Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
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Does the IPPCV package that's bundled with OpenCV 3.0 include ALL possible ipp related improvements to the running of OpenCV?


Does the IPPCV package that's bundled with OpenCV 3.0 include ALL of the possible ipp related improvements to the running of OpenCV? Or would I be better off linking OpenCV to the (more complete) ipp directory contained within the student Parallel Studios XE cluster edition I have installed on my system?

For example, I have noticed that the lib directory for IPPCV includes only one .lib file (ippicvmt.lib), whereas the lib directory for ipp in parallel studios contains many more .lib files (16 in total).

However, perhaps these other 15 .ilb files in the complete version are redundant with regards to OpenCV performance improvements, I'm not sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks a lot,

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1 Reply
New Contributor I

Hi Dan!

The question about IPP-optimized OpenCV is old and well-known. Only a small amount of OpenCV functions are IPP-optimized.
It's much more effective to just replace OpenCV functions with similar IPP functions.For example cvCvtColor can be replaced with ippiRGBToGray_8u_C3C1R (for color to gray conversion).


Best regards,

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