Intel® MPI Library
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I_MPI_STATS removed

1.616 Vistas

Hi all,


I just learned that gathering statistics using I_MPI_STATS is not supported by version 2019 of Intel MPI (, "Removals"). 


I found this feature quite useful. Is there now a different way to gather MPI statistics? Will this removal be permanent or might the environment variable be re-introduced in a later version? If none is the case, what is the motivation for removing it?




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1 Responder
1.616 Vistas

Hi Christian,

You can use Application Performance Snapshot (APS) to gather MPI statistics. 

Here is quick guide:

  • $ source
  • $ mpirun <params> aps <binary>
  • By default, APS collects hardware counters and MPI statistics. To disable hardware counters statistics collection: 
    mpirun <params> aps -c mpi <binary>
  • aps_result_<date> directory will be created.

  • $ aps-report aps_result_<date> - generate Summary report (text and HTML)
  • $ aps-report aps_result_<date> -fF - to generate diagram with information about all MPI operations called
  • You can find information about available diagrams by calling $ aps-report -h or here.
  • APS can collect different amount of statistics for each MPI function, you can control it by environment variable MPS_STAT_LEVEL ( 1 to 5, 1 is default) . More information on this can be found here.

Best regards,

