Intel® High Level Design
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676 Discussions

quartus compilation error for `include "sr_def_param.vh"



i have quartus project in which i have qsys_top.qsys. In qsys_top.qsys , i have instantiated a custom ip , radio_config.ip. the radio_config.ip is created using a rtl file radio_config.v

i have sr_def_param.vh file where i have defined all my compiler directives.

when i am including this sr_def_param.vh in radio_config.v using `include "sr_def_param" and placing the sr_def_param.vh file in the same directory of where radio_config.v is placed, i am getting quartus compilation error. "radio_config could not open sr_def_param". but when i am opening radio_config.ip and then doing analyze hdl file , there is no error.


similarly, if i place the sr_def_param.vh file in quartus project location and then i use `include "sr_def_param" , then there is no quartus compilation error but  when i am opening radio_config.ip and then doing analyze hdl file , there is errror "radio_config could not open sr_def_param".


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2 Replies

It could be due to the Quartus tool and the Platform Designer tool are searching the files differently.

You can try to use the SEARCH_PATH assignment to define the project libraries (add these to the .QSF file). You can have multiple SEARCH_PATH assignments. However, you can specify only one source directory for each SEARCH_PATH assignment.


set_global_assignment -name SEARCH_PATH "../other_dir/library1"

set_global_assignment -name SEARCH_PATH "../other_dir/library2"

set_global_assignment -name SEARCH_PATH "../other_dir/library3"


Richard Tan

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Richard Tan

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