Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas

Crash when I open the Graphic Frame Analyzer



   I captured a frame of dx9 demo through Intel GPA Graphics Monitor, but got a crash when I tried to open the Graphics Frame Analyzer.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    BEX64
  Application Name:    gpa_player.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    57ecdb93
  Fault Module Name:    StachHash_1dc2
  Fault Module Version:

Machine name: ShaderX-PC
Windows 7 build 7601, 64-bit DEP enabled
Num Processors: 4
Memory: 3894MB
System BIOS: Dell Inc. A12 (04/08/2014)
Video BIOS: Hardware Version 0.0 (10/01/20)
Driver 0:
     Device: Intel(R) HD Graphics
     Provider: Intel Corporation
     Date: 8-25-2010
     VendorId: 8086
     ProductId: 46
     Stepping: 18
     Supports GPA Instrumentation
Install directory: D:\Program Files\IntelSWTools\GPA_16.3\
Version: 16.3.302842
Current user is in Administrators group: YES
Current Graphics Performance Analyzers 2016 R3 (16.3.302842)
Secure Boot/Trusted Boot is Disabled


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1 Reply

Hi Luo,

I am sorry to hear you are having trouble running GPA.  Thank you for providing the info you have!

I am assuming you are trying to run the sample GPASample from within the GPA install folder.

I tried to replicate your issue, but I have not had any luck.  From the info you provided, it looks like you are using an older computer (based on the gfx driver and driver version).  It looks to me like you are using a gfx card from ~2010 (IronLake).  The oldest one I have access to is from ~2012 - (Ivy Bridge).

I was able to capture a frame from GPASample and successfully play it back within Frame Analyzer on a Win 7 64bit machine.

I do have a few suggestions that may help you:

- Are you able to update you gfx drivers?

- Are you able to use a machine with more that 4GB or RAM?  I don't think this is necessary, but it does help to have at least 8GB

- Are you able to use a machine with a more recent gfx card?



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