will choose one of them) - as I am not sure which one is best and when is which appropriate.



!$omp simd
do i = 1, N 


  call proc1(....) 


subroutine proc1(....)

(..) ! vectorizable function. 
      ! it does not contain any simd loop!

end subroutine proc1


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

The !dir$ simd declare... is intended to generate one or more versions of the subroutine or function that is callable from within a vectorized loop. It is not intended to be inlined.

Functions and subroutines that are inlined are potentially vectorizable (as well as may inhibit vectorization) within the code being generated for the caller. Think of this more as copy and paste the source code in the context of the caller's code.

If (when) you intend to inline a subroutine, then do not annotate it with SIMD. The SIMD-ization will then be dependent upon the nature of the code making the inline call. If the caller is SIMD .AND. the call-ee does not have anything to inhibit SIMD-ization of the call-er then the compiler can proceed to SIMD-ize the call-er inclusive of the call-ee.

It is not clear to me as to if there are conflicting (or non-conflicting) if you multiply mix

!$omp simd
!dir$ attributes inline
!$omp simd declare
!dir$ vector
... (any directives or such to force your intentions of simd and/or scalar generated code)

Pick one and stick with it.

Note, this does not preclude you from having:

subroutine proc1(...) ! scalar
subroutine proc1_inline(...) ! intended to be inlined (but may be called as scalar)
subroutine proc1_simd(...) ! ...
subroutine proc1_vector(...) ! inclusive of !dir$ vector clauses not available with simd

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos

Thanks for the tips Jim. Is there any rule of thumb whether to use !$omp simd declare or inlining/forceinline - is it more when subroutines  become too lenghty you might want to use !$omp simd declare rather than inline to not get extremely larger executables?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

There is no rule of thumb other than test both ways.

Keep in mind that inlining, at times, can be counter-productive.

In some cases, inlining can bloat the code loop such that it no longer fits within the L1 Instruction Cache.
In some other cases, inlining can  increase or decrease register pressure (this usually depends on number of arguments).

Use VTune and perform tests.

Also, do not assume SIMD will always perform faster code than scalar. Sometimes it will not. Same issue with parallization.

Jim Dempsey

0 Kudos

Thanks for the help Jim!

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