Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28753 Discussions

Segmentation fault when running code compiled with O2 option. Code using nested types with allocatable data and object oriented


We are developing a solver based on several structured grids which are connected.

For this reason some information is needed only in grid boundaries (face edges vertex).

To reduce the memory consumed we decided to the following structure:

TYPE single_neigh
    INTEGER :: num1, num2, num3

    INTEGER, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dirface
    procedure, public :: init
    procedure, public :: zeroing
    procedure, public :: getBlocAndIndexes

TYPE neigh_type
    INTEGER :: nb
    TYPE(single_neigh), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: list

    procedure, public :: allocate_zero
    procedure, public :: change_size_keeping_data
    procedure, public :: check_size_type
    procedure, public :: copy_val
END TYPE neigh_type

Then we define a new type “neigh_type” with the neighborhood for each point

TYPE typebloc
    TYPE(neigh_type), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: PointsNeighs  ! for all grid points
END TYPE typebloc


Which is allocated with 


for the whole 3D grid, but only for the indices (ix, iy,iz) when information is needed

bloc_init(b)%PointsNeighs(ix,iy,iz)%list is updated using some “object oriented” procedure (change_size_keeping_data or allocate_zero).


The code then is something like this:

DO b = 1, number_of_grids
  DO iz = iz_min, iz_max
    DO iy = iy_min, iy_max    
      DO ix = ix_min, ix_max
      ind = 0
         IF (bloc_init(b)%PointsNeighs(ix,iy,iz)%nb>0) THEN
            DO n = 1, bloc_init(b)%PointsNeighs(ix,iy,iz)%nb                                          
               IF(bloc_init(b)%PointsNeighs(ix,iy,iz)%list(n)%num1 .EQ. (ind_edge)) THEN
               ind = ind + 1
               END IF
            END DO
        END IF
      END DO
    END DO


The code works fine with Intel(R) Visual Fortran Composer XE 2013 SP1 Update 1 Integration for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2010, 14.0.0074.201

However with the compiler “composer_xe_2015.3.187“ in Linux the code works well in debug (O0) and O1 but fails in 02 and more complex release configurations with the error : forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

Our tests show that the problem is in the last IF (line 09). If we uncomment the WRITE(*,*) in line 08 the code works. It seems then that the code does not “take the time” to access  …%list(n)

A corollary of this question is the efficiency of this program. The array list is deallocated and  reallocated each time its size change, is it then contiguous in memory? Are they some other issues?

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

You'll need to provide a complete test case for the Intel folks to look at.

As to your last question, any single allocation is contiguous. It is inefficient to reallocate on every size change - better is to allocate extra space when you need to resize and keep track of how many elements are left. Use of MOVE_ALLOC can eliminate one copy.

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From your description it sounds like there is a potential compiler optimization defect at O2. If you have any ability to try a newer 2017 compiler then perhaps there is a chance the underlying defect had been reported earlier and fixed in a newer release. With a reproducer we could help check that for you.

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