Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

error for floating licence



I got the next error and I don't know what to do:

Error: A license for FCompW is not available now (-96,491).

A connection to the license server could not be made. You should

make sure that your license daemon process is running: both an

lmgrd.exe process and an INTEL.exe process should be running

if your license limits you to a specified number of licenses in use

at a time. Also, check to see if the wrong port@host or the wrong

license file is being used, or if the port or hostname in the license

file has changed.

License file(s) used were (in this order):

1. Trusted Storage

2. 28518@BUC-PLAT-APP02

3. C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel\Licenses\COM_W__FOR_Fxxx_xxxxxxxx.lic

4. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\Licenses

5. c:\PROGRA~2\intel\COMPOS~1\bin\ia32\*.lic

Please visit if you require technical assistance.

ifort: error #10052: could not checkout FLEXlm license

Thank you!

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III

If you need someone at Intel to look up your license status, you should get faster response at:

It looks like the license found during the search may be too old for the Fortran release, or, as the message said, you may have all the licenses already checked out.  Checked out licenses should return to availability after a few minutes of being idle.

If you can log in to your account at you can check your licenses and have a fresh copy emailed.

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As it says in the error message, though I admit the message is quite verbose, "A connection to the license server could not be made.". This means that the compiler could not contact the license server on node BUC-PLAT-APP02. You will have to talk to your system administrator to determine why that is. It could be that the license server is not running on that server, or there is a network problem.

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