Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
Deliberate problems developing high-performance vision, signal, security, and storage applications.

Separable 2d convolution with nxn filter

Does anybody has a simple example of how to perform a 2d separable convolution with an nxn filter.
I do not understand welll how IPP works.
Is it better to add the border to the image and then to use FilterRow and FilterColumnone after the other with the entire image as ROI, or calculate the border on fly using ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline? In the last case how can I deal with the top and bottom border since ippiFilterColumnPipeline does not include the on fly calculation of the borders.
I thinck I miss something, I have studied the example at the end of the section in the documentation, but that one is limitated by using a 3x3 kernel.
0 Kudos
31 Replies

Hi Piotr,

You haven't mentioned if you are build 32bit or 64bit application. I guess, you are building 32bit,right?

Besides the issue of  32bit and 64bit , you mentioned, bigger memory will work around, then there are another factors you may need to take care of

1) about the Bytes

Note the parmaeter in the function : Image stepBytes. It is the distance in bytes of image row. It depends on your array memory layout and data type.  In most of case, it is equal to the image Width*sizeof(datatype)*Channel.  But sometimes, it is not, especially for bmp image and ippMalloc, which required 4 bytes aligned and 32 bytes aligneed correspondingly. there are padded zero at the end of row. so please take care when use stepBystes or shift the pointer by stepBystes.

Not sure how you allocate the memory and how the function  Image_newAllocated_size, ImageSliceElemPointer works 

But usually, an RGB image (width = 150, height = 116),  the image Bytes is

((m_width*m_channels*(Depth()>>3)+3)>>2)<<2  , suppose the Depth()=8, 8bit RGB_8u.   then the image Bytes is 

((150x3*1 +3) >>2) <<2 = 452  not  150x3*sizeof(IPP 8u) = 450

if 32bit float, it should be ok.  150x3*4. = 150x3* sizeof(IPP32f).

2) about the channel, how do you convert 8bit RGB to 1 channel IPP32f array?

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

I'm building 64-bit application.

1) I don't think this is the problem because many other IPP functions work fine with this image.

2) My input image is of 32-bit floating point type so I don't need any conversion. You should be able to reproduce the crash when you use

Ipp32f * img = (Ipp32f*)ippsMalloc_32f(w*h*channels*sizeof(Ipp32f))


Ipp32f * pres = (Ipp32f*)ippsMalloc_32f(dstSize.width*dstSize.height*channels*sizeof(Ipp32f))

Have you considered that there might be a bug in ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline_32f_C1R?


0 Kudos

Hi Piotr,

It may be a bug in the function. Could you please quick check how your program run?

Please replace the code

// organize dst buffer
 for (int ii = 0; ii < dstSize.height; ii++) {
  ppDst[ii] = pDst + ii * (dstStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));

 // perform the actual convolution
 if (sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline_32f_C1R((const Ipp32f*)pSrc, srcStep, ppDst, srcSize, hr_flipped, Nr, 0, ippBorderRepl, 0, pBufferRow))
  goto cleanup;


// organize dst buffer
 for (int ii = 0; ii < dstSize.height; ii++) {
  ppDst[ii] = pDst + ii * (dstStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));

 printf("ppDst[%d] = %llx  , %lf \n", ii, ppDst[ii], *ppDst[ii]);

 /*// perform the actual convolution
 if (sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline_32f_C1R((const Ipp32f*)pSrc, srcStep, ppDst, srcSize, hr_flipped, Nr, 0, ippBorderRepl, 0, pBufferRow))
  goto cleanup;


It seems to me,  the access of the ppDSt  may have some issues also.

Best Regards,


P.S  About Ipp32f **ppDst = (Ipp32f**)ippsMalloc_32f(dstSize.height*sizeof(Ipp32f));, it has issue as I mentioned last.  But as you are using  ippsMalloc_32f, which actually size =mallocSize x 4 ,  so lucky, it seems workable both ia32 and 64bit.

0 Kudos
the test case seems runs fine. 

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "memory.h"
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "ipp.h"

static inline IppStatus IppRowFilter(
 Ipp32f*   pDst,       // Destination Image
 const int  dstStep,      // Destination step
 const Ipp32f* pSrc,       // Source Image 
 const int  srcStep,      // Source step
 const IppiSize dstSize,      // Destination size
 const Ipp32f* hr,        // Row filter
 const int  Nr)        // Row filter size
 IppStatus sts;

 int sizerow;
 Ipp8u *pBufferRow = NULL;
 IppiSize srcSize = { dstSize.width + Nr - 1, dstSize.height };

 // flip the kernel and align the memory to please IPP 
 Ipp32f *hr_flipped = (Ipp32f*)ippsMalloc_32f(Nr*sizeof(Ipp32f));

 ippsFlip_32f((const Ipp32f*)hr, hr_flipped, Nr);

 Ipp32f **ppDst = (Ipp32f**)ippsMalloc_32f(dstSize.height*sizeof(Ipp32f*));

 //  size of temporary buffer
 if (sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipelineGetBufferSize_32f_C1R(srcSize, Nr, &sizerow)) { goto cleanup; }

 // allocate temporary buffer
 if (!(pBufferRow = ippsMalloc_8u(sizerow))) { sts = ippStsNoMemErr; goto cleanup; }

 // organize dst buffer
 for (int ii = 0; ii < dstSize.height; ii++) {
  ppDst[ii] = pDst + ii * (dstStep / sizeof(Ipp32f*));
  //ppDst[ii] = pDst + ii * dstStep;  // / sizeof(Ipp32f*));
  printf("ppDst[%d] = %llx  , %lf \n", ii, ppDst[ii], *ppDst[ii]);

 // perform the actual convolution
 if (sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline_32f_C1R((const Ipp32f*)pSrc, srcStep, ppDst, srcSize, hr_flipped, Nr, 0, ippBorderRepl, 0, pBufferRow))
  goto cleanup;

 if (ppDst)   { ippsFree(ppDst); ppDst = NULL; }
 if (pBufferRow)  { ippsFree(pBufferRow);  pBufferRow = NULL; }
 if (hr_flipped)  { ippsFree(hr_flipped); hr_flipped = NULL; }

 return sts;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 const IppLibraryVersion* lib = ippsGetLibVersion();
printf("%s %s %d.%d.%d.%d\n", lib->Name, lib->Version, lib->major, lib->minor, lib->majorBuild, lib->build);

 Ipp32f kernel[11]= {0.0216149f, 0.0439554f, 0.0778778, 0.118718f, 0.153857f, 0.167953f, 0.153857f, 0.118718f, 0.0778778f, 0.0439554f, 0.0216149f};
 int kernel_length = 11;
 const int w = 150;
 const int h = 116;
 const int channels = 3;
 IppiSize srcSize = { w, h };
 int srcStep = srcSize.width * sizeof(Ipp32f);
 IppiSize dstSize = { (int)(w - kernel_length + 1), (int)h };
 int dstStep = dstSize.width * sizeof(Ipp32f);
 Ipp32f* pSrc = NULL, *pDst = NULL;
 IppStatus stat;

 //*pres =  int in_stride = 0;
 int srcBytes;
 int dstBytes;
 Ipp32f *img = (Ipp32f *)malloc(srcSize.width*srcSize.height*channels*sizeof(Ipp32f));
 Ipp32f *pres = (Ipp32f *) malloc(dstSize.width*dstSize.height*channels*sizeof(Ipp32f));

 //Ipp32f *img = ippiMalloc_32f_C3(srcSize.width,srcSize.height,&srcBytes);

 //assert( in != NULL );
//  printf("ppDst[%d] = %llx   \n", ii, ppDst[ii]);
 // Image_newAllocated_size(img, dstSize.width, dstSize.height, channels);
  Ipp32f **ppSrc = (Ipp32f**)ippsMalloc_32f(srcSize.height*sizeof(Ipp32f));
  // organize dst buffer
 for (int ii = 0; ii < srcSize.height; ii++) {
  ppSrc[ii] = img + ii * (srcStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));

 printf("ppSrc[0] = %llx  value *ppSrc[0]=%lf \n", ppSrc[0],*ppSrc[0] );
// printf("ppSrc[1] = %llx  value *ppSrc[0]=%lf \n", ppSrc[1],*ppSrc[1] );
 //printf("ppSrc[150] = %llx  value *ppSrc[0]=%lf \n", ppSrc[150],*ppSrc[150] );
 //if (*pres == NOT_AN_IMAGE) {
 // return FALSE;

 for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
  pSrc = img+ c*srcSize.height* (srcStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));//ImageSliceElemPointer(img, raw_t_real32, 0, 0, 0, c);
  pDst = pres+ c*dstSize.height* (dstStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));//ImageSliceElemPointer(*pres, raw_t_real32, 0, 0, 0, c);
printf("pDst = %llx  value pDst[0]=%lf \n", pDst,pDst[0] );
// /
 stat = IppRowFilter(pDst, dstStep, pSrc, srcStep, dstSize, kernel, kernel_length);
  if (stat != ippStsNoErr) {
    goto cleanup;
// if (stat != ippStsNoErr) {
 // ippFree(pres);
//  return -1;
// }
 return 0;


0 Kudos

Ying, your code does not crash, but it also does not work correctly because you call

ppDst[ii] = pDst + ii * (dstStep / sizeof(Ipp32f*));

instead of

ppDst[ii] = pDst + ii * (dstStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));

I fixed the problem with allocation of ppDst, but it didn't help.

0 Kudos

Hi Piotr,

Your code will work correctly if you set  Anchor to 10.

sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline_32f_C1R((const Ipp32f*)pSrc, srcStep, ppDst, srcSize, hr_flipped, Nr, 10, ippBorderRepl, 0, pBufferRow);




0 Kudos

Alexander, I don't understand your comment. Setting anchor to 10 does not fix the crash and obviously it generates an incorrect result.

0 Kudos

Hi Piotr,

I see two bugs in your code:

1. It needs to set anchor to 10 to work with border correctly.(  You will see as result pDst[0] = 0.999999 in Ying's test case)

2. You set   IppiSize dstSize = { (int)(w - kernel_length + 1), (int)h };  to allocate pDst  in ImageRowFilter 

and call IppRowFilter(pDst, dstStep, pSrc, srcStep, dstSize, kernel, kernel_length);.

But in IppRowFilter you set  IppiSize srcSize = { dstSize.width + Nr - 1, dstSize.height }; and call

 sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline_32f_C1R((const Ipp32f*)pSrc, srcStep, ppDst, srcSize, hr_flipped, Nr, 0, ippBorderRepl, 0, pBufferRow)); It is reason to generate incorrect result and crash code.




0 Kudos

Aleksander, please provide a full code listing that performs row filtering on an image without doing any padding, i.e. the resulting image is of size {w - kernel_length + 1, h - kernel_length + 1}. I'm performing image padding in a separate function. Please explain why do you think the anchor equal to 10 is a correct setting.


0 Kudos

Hi Piotr,

I suggested to set anchor equal 10(kernel_length -1) in Ying’s test to check that IPP function works correctly, but for your sample anchor equal 0 is correct.

Your mistake is incorrect usage of parameter roiSize for calling of ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline_32f_C1R function.

roiSize is Size of the source and destination ROI in pixels (see )

If you set roiSize equal dstSize = { (int)(w - kernel_length + 1), (int)h } resulting image will have the same size and for calculating of the right kernel_length pixels function will use border, built as ippBorderReplicate.

If you want to use as border pixels from image you need to set border equal ippBorderInMem. Sample I used  for testing is below. 

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "ipp.h"

static inline IppStatus IppRowFilter(
 Ipp32f*   pDst,          // Destination Image
 const int  dstStep,      // Destination step
 const Ipp32f* pSrc,      // Source Image
 const int  srcStep,      // Source step
 const IppiSize dstSize,  // Destination size
 const Ipp32f* hr,        // Row filter
 const int  Nr)           // Row filter size
 IppStatus sts;
 int sizerow;
 Ipp8u *pBufferRow = NULL;
// IppiSize srcSize = { dstSize.width + Nr - 1, dstSize.height };

 // flip the kernel and align the memory to please IPP
// Ipp32f *hr_flipped = (Ipp32f*)ippsMalloc_32f(Nr*sizeof(Ipp32f));
 Ipp32f *hr_flipped = (Ipp32f*)ippsMalloc_8u(Nr*sizeof(Ipp32f));

 ippsFlip_32f((const Ipp32f*)hr, hr_flipped, Nr);

// Ipp32f **ppDst = (Ipp32f**)ippsMalloc_32f(dstSize.height*sizeof(Ipp32f*));
 Ipp32f **ppDst = (Ipp32f**)ippsMalloc_8u(dstSize.height*sizeof(Ipp32f*));

 //  size of temporary buffer
 //if (sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipelineGetBufferSize_32f_C1R(srcSize, Nr, &sizerow)) { goto cleanup; }
 if (sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipelineGetBufferSize_32f_C1R(dstSize, Nr, &sizerow)) { goto cleanup; }

 // allocate temporary buffer
 if (!(pBufferRow = ippsMalloc_8u(sizerow))) { sts = ippStsNoMemErr; goto cleanup; }
 // organize dst buffer

 for (int ii = 0; ii < dstSize.height; ii++) {
  ppDst[ii] = pDst + ii * (dstStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));
  // perform the actual convolution
 if (sts = ippiFilterRowBorderPipeline_32f_C1R((const Ipp32f*)pSrc, srcStep, ppDst, dstSize, hr_flipped, Nr, 0, ippBorderRepl, 0, pBufferRow))

     goto cleanup;

 if (ppDst)   { ippsFree(ppDst); ppDst = NULL; }
 if (pBufferRow)  { ippsFree(pBufferRow);  pBufferRow = NULL; }
 if (hr_flipped)  { ippsFree(hr_flipped); hr_flipped = NULL; }

 return sts;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 const IppLibraryVersion* lib = ippsGetLibVersion();
printf("%s %s %d.%d.%d.%d\n", lib->Name, lib->Version, lib->major, lib->minor, lib->majorBuild, lib->build);

Ipp32f kernel[11]= {0.0216149f, 0.0439554f, 0.0778778, 0.118718f, 0.153857f, 0.167953f, 0.153857f, 0.118718f, 0.0778778f, 0.0439554f, 0.0216149f};
 int kernel_length = 11;
 const int w = 150;
 const int h = 116;
 const int channels = 3;
 IppiSize srcSize = { w, h };
 int srcStep = srcSize.width * sizeof(Ipp32f);
 IppiSize dstSize = { (int)(w - kernel_length + 1), (int)h };
 int dstStep = dstSize.width * sizeof(Ipp32f);
 Ipp32f* pSrc = NULL, *pDst = NULL;
 IppStatus stat;

 Ipp32f *img = (Ipp32f *)malloc(srcSize.width*srcSize.height*channels*sizeof(Ipp32f));
 Ipp32f *pres = (Ipp32f *) malloc(dstSize.width*dstSize.height*channels*sizeof(Ipp32f));


 // Image_newAllocated_size(img, dstSize.width, dstSize.height, channels);
//  Ipp32f **ppSrc = (Ipp32f**)ippsMalloc_32f(srcSize.height*sizeof(Ipp32f));

 Ipp32f **ppSrc = (Ipp32f**)malloc(srcSize.height*sizeof(Ipp32f*));
  // organize dst buffer
 for (int ii = 0; ii < srcSize.height; ii++) {
  ppSrc[ii] = img + ii * (srcStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));

 printf("ppSrc[0] = %llx  value *ppSrc[0]=%lf \n", ppSrc[0],*ppSrc[0] );
// printf("ppSrc[1] = %llx  value *ppSrc[0]=%lf \n", ppSrc[1],*ppSrc[1] );
 //printf("ppSrc[150] = %llx  value *ppSrc[0]=%lf \n", ppSrc[150],*ppSrc[150] );
 //if (*pres == NOT_AN_IMAGE) {
 // return FALSE;
 for (int c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
  pSrc = img+ c*srcSize.height* (srcStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));//ImageSliceElemPointer(img, raw_t_real32, 0, 0, 0, c);
  pDst = pres+ c*dstSize.height* (dstStep / sizeof(Ipp32f));//ImageSliceElemPointer(*pres, raw_t_real32, 0, 0, 0, c);
  printf("pDst = %llx  value pDst[0]=%lf \n", pDst,pDst[0] );
  stat = IppRowFilter(pDst, dstStep, pSrc, srcStep, dstSize, kernel, kernel_length);
  if (stat != ippStsNoErr) {
    goto cleanup;
// if (stat != ippStsNoErr) {
 // ippFree(pres);

 //  return -1;
// }
 return 0;




0 Kudos

It works now. Thank you.

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