Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

compatibility of DLL



I have created a DLL and corresponding lib file using Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Integration for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2008, 11.1.3468.2008. Calling this DLLfrom anexecutablegoes fine on my machine (Windows XP). However if I want to use the sameDLL, lib and executableon a computer (Windows XP)that has only compiler version 10(with MvStudio2005) installed, the executable is not able to communicatewith the dll. Creating the DLL and lib file again but now using an older compiler version solves this problem. It looks like although the compiler and MvStudio are not necessary to run the DLL, some shared library installed by these productsis needed. To my opinionthis should not be the case since the DLL should consist of compiler independent machine code. Am I overlooking an important project setting here to make things run on other machines with older software?

Hope somebody can help me out here..



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1 Reply

First, make sure that you have built a Release configuration for the DLL if you are going to use it on another system. Second, by default, a Fortran DLL depends on both the Intel Fortran run-time DLLs and on the Microsoft Visual C++ DLLs - you would need to install the "redistributables" package for each on the target system.

The Intel redistributables are here.

The Microsoft VS2005 redistributables are here.

Read also: Redistribution of Application Binaries Built for Microsoft* Windows

If you want to eliminate all DLL dependencies, change the Libraries > Run-Time Libraries property to "Multithreaded (/MT)".

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