Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

rc.exe not found


I have seen a number of folks having difficulty with this error and I am now a new victim.  Here is my situation - perhaps my problem is somehow related to this combination:

1- Running Windows on OSx using boot camp

2- Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015

3- Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for Windows - student version

Any advice is appreciated

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4 Replies

Locate the folder containing rc.exe. It will probably be C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x86 for 32-bit, C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64 for 64-bit. In Visual Studio, select Tools > Options > Intel Compilers and Tools > Visual Fortran > Compilers. Edit the Executables list (with the Win32 tab active) and add the x86 path. Then click on x64 and add the x64 path. Click OK.

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Thanks Steve, not there.  I downloaded Microsoft SDK for windows 10. I even searched the entire C: drive but rc.exe is not there.  The only executable I see is vsgraphicsdesktopengine.exe in the path(s) you suggested. BTW, possible to install visual studio in OSx?

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In that case, the problem is that you did not customize the install of VS2015 to add C++ Language support. This is required. The Intel Parallel Studio install warns you about this but allows you to continue anyway, something I have asked to be changed.

Do a "Modify" on VS2015, check the box for C++ language support, then reinstall Intel Parallel Studio.

Visual Studio is for Windows only. We have an Intel Parallel Studio XE for OS X that works with XCode, Apple's equivalent of Visual Studio, though a lot of the Fortran-friendly functionality is missing due to Apple restrictions.

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Steve - Yes, that was it.  I skipped the warning because I was not interested in C++.  I didn't know it was necessary.  While I am often guilty of not reading the instructions carefully enough, the instructions are fragmented at best.  It took me a while to figure out what you meant by "Do a "Modify"..." .  I would be really helpful if there was a concise instruction on how to perform the install.  I have seen homegrown instructions (for other software installations) in MS Word with screen pictures which are very helpful. But I got it done and on my way.  Thanks Steve, you are a real resource - and a real workhorse too.

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