Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA)
Improve your game's performance by quickly specifying problem areas
496 Discussions

Graphics Monitor Server never successfully starts

I tried to run the monitor in any way - but it just always refuses and constantly displays the message: "Graphics Monitor Service crashed and was successfully restarted. No additional actions required". Clearing the message does nothing as it reappears in a flash.

I can't find any other working tools to make frame captures, so I'm just scraping until I get at least something, which brought me here.

I don't have an Intel CPU, but is there any way that I can still use this?
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1 Reply

Hello Bloodwiing,

First try updating your driver. In most cases, this is the issue. Since we collect low level data we usually need the latest driver (any exceptions to that would be in the Known Issues section of the Release Notes for whichever GPA version you are using). 

If that doesn't work, try killing any GPA tasks that are running - from Task Manager. Then try to open it.

If that doesn't work, try reinstalling GPA.

If that doesn't work, tell me which version you are installing (I would assume 2021.2) and what your OS is and what platform you are running on.

GPA should work with just about any CPU and GPU. The only thing is that with Intel Architecture you will get lots more data: hardware metrics.

I hope this helps.



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