Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Deliberate problems developing high-performance vision, signal, security, and storage applications. ippResizeSqrPixel crash with CUBIC interpolation

New Contributor I

is there a know bug with Resize and CUBIC interpolation ?

on certain images (i assume specific sizes cause it, but nothing huge or something like that (960x721) )

both ReiszeSqlPixel and Resize (8u_C1R) crash with illegal memmory access.

im using CIpl wrappers from ipp-samples but did try to modify ownResize8u_Plane to use ippiResizeSqrPixel once i noticed crash with ippiResize, however result is the same.

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2 Replies

As you might understand, without a simple test project, in which your problem is reproducable, nobody here can help you.

I use those functions and it did not crash yet.

To my knowledge, most crashes stem from improper use of the "step". Step is a parameter to most IPP functions. It must be a value in bytes that move a pointer of a pixel to the pixel below it.

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Valued Contributor II
>> there a know bug with Resize and CUBIC interpolation ? Aris, If you have an ippiDemo.exe for your version of IPP library use it for a verification. I didn't have a chance to verify it but this is what I would try first. Also, there are source codes for ippiDemo.exe and take a look at it as well. >>...on certain images (i assume specific sizes cause it, but nothing huge or something like that (960x721) )... Thomas's point is absolutely right and more technical details ( a test case, please ) will help ( it is in your interest to provide it ).
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