Intel® High Level Design
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707 Discussions

FGPA FIM and BMC firmware version is not updated when install OneAPI base kit 2021.2.0.2883


I just try to upgrade my OneAPI base kit version 2021.1 beta 6 to 2021.2.0.2883 with intel FPGA addon . After installing the base kit and addon, I try to run

aocl install intel_a10gx_pac

 in order to intel PAC software stack for my 2 intel arria 10gx PAC installed in the same machine. Unfortunately, it failed because the FIM and BMC firmware version is not updated to the targeted FIM version 38d782e3-b612-5343-b934-2433e348ac4c. here is the output from command fpgainfo fme:

//****** FME ******//
Object Id : 0xED00001
PCIe s:b:d:f : 0000:D8:00:0
Device Id : 0x09C4
Socket Id : 0x00
Ports Num : 01
Bitstream Id : 0x123000200000185
Bitstream Version : 1.2.3
Pr Interface Id : 69528db6-eb31-577a-8c36-68f9faa081f6
Boot Page : user
Board Management Controller, microcontroller FW version 26889
Last Power Down Cause: POK_CORE
Last Reset Cause: None
//****** FME ******//
Object Id : 0xED00000
PCIe s:b:d:f : 0000:3B:00:0
Device Id : 0x09C4
Socket Id : 0x00
Ports Num : 01
Bitstream Id : 0x123000200000185
Bitstream Version : 1.2.3
Pr Interface Id : 69528db6-eb31-577a-8c36-68f9faa081f6
Boot Page : user

From the output, we can see the FIM verison is 69528db6-eb31-577a-8c36-68f9faa081f6 which is one version older than the target which caused the failure.

Would someone give me some hints why the firmware update fails when running aocl install intel_a10gx_pac and how the firmware can be upgraded to the target version properly?



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1 Reply

Hi @Yung__Sargen,


As we notice there is some duplicate of the issues in this thread, hence will be closing this thread and continue working on the latest one.
Please do let us know if there is any doubts.


Best Wishes

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