Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
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Webinars covering oneAPI Compilers and OpenMP

Interested in using OpenMP to offload your Fortran computations to Intel GPUs?  Below is a link to a webinar presented to the Intel Developer Conference in November 2021.  Make sure to Download Presentation Deck because with only 30 minutes there wasn't enough time to cover everything.
Below is a link to a recent Webinar I presented Thursday 8/19 9am PDT US Pacific Timezone.  While this webinar targeted Intel C++ users, most of the information is also applicable to Fortran users.  This webinar describes your options to download and install the oneAPI compilers and to set up environment for using the compilers.  So if you have been staying on PSXE Ifort because of confusion over the oneAPI compiler offerings, how to get just the Fortran compiler, or have basic questions on getting and using the new oneAPI compilers, you can watch this recording.



We also had a past Webinar with a general overview of the oneAPI LLVM-based compilers:

Introduction to the Next Generation of Intel® Parallel Studio: Transition to the Latest HPC Software Development Suite

This webinar describes what the new Intel(R) oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler is, options on how to download and install the compiler, and to set up environment to use the compiler.  We will leave time for your questions or issues around download and install.  This webinar is designed for those still using Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE and have not made the move to the oneAPI compilers.  Come learn how to move your development to our latest compilers! 


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