Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

The intel compiler does not work


I have installed Intel Compiler for Windows v.10 to ASUS notebook with OS Windows 8.1.

compiler was downloaded using file


IT does not work. When I try to run some simple program.f90, the message was the following

LINK:  fatal error LINK1104: cannot open file "program.exe"


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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

The error message that you reported in #1

      LINK:  fatal error LINK1104: cannot open file "program.exe"

is sometimes caused by trying to rebuild the EXE while an earlier instance of it is still running -- in the debugger, or PAUSED at the end of the program in a background window, etc. You can find out if this is the case by typing tasklist | findstr /I program.exe in a command window.

Did you ever have Intel Fortran 10.0 running on the ASUS notebook under Windows 8.1? Whether you did or not, please describe in detail the steps that you performed before receiving the linker error. In particular, were you compiling and running inside Visual Studio, or at the command line?

View solution in original post

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8 Replies
Honored Contributor III

I don't think compilers that old can be counted on to install on windows 8.1.  However, your comments don't entirely make sense.

If you have actually begun to install an Intel compiler, there will be release notes about the prerequisites.

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Honored Contributor III

The error message that you reported in #1

      LINK:  fatal error LINK1104: cannot open file "program.exe"

is sometimes caused by trying to rebuild the EXE while an earlier instance of it is still running -- in the debugger, or PAUSED at the end of the program in a background window, etc. You can find out if this is the case by typing tasklist | findstr /I program.exe in a command window.

Did you ever have Intel Fortran 10.0 running on the ASUS notebook under Windows 8.1? Whether you did or not, please describe in detail the steps that you performed before receiving the linker error. In particular, were you compiling and running inside Visual Studio, or at the command line?

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Honored Contributor III

If you are trying to update program.exe, in addition to the possibilities mecej4 mentioned, it may be locked or not have permissions set.

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The w_mkl_p_10.0.5.025.exe you noted is a separate MKL only installation executable that would not include the Intel compiler itself. As mecej4 eluded to, this would have been accompanied by the IVF10.0 or 10.1 release so it is expected the compiler is installed using a separate installer file named similar to: As Tim notes, I do not know whether these older 10.x releases can be expected to install/run on Windows 8.1. It is not a combination we test.

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I have installed the Intel compiler

using two files

w_fc_c_10.0.027.exe and w_mkl_p_10.0.5.025.exe 

on the ASUS notebook with OS Windows 8.1.

The process of installation has not any problem.

There are two new applications appear in the Start menu

"Fortran Build Environment for applications running on IA-32" and similar for IA-64

When I click on this button a black window with prompt command appears

I print "ifort c:\program.f90" (as usual I did on the old computer with the old compiler)

and compiler answers with the standard lines and 

at the end a new line appear:  "LINK:  fatal error LINK1104: cannot open file "program.exe" "

I do not know how to compile and run the program inside the Visual Studio 8.

Also I do not know how to print correctly the command "tasklist | findstr / | program.exe"

after the line "ifort c:\program.f90" or as the new line?



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Honored Contributor III

Normally, you would make a folder of your own, where you have write permission, for your compile and run.  Windows 8.x is more strict than the Windows of 10 years ago about permissions, so it may be preventing you (or ifort) from making files in the top level folder (or in the compiler's own folders).

As we've said before, compatibility between ifort 10 (VS 2008 shell?) and Windows 8 is unknown.  It's possible that command line may work when GUI doesn't.

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Honored Contributor III

It is possible that your system permissions do not allow you to write to the root directory of the system drive, as Tim Prince noted. Please try this in the Ifort command window:

  • create a new directory in a different place, such as c:\users\Alexander\FortranPrg, and change to that directory.
  • copy the source file from the previous location to the directory that you just created
  • run the compiler on the source file by typing ifort program.f90 (assuming that the source file is called "program.f90").

I do not know how to compile and run the program inside the Visual Studio 8.

There are many tutorials on this topic, including some that are installed with the compiler.

Also I do not know how to print correctly the command "tasklist | findstr / | program.exe"

after the line "ifort c:\program.f90" or as the new line?

On a separate line. Note that there is no slash or pipe ('|') after "findstr". The way that this works is that tasklist produces a list of running processes, but we are interested in only one of those, and the name of that process is "program.exe", assuming that you compiled "program.f90" producing "program.exe" before running the program. If you have logged out or rebooted your computer after you started this thread, there is probably no such process still running. 

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Dear Tim Prince and mecej4,

Thank you very much for your interest to my problem and valuable assistance.

You are quite right. The solution is amazingly simple.

I create new folder, drag the program.f90 to it,

run the compiler from this folder and obtain the necessary result


Thank you once more.

Sincerely yours,

Alexander Tarasenko.


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